Chapter 9 - First Kiss.

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First kiss OTW.......

Happy Reading❤️

James's POV:

"I want you. All of you. " And when I said it that I want all of hers, I was really meaning of whatever that belongs to her and that's including little Jordy too, who turns my whole vision of life upside down.

"I-I....." she stuttered and the tip of my thumb, never stopped lingering over her plump lips.

I leaned in to taste them and Nicolla took a sharp intake as if she about what to happen.

"Mama, I love this party. " Jordy's chiming tone made me to stop about what I'm about to do and Nicolla quickly pulled away from my touch. I could feel the same intense pain in my chest and I sat I straight, directing myself somewhere.

She did it twice like this as if she don't like me but then, why should she let me in that easily? Maybe, she doesn't want a blind man? If she ever thought this way, then, I wouldn't blame her.

Who would want to be with a man, who couldn't even safe himself properly if there's any danger coming?

She's a woman, every woman do have a thought to feel safe in their man's presence so of course, I wouldn't get to give her the feeling because I'm, myself is disable to protect what's mine.

I wanted to cry out aloud, but I controlled. I regret everything that happened on the day when I got into this massive crash.

"Really baby? Then, you know what you should do. " Nicolla cooed him and I got this little smile, because when I regretted the accident, I never did thought that I wouldn't get to meet them if it never happens.

I wouldn't get to feel this comfort and homely with them if any of that never happen. Of course, I wouldn't have known their existent and I could never get to meet my perfect woman with the baby boy along.

"Uncle James, thank you so much." Little Jordy's arms are around my hip as I was sitting in his level and I wrapped my arms around him as I embrace him tightly while placing him up on my shoulder.

My one arm reached to the side where Nicolla is located and as soon as I caught onto her smooth arm, I pulled her by her waist to my side and embrace them both altogether.

Nicolla's arm hesitatingly came up on my back and she hold onto me closely. I placed both their head a kiss and I couldn't ask for more. Both were laying on either my shoulder and I felt complete.

I wouldn't regret the accident anymore. I would do anything to show my family that I'm a man who could really take care of what's his.

They are my lifeline and I just found the truth behind why do I survived the accident that day.

Nicolla's POV:

With that, I give him my heart.

I really couldn't resist to fall for this charm and the way he held us with so much preciousness and love, is something else to say.

I wanted to be like this forever and when he said that he wants all of me, my heart nearly popped out of my chest to do this happy dance. But I couldn't risk my heart because later, when he got to see again, he would surely never want me at the first look and how could I risk my own heart with this overloading feelings?

His hand rested on my back and I was still surprised about how he dragged me closer with just one arm around me as if I'm a light feather. I'm 190 pounds for God's sake and he seems to be simply handling me.

I leaned upwards to stare at his handsome face and he was leaning against Jordy now. I'm being a pervert while staring this man without a blink and when his head spun at me, I gasped shockingly as I found that we are only inches away from being kissed.

His face sprinkled in confusion and he was about to touch my lips with his but I quickly placed my palm on my lips. Covering them to avoid the advances because I don't want him to think that I'm taking advantages of him.

I want it to happen naturally, not like some accident which only end him up to think that I'm being such a pervert right now.

"I'm sorry, I...I just got carried away. " I explained as I moved away a little.

"It's okay. I insisted though. " James soft voice assured me and later, we decided to leave the party.

Little Jordy had already passed out on James's shoulder and while we were waiting for the Uber, James's hand lounge on the air smoothly as he extended it towards me.

"J-James? " I questioned hesitatingly as my hand was already clasping his.

"I wanted to hold you too. Is that bad? " How can I not fall for this words. I'm already falling for this man and can I risk my heart?

In minutes, the Uber was here and we hopped in side by side. We reached my apartment and we walked in the house as James straight away wandered to my room to plop the baby boy who's soundly asleep.

I placed my bag on the dressing table and waited at the door frame while watching his every move.

James counted the way along as he turned around to leave the room and he stood right next to me. How could he simply spot me like this?

He never looked up at me as his head hung low and he pulled out the cane from his back pocket as he started to debate about something in his mind. He was unfolding the cane pretty slowly and I stood by him without uttering a word.

The tension around us increasing momentarily.

"So...I'm leaving, then. " he uttered in this low tone as he clears his throat first.

I looked at the clock in the living room and it's pretty late by now.

I peered back at him and I wasn't expecting to thought this, but I don't want to leave me like this. I don't know what I wanted and I stood there like a child, my body swirling in anticipation.

"Nicolla? Are you really here or am I talking alone? " he said as the last part came as a hush and his head hanging low again.

"Yes....I'm here. " I clarified for him and he gently smiled.

"I became really worried when you zoned out like that without saying anything. " he chuckled as he tipped the cane downwards on the floor.

"Your right. " I shyly replied as a giggle passed in me.

"Okay, so I'm leaving then. I had a wonderful night. " he said as he walked passed me to the main door.

I'm really not going to let him walk alone in this time. It's already midnight though and what if he admits into danger?

"James, wait. You can stay the night here. " I told as I walked behind him.

"It's okay, Nicolla. I don't want to bother you two again tonight. You guys did so much already. " James spoke softly and he was near the door knob, when I quickly added in.

"You...didn't kiss me goodbye also. " I stated randomly, my mission to only stop him from leaving and I don't know where's this courage building in me.

I was thinking about not risking my heart like hours ago and here I'm, asking him to stay or even reminding him to kiss me like usual.

"Ya, right. " James chuckled and he made his way back to me. Gently holding my cheek with his hand as he leaned in to kiss my forehead. He leans away slowly, and I'm sure if he hadn't worn that black glasses, I would have melted like an ice cream in his coal orbs.

"I want you to stay. Please, don't leave. " I said the unexpected as I wrapped my arms around him. He stroked my cheek as he smiled a little and he placed a kiss there.

I closed my eyes, feeling every bit of sparks flashed through his kiss and he never stops there, he gently pecked my other cheek along with my nose, which it only remained my lips to be touched.

"James, I'm...I'm a black woman and I have a very....big body. Do you...really think that you want me? " I really wanted to let him know before anything goes far.

What if he wanted to end up everything right today and what if he loath a big black woman?

His face scrunched in a manly smirk and the next action of his, took me by surprise.

He smashed his lips onto mine with so much of pressure as if he was waiting all day to do that. He devour my plump lips and his hand cupped my neck gently as his fingers played along my curly hair. I started to kiss him back, slowly and patiently, as my knees are giving up my balance.

I heard a gentle thud on the floor as his another arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him. Even a single hair couldn't fit in between us and he suddenly sucked on my lower lips as it ended up me to moan and him to pluck his tongue into me. Tasting and savoring every corner of my mouth in such an expertise ways.

He pulled away unwillingly as our need to breath kicked in and my hands were gently pressed against his chest.

After taking off his glasses while placing it in his back pocket, he traces my face delicately from my forehead then to my eyes, nose, ears and he sensually licked his lips as he came to my lips, rubbing them softly as he went down slowly to my chin. His hand lingered over my neck and then, airily he hovered over my shoulders as he reached to my big breast.

He never cupped it as I expected but as the gentleman he is, he lightly lingered on the swell of both my breast and that when I whimpered a little.

He smirked and his discovering arms gone everywhere around my body. He finally stopped as he wrapped his arms around me and he leans his head firmly next to my ear while whispering, "You look so perfect to me. "

So, he just saw me with his fingers tips and that's why he had to travel all over my body like that. My cheeks heated up with blushes and James kissed my lips again.

"So, you don't mind me staying? " he asked as we placed our foreheads together. I shook my head lightly and he took the message while he grinned ear to ear.

"Then, I'm not leaving. " he whispered and I closed my eyes, taking delight of the moment now.

I would update more later......#stayhome

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