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Sanskar-When do u get off??

She laughed nervously..

Swara-This is ridiculous.

Sanskar-No,its not.U have to eat & I want to feed u...Makes sense to me

He hoped that by keeping conversation light,she wouldn't overthink & slip from his grasp,leaving him standing there with no where to see her again.

Sanskar-What kind of food do u like?

Swara shook her head in defeat

Swara-Chinese is my favourite.

Sanskar-& when do u get off?

Swara-At 6:00

Sanskar-I'll be here by 5:50,waiting(Impatient Sanky)

Swara-If u r not,it's no big deal.

He fixed his gaze on her face.

Sanskar-I hope that's not true

She hesitated,tilting her head slightly,black eyes following him as if trying to figure him out.She obviously still doubted his sincerity.

Swara-I'll see u at 6:00,Sanskar Maheshwari

(So finally she agreed for dinner...If she'll not agree than how their story begin sorry correction LOVE STORY)


Somehow,Sanskar had charmed Swara into accepting his invitation to dinner that day.(In Past)

She could tell some of the charam was still there though she noted differences in him that came with age.He still had an easygoing,affable personality,but his face had matured & he had bigger muscles,causing him to exude an overt masculinity that called out to her femininity

She closed her menu when the waitress arrived.After some prodding from Sanskar,she'd decided to order a meal instead of appetizer (name of dish or drink taken before maincourse).

Yet again he'd gotten his way.He'd reminded her of where they were, & she couldn't resist plcing an order for one of her favorite dishes.

She chose the Manchurian with Fried Rice while Sanskar opt ed for a meal of steak medallions with potatoes & Veg Chawming.

To start,they each ordered the cup of noodles Soup.

The waitress tried them to tempt with wine,but knowing she'd ned to keep a clear head.

She requested water with lemon & Sanskar selected a bottle of soda.

Swara-How do u know my brother-in-law & sister?

Sanskar-I met Laksh first.He & I go to the same bar,& one day we struck up a conversation & become friends.We happened to meet up there around the same every so often to watch sports when he wasn't working late at the hospital.He likes to show off photos of his family.It's obvious how much he loves Ragini & kids.

The last time I saw him,he mentioned his sweet & beautiful sister-in-law, & how couldn't figure out why u weren't married.

He hadnt talked about u much before then,& when he said ur name,I couldn't believe it.I asked him ur last name,& the next thing I know, he's showing me a picture of u.

Swara-Hoe did u convienced him to set this up ??

Sanskar-That wasn't easy,at first he said no way,but then he said he'd discuss it with Ragini.

She eventually came on board when I told her I'd been looking for u & how happy I was to find u again.

Swara-My sister smarter than that.She can usually see through BS.

Sanskar-Maybe there wasn't any BS.I'm really happy to find u.

His intense stare made Swara uncomfortable.She played with the knife & fork on the table,moving them around before shifting them right back into the same position again.

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