Part 2: Chap 4

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Sarina pov.

It's been three weeks since Roy has been kidnapped. My family has searched for days but found nothing. Roy is gone for good. My dear boy.

A tear falls from my eye. Seth wipes away the tear.

I look at Liv who is sleeping in my arms. she grows rapidly.

We still don't know whether she has gifts. Dad says we have to be patient, but I can't.

Aunt Rose comes to me and grabs Liv. I smile at her. Now, I can just do something with Seth.

"Seth, we will go out," I say. Seth nods.

We get up and walk outside, we transform into wolves and run into the woods.

It has been raining and all the leaves are wet, I always think it smells so good after a rainstorm. I smell the delicious aroma of forest.

"Where are we going," I say in my mind. "We can go to the waterfall?" Said Seth. I nod my head.

We run at top speed through the forest. I see the waterfall in the distance.

"Contest?" I say. "Yes," said Seth. I run my fastest.

I stop at the water. "And I am again the first," I say in my mind.

I win a lot lately with the matches.

"Shall we go swimming?" Said Seth. "Yes, we should," I say.

We transform into human form and jump into the water, It feels pretty cold.

We splatter each other and scream like two small children.

"Haha," I say, when I push Seth under the water. "Do you have to pay attention but," said Seth. Quickly he pushes me even under the wate, we laugh very hard.

I'm floating on my stomach, The sun shines through the trees.

Suddenly I get a feeling shivers. "I need to see Liv," I say.

" She's resting Sarina, there is nothing wrong with Liv", say Seth. I nod no. "I have a really bad feel about it, we're going now," I say.

I swim to the side, Seth comes after me.

Our clothes are now very wet but when we change into a wolf and then back into a human, our clothes are dry. That is so convenient.

I change into a wolf and run home, Seth comes after me.

When we get home I change into human form, and run into the house.

"Liv," I scream.

I see Aunt rose sitting on the sofa and Liv is in her arms, I sit down next to her.

"You see," said Seth. "There's nothing wrong with Liv," said Seth. I nod.

"I had worried about Liv," I say.

"You are a mother," says Rose. I nod.

Rose gives me Liv, I hug her.

Seth stands next to me and give me a kiss.

"My worried wife," he says. I start to laugh.

We're going to sit on the couch and look at Liv.

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