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Sanskar awoke with a start & sat up,his subconscious alerting him that he wasn't in his own bed.He looked around the small space & gradually his memory came back.

Swara's bedroom.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes & swung his legs off the bed,squinting at the sun coming in through the window.
She must be downstairs already bcoz he didn't hear her in the adjoining bathroom.

Smiling to himself,he stood up,thinking about the night before.


He was behaving like a man experiencing his first love,but it might be accurate description.He'd never felt this way about anyone.

The experience with Swara in London had become the benchmark by which he measured every other woman.It didn't make sense when he considered they'd only had those two days,but no other woman had ever made him feel such an intense attraction.Not a single one,& it wasn't for lack of trying to recapture the feeling.

One by one he lifted his clothes from the floor & put them on.He went downstairs & found her in the kitchen wearing a white silk robe,looking out the window over the sink.He walked towards her.

Sanskar-Gud mrng☺
She greeted over her shoulder.
He knew what she was doing.Overthinking,overanalyzing.

Swara sipped her coffee,reliving what had happened & hiding from her feelings & what she'd done.She'd been so caught up,not bothering to think about what it all meant.This mrng she'd woken up & try to figure out if this meant they were a couple,or was this one of those odd reconnects with no real definition.& if so,could she handle it?

She considered her life as near to perfect as it could be.She owned her own place in an exclusive part of town,she had a successful business & a clique of close girlfriends she could call on any time she needed companionship.But Sanskar added a dimension she hadn't anticipated,& it threaten to disrupt her peaceful life.

She wanted to do the modern thing & act as if sleeping with him had been no big deal,but it was a big deal to her.

She heard him come closer.
Sanskar-Can I tell what I really want this mrng?
Swara-Sure.Would u prefer tea or juice?
Sanskar-Neither,I'd rather have u.😉

Swara closed her eyes & tighten her fingers around the mug before carefully setting it on the top of the counter.

Swara-U had me last night.
She said in an effort to resist the inevitable outcome.(Sanskar ki Asankari Swara😉😜😂)
Sanskar-I want u this mrng too.😉

He grasped the back of her neck,& she shivered at his touch.His rough thumb moved back & forth over her skin.He pressed against her,his erection hard & long against her backside.

Sanskar-You feel that?This is me all the time,every time I'm near u.I can't keep my hands off of u.

They had a similar problem.
She'd been aroused long b4 he even touched her.She remained in a constant state of arousal around him.Closing her eyes,Swara fought back the moan building up in her chest .

Her head fell back & he kissed the underside of her jaw.
She touched his rough cheek with the backs of her fingers,turning her head so he could kiss the corner of her mouth.
The silk of her robe brushed along her inner thigh,feeling way too sensual in a way it never had b4.

Was there no end to the ways in which he affected her?

Turning around,her eyes sought his,seeking some kind of answer,but finding only a lazy smile that seemed to hover perpetually around his mouth.

He unfastened the belt & slid the robe from her shoulders,letting his hand glide along her arms on its way down.

A heavy heat settled b/w her thighs as she watched his appreciative gaze scan her naked form,his eyes darkening to cobalt blue as he pulled her closer.

She slid a hand around his neck & dragged his head down to hers.Their kiss deepened,& she lost the ability to think.But thinking could come later.
Right now,she only wanted to feel.

Precap-Ragini gets to know the truth-- Past & last night of Swasan...😉
What will be her reaction??😲
Keep thinking😂

How was the part??


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