Chapter 7

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[N's P.O.V]

I watch as I let Yejin just try and sleep on my shoulder.

I mean she just did it anyway. I guess she's really tired.

I let her sleep on my shoulder so she'll be ready to hang with me after this.

Its a good thing that she didn't really fight to not come with us.

But I really jus want it to be me and her. But I don't really think that the others trust me with her but I bet Ravi does.

I give her a simple shake and she quickly wakes up from it.

"What?" She asked me I kinda smirked than tapped her shoulder.

"Aish... she's not here." She said annoyed with me.

"Well... we can't get in trouble now." I said to her and she nodded than sat up.

"Exactly... what are you planning to do after this?" She asked me and I quickly thought of something but I couldn't really think of something.

"Hmm.... your really fun to be around. So I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang with us again." I said giving her just something I just thought up.

"Really? I thought you would hate me." She said and I was pretty shocked, like I couldn't really hate a girl like her, well really I can't really hate any girl.

But she is one of those girl you would hate right? Or is it just me?

"Well. I don't." I said and she just frowned than turned that into a smile.

And that's when the teacher walked into the room.

"Sorry I was late, I had to go a quick meeting." She said as he quickly walked to front of the gym.

"Anyway, this project uses teamwork. That's why you guys have partners." She said as most of the room nodded and the other just didn't do anything.

"But... this time your going a hunt." She said as everyone gasped and looked around the room.

"So.. everyone is going to get a map and you and your partner is going to crack the code by solving the clues." She said as some people groaned and the other people gasped again.

"So good luck and also. the map and everything is under your chair." She said as everyone looked under their chair and grabbed the stuff and so did I.

"Get it for me." Yejin said as I gave her a puzzled look but did it anyway.

I gave her, her stuff and than everyone stared to go out of the door.

I guess this meeting is over.

I followed her as I already knew that she was going to hang with me right?

I continued to follow her at this point I felt like a stalker.

"Where are you going?" I asked her once we got outside and she ran to her bike.

"Home." She said as I just face palmed myself. Of course she isn't going to hang with me.

"You sure?" I asked her as I grabbed her shirt and pulled her back.

"Fine!" She yelled as I let her go and she ran to her bike.

"What are you doing?" I asked her she go on her bike.

"I'm going to take this back home so I can ride it tomorrow." She said and I quickly stopped her.

"We're not going with Ravi." I said and just before she was about to bike of she stopped and looked back at me.

"Why?' She asked me as she was still on her bike.

"Well, one, he's going against us and two, he really doesn't know that I'm doing this." I said and I can tell that Yejin is face palming herself inside.

"Okay, okay, you win, but how are we going to do anything?" She asked me and that's when I just felt plan just crumble up.

"I don't know." I said and she looked at the back on the bike it had some kind of seat but it was more of a basket.

"You can ride on that as I bike." She said as she pointed to the basket she was looking at earlier.

I can't ride that....

When I was looking for some fun or like just hanging out with Yejin, I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't find myself riding the back of the bike.

I opened the map that our teacher gave us and it was a map of the whole town.

"So.... this is harder than I thought it would be." I said as Yejin sighed in annoyance.

"Why what is it?" She asked me as she started to slow down cause we were close to where we were going.

"The clues are about one place in town." I said and she just laughed like I was joking.

"No come on, the teachers would never do that." She said to me, she definitely thought that I was joking.

"I'm not joking check the map." I said and just sighed and got off the bike and so I did I and she locked the bike. And that's when she opened the map.

"Okay, your right." She said as he folded the map back up and unfolded the clues.

"I know the first one." She said as I just laughed at her like she was joking.

"You sure? Lets me see." I said as I got next to her and looked at the first clue.

It said:

The beautiful place for most dates but it has magic just throw a coin into it and your dream will come true.

"Um..... What?" I asked myself as Yejin just laughed at me.

"Hmm... let's see.... N wishes to have a girlfriend some day but it won't happen cause he can't answer this one question." Yejin said trying to annoy me.

"What is it?" I asked her and she just looked at me.

"If you had a girlfriend where would you take her on your first date?" She asked me it took me some hard thinking but I thought of it.

"I would take her to like the only park here." I said and she smirked.

"That's the answer." She said and I just gasped.

"Really?" I asked her and she looked like she was going to slap me.

She took out a pen and wrote down under the clue park and than she looked at the other one. I looked at it with her too.

When your bored and you want to do something [on the tv] where do you go?

"Its the video game shop." I said and she smiled than took out her pen wrote it down.

"I guess lets go to the park?" She asked me and I nodded.

"than the video game shop." I said and she nodded.

She unlocked her bike again and got on it than I got on it.

While she was biking to the park I was thinking of something.

I guess we make a good team, But I really wonder if my dreams do come true at the fountain. Anyway, I look at some others and see if I can solve any but I couldn't really read them so I just folded it back up and just waited and maybe talked to Yejin for a bit.

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