Part-43 (Epilogue)

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Paris Fashion Week wrapped up days ago,but Swasan still had 3 days more in Paris.

In the beginning,she'd managed to get him into a couple of the less restricted venues to see the unveiling of the designers' collections.When he dozed off during one of the runway shows,she told him to he didn't have to suffer through any more events.At first he insisted it wouldn't hapoen again,but she'd finally gotten him to admit that he'd rather drink turpentine than see another designer outfit.

With the lots of advice from Swara,he explored the city on his own while she went to meetings & attended industry shows.

They paid an exorbitant fee to stay at their particular hotel on perhaps the best known avenue in the world,the Champs-Elysees.Swara's first visit to Paris had involved much more modest accomodations,but they'd both agreed that it was worth the splurge to have a good time & create new memorirs together.

Swara-Yes Yes.I know,but I was busy.& tonight Sanskar & I are going out.Tomorrow I come here,I promise.Lots of Love.Muah.😘

Swara hung up the phone tomorrow they'd visit some of her old friends,including her former landlord who owned a bakery she'd lived above yrs ago.She'd just apologized for not coming by sooner & told him she would stop by tomorrow.Tonight she & Sanskar planned to have a dinner at one of the fine dinning restaurants within walking distance.

Sanskar-This one or this one?
Sanskar held up 2 ties against his white shirt.
Swara pointed to the one on the right with a balck & blue grid pattern.
Swara-That one,& wear the blue shirt.
Sanskar-I'm pretty sure I know how to dress b4 I met u.(said with a frown)😂

Swara wrinkled her nose.
She bent to slip on her shoes.😱😨
Sanskar-What was that?
He grabbed her from behind & she screeched.
Sanskar-I gt u though,didn't I?
He said into the croock of her neck.
Swara-Yes,u did.
With one arm still around her,he lifted her left hand.The 3 diamonds💎💎💎in her engagement band💍 reflected the light & glimmered on her finger.He'd proposed the night b4 during a romantic candlelit dinner.

She hadn't had a chance to tell her sister (Ragini) yet.As she watched Sanskar dressed in the blue shirt & the tie she'd suggested,she decided now was as good a time as any & picked up the phone.She walked over to the window to gaze out at the night

Ragini-What time is it there?(she asked after they'd greeted each other)
Swara-A little after 7.We're about to go out to dinner.
Her 10 months old nephew bellowed in the background.
Swara-What's he hollering about?😄
Ragini-He's being greedy.Hang on a sec,let me give him his bottle.
Moments later,the loud screams stopped.
Ragini-Whew.He is the greediest little thing.
Although her sister sounded exhausted,Swara knew she was happy.
Swara-I called u to tell u my good news.I couldn't hold it anymore.😃
Ragini-What's that?
Swara-Sanskar proposed😍😘😄.

Ragini screamed,which made Swara pull the phone away from her ear.😂😂😄😃
Ragini-He did?😃
Swara-Yes,he did.😍😁
Ragini sighed.
Ragini-An engagement in Paris.How romantic.😍😍
Swara-I guess I'll be joining the ranks of the married & crazy soon.Then the kids will follow.
Her stomach tilted sideways at the thought of carrying Sanskar's babies.😉😍😝
Ragini-You'll love it.I personally love being a full-time mummy,but you'll have to find your own balance with your business & the kids.You probably have a flow chart already created,don't u?
B4 she could answer the teasing question,Ragini followed up with another.
Ragini-How'd he do on the ring?
Swara-He did a good job.
Stretching her fingers in front of her to admire it.
Ragini-I knew I liked him.I can't wait to see it.

Swara-I never did thank u,did I?
Ragini-For what?
Swara looked over her shoulder.Sanskar stood in front of tge mirror slipping on his jacket.
Swara-For setting me up on that BLIND DATE.
Ragini-I'll take the credit ,but I'm sure if I didn't.Sanskar would have devised some other plan to get to u.
Swara-Probably,but I'm glad you did it anyway.That night changed everything.My life hasn't been the same since.
Ragini-I'm so happy for you.😀
Swara-Thanks.I better go.I wanted to say hi & tell u my good news.Say hi to Laksh & kiss 😘 the kids for me.

Swara hung up & walked over to Sanskar to straighten his tie.
Sanskar-I'm presentable now?
His mouth tilted up in a smile that had won her over from day one.The blue of the shirt brought out the color of his dark brown eyes;the main reason she'd wanted him to wear it.
She answered,raising up on her toes to kiss his lips.😘

Swara-Love u.😍❤💗💖
She swiped lipstick from his mouth with her thumb.
Sanskar whispered-Say it in Bengoli.
Swara-Āmi tōmāẏa bhālōbāsi
He groaned & then smiled.
He liked it when she spoke Bengoli.
Sanskar-Love you too,future Mrs.Maheshwari.😍❤💟💞💗😉
Minutes later,they left the hotel to go to dinner,& strolled hand in hand down the Champs-Elysees.

💖❤💕💖❤💕THE END💖❤💕💖❤💕

How was the Ending??😀

Thank you to all the commentators for always commenting on my ff even though it was not up to the mark & encouraging me & At last all the Silent Readers for reading & liking my ff.
For the last time do comment😉😜


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