Chapter 1

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I sat on my throne all day because there was nothing to do. Later I stood up and walked around my castle. I heard cries at the gate, I walked toward the sound. I open the gate and see a basket, inside the basket was a baby girl. I picked her up and held her close to me. The child's hair was brown and her eyes were white. White eyes? How can this be? I'll have to ask my brothers.

The next part:

I walked to my throne, holding the child and sat down carefully.

"Who is that?" Said Marcus.

"I found her at the gate." I said. I looked in the basket where the human child was set in and saw a letter. I opened it and read.

To those who found my daughter Isabella. Please be good to her. She is a year old now, she can crawl but not talk. She was born on September 27.

From the Mother of Isabella.

The next part:

How sad that a mother left her child behind.

"Shall we keep her?" I asked my brothers. I find it will be fun to have her around.

"I'm an Uncle." Marcus said happily.

"I think it will be okay also." Caius said.

"Then we will keep her, " I agreed.

"Why does she have white eyes? " Caucus asked.

"I thinks she's blind." Marcus answered.

"We need to test it." I said.

I put Isabella on the floor and she started to crawl around. I put a chair in her path. When she collided with into the chair, she cried. I picked her up and held her. "She really is blind." I commented.

"How should we deal with this?" Marcus asked.

"I don't know, but let's see what she does when she gets older." I said.

"Yes, that is sensible. " Caucus remarked.

"Shall we introduce her to the family?" Marcus asked.

I nod.


I was reading a book while sitting on my throne. I heard laughter to my right. I looked and saw Caucus playing with Isabella. With a smile, I went back to reading my book.

A week has passed.

I sat with Isabella on my throne. Her white eyes looked blindly up at me. I tried to get her to speak. "Say, Dad," I said to the child. At first she didn't say anything. So I tried again. "Say, Dad, Isabella."

"Daddy," She said in her cute small voice. I smiled in joy for I was so proud. I put Isabella down on the ground to let her crawl around.

I watched as she crawled to the middle of the floor. She put her hands down and waited. Jane walked in with food for Isabella. "Time to eat," She said.

Jane picked her up and placed on a chair in front of the table. As she tried to feed Isabella, the child recused. "No," She said, loud and clear.

Isabella started to feed herself. Wow she learns fast.

As she ate, I went over to her. "Daddy," She smiled.

I picked her up and put her on the ground. I placed a chair two feet in front her. She started to crawl towars the chair, but has she got close to it she stopped and said no. Then she turned around and crawled toward me.

"How can that be?" Marcus asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"It seems she can see, " Marcus commented.

"Maybe she has a gift," Caucus suggested.

"That can't be, she's a human." Marcus said.

"Perhaps," I said. "But I think we should keep an eye on her and see." I suggested as I look to the child.

A few years later, now Isabella is four years old.

We now know that Isabella has a gift. She told me as we sat on the granite ground of the throne room.

She told me that she can feel everything around her. When someone was on the floor she can feel that person or persons. When she can feel someone she can "see" them. If she can't feel them, then she could not. So she is technically blind.

Isabella has another gift. She is a copier. She can copy anyone's talent. She has already copied Jane's power, the power to cause pain to others using her mind. And she has copied my own gift, to read every thought a person has ever had with a single touch.

She is very special. My Isabella, whom I am so proud of. Everyone loves her, including myself, as if she were our own.

Only time will tell, how powerful and great Isabella will become.




Xxx Lisa

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