Chapter 3

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I watched as Ravi opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I pondered inside my head.

I'm kinda surprised that he didn't wait for me to say thanks. At least I know he isn't very demanding.

I sighed as I knew that he is probably going to follow me around or probably ask me what I'm getting.

I grabbed some chocolate then I walked to the counter.

I smiled as I placed the chocolates on the counter for the person to scan.

"Seoyun, chocolates. Really?" The person asked me as from the voice or sounded like a lady.

"Yea... you know chocolate is a girl's best friend." I stated as she smiled then nodded.

"Well, that will be $12.67 please." She said as I nodded and took out my wallet.

Looking around for a 10 dollar bill and maybe about 3 dollars. When I finally found them, I took them out and look.

Ravi gave her 13 dollars.

Really? I had my money out!!

"Okay, your change is 33 cents." She added as Ravi took the change.

She gave me the bag as I sighed deeply.

Ravi is just wasting his money.

"Do you want the change?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"It's your money." I stated as he nodded.

Ravi took my hand and gave me the change.

"Keep the change." He said as I nodded.

"Okay, but was it really necessary to pay for my stuff?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Everything is necessary." He spoke as I sighed.

He's kinda right.

"Okay than." I replied as he smirked.

"So, chocolate huh?" He asked me as I smirked.

"Don't judge me." I snapped at him as he nodded.

"Okay, I won't." He remarked as I smiled then continued to walked with him.

He seems so nice. But, for his looks I would expect him to have some sort of mean or demanding side.

Maybe he does, it's just I haven't seen it.

"So, do you like sports?" I asked him as I tried to start up a little conversation.

"Yea... in the fastest out of my friend." He answered as I knew that he was lying.

"You sure? How come your not on the track team?" I asked him as he seemed to tensed up a little.

"I just don't like to show it." He replied as I smiled.

"Really? How about we race to that tree?" I asked him as I stopped and stopped than walked back next to me.

"That tree? Um... I don't know." He responded as I sighed.

"If your the fastest you should at least keep up with me or be a little behind me." I spoke as he nodded.

"Okay." He added as I nodded.

"Okay then, 3, 2, 1, Go!" I yelled as I bolted to the tree.

I was just about a few feet away from the tree as I looked behind me. Ravi's so far behind me.

I gave the tree a light tap and stood by it waiting for Ravi to finish.

When he got about like two feet from the tree he stopped to catch his breath.

"So, are you the fastest? Cause I know that Leo is on the soccer team." I stated as I was just blowing my nails.

"You could've told me that!" He whined as I snickered.

"Yea.. could've, but it's better to proof then tell it." I stated as he was still breathing deeply.

"Anyway, if you want to be rained on, you better start walking." I spoke as he nodded while he tried to stand up.

I moved away from the tree and started to walk towards my house.

I was hoping that he would man up and catch up but gezz... he was still standing there breathing.

I sighed deeply and shuffle  towards him.

Once I got to him I loop one around him.

"Come on slowpoke." I joked as I started to walk so that he had to walk.

"So, you can get the fact that a girl beat you?" I asked him as he sighed.

"Its no fair." He remarked as I smiled.

"Life isn't fair." I replied as he sighed.

"Your right." He spoke as I smiled.

"Anyway, thanks for being with me." I thanked him as he looked at me like, it's over?

"Um.... no problem." He stated as I smiled.

{ N's P.O.V }

"Where is he?" I asked myself as I was standing in front of Ravi's door.

I understand that Ravi, kinda moved out a few weeks ago but really... he needs to answer the door.

I knock on the door once again, hoping something different then a reject.

I sighed after a few seconds of standing.

He's probably sleeping.

I took out my phone and started to call Ravi.

I'm just hoping his phone will wake him up.

I looked around so I had something else to do other then stand there.

But when I looked behind me I saw something a little different, something that wasn't planned.

I noticed that Ravi was with a girl. But who is it?

I started to walk backward and saw that the girl was Seoyun!


I'm kinda shocked but not at the same time.

Ravi is popular... And so is S epyun but she is more popular then Ravi.

I just want to know how did he meet her.

I smiled as I started to walk backward again and hide behind a bush.

I'm pretty impressed.

But who Seoyun like someone like Ravi?

I heard that she liked guys that seem to be more then they look.

And as for Ravi... actually, it might work.

I continued to hide behind the Bush until Ravi showed up in front of door.

I watched him unlocked it and then shut the door.

I got up from my hiding place and knocked on Ravi's door.

He opened the door a second later.

"Gezzz... you finally answered. It took you forever." I acted as I didn't want Ravi to know that I'm nosey...

"Yea... sorry about that." He spoke as I knew that he was lying.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something." I stated as I saw that Ravi tensed up a little bit.

"Um... sure..." He replied as I cleared the way for me.

I walked in and sat down on one of his couches.

"Okay... so.... Yejin's birthday is coming up, and I didn't know what to do." I spoke, I don't know why I came to ask Ravi that.

"Um... Okay. So why do you need me?" He asked me as I sighed deeply to add more hype.

"I just want to know what I should wear." I added as Ravi sighed.

"Just, be yourself Okay?" He remark as I nodded.

"Okay, but, one thing." I missed to get Ravi's eyes on me.

"Why were you hanging out with Seoyun?" I asked him as his eyes quickly went wide eye and he seemed to be sitting up straight.

"Seoyun? The tomboy? I wasn't." He lied, I could tell.

"Are you sure? Cause I saw you walking with her earlier." I added as Ravi sighed deeply.

"Okay.. fine, you caught me. Nosey." He boomed as I sighed and smiled.

"Do you like her by any chance?" I asked him as he nodded no.

"No... just... it was her birthday." He added as i sighed and nodded.

"Okay... but, you can tell us if you want to." I added as i got up.

"Okay, hyung." He said with his head down.

"Anyway, bye." I spoke as I waved bye to him.

I walked out of the door and shut it.

I sighed once I left his house.

He seems to be doing great on his own.

But I think he really does like Seoyun.

But why her? It can be any other person but it's Seoyun. I mean like, she's not a bad person but I think she's a bad influence for Ravi.

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