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Swara was remembering THEIR PAST where she had lot of sweet & romantic memories.They had even shared a Bed.They had intimate relations...6 yrs ago...

Her thoughts jerked by the voice of Sanskar.

Sanskar-Hello!!!??How are u DARLING???Good to see u

Swara just slapped him & went out of the restaurant followed by Sanskar...


He blocked her way...Held her waist & turned her to him...

Sanskar-Swara listen to me...we need to talk...come inside we'll sit & Talk..

Swara jerked his hands...

Swara-I don't wanna talk to u

Swara was remembering that day when he used her like tissue paper & threw it away

She never wanted see his face again in life...But

Sanskar-U r taking me wrong...things r not u r taking it as...(interrupted)

Swara-First say me how u conviened Ragini to convience me...or u lied like old ur old habbit???Old habbits are hard to die...

Sanskar-Laksh & me are friends...I wanted to surprise they agreed...

Swara-I'm let me go...

Sanskar-Atleast let me buy dinner for u....for our old times sake


She looked away from Sanskar...A drop of tear fell from her eyes....(But why????Afterall she hate him...)

She hated him for what he had done...He used her...


She walked away...

Sanskar-Why not??It was'nt that bad at all...was that???

And that was the problem before she could found out the truth,the time they had spent together was good.Thats why they broke-up...could she even told it they had'nt been in relationship?so devastrating...

Swara- U shouldn't have done this...Sammy

She lowerd her voice...

Precap-FLASHBLACK 6 yrs ago

How was the part???plz encourage me with ur comments...


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