Epilogue - Beautiful Life.

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Officially welcoming you all to our very finale
('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

And so, I tried this new way to write an epilogue for this story so let me know if your liking it at the end yeah!!

Happy Reading, lovelies❤️

Nicolla's POV:

"Seven. Eight. Nine and......Ten. I'm on my way little guy. " James said in that kiddy tone and moved around every corner of the house to find Jordy.

Yes, a grown 29 years old is playing hide and seek with a cute 4 year old, yet, that was the most lovely thing to evident.

After some good 10 minutes, he returned with a look of distress Nearly giving up as he always do when he would fail to find Jordy around. I would laugh out aloud, seeing him face palming himself while my little boy chuckles on his Papa's defeat.

"You know, this is the problem if you bought a mansion, instead of a house. " I retorted, feeling all giddy while seeing him face palming himself.

"Your right, baby.....I roamed the whole house everytime but still couldn't find this boy. Next time you see, I would get to find him straight away. " James said with a finality as he once again, glanced around the house.

"Really? Because, this is what you said last time. Our 4 year old is much smarter than you, I see. " I teased with a giggle and James nodded like a kid.

"Your right. That smartass is my boy. But I'm sure I would find him next time. " James defended his ongoing defeat again and I just smiled.

"I would install some CCTV around to find his loophole. " James mumbled under his breath as he placed both his arms on his hips. Huffing one last time before walking up to me.

He bend down to my sitting level and kissed my lips quickly. Straightening again, his hand rubs the back of his neck as he asked me, "Don't you really know about where he might be hiding? "

I shook my head, controlling to not spurt out the laughter as I looked at his pouting face.

Actually, I do knew about where he might be hiding but I couldn't let him know. It's cheating in the game and I don't want my boys to lose the fun for the game.

"Fine, I will close my eyes. Now, you can ask him to come out. " James whined as he closed both of his eyes with his palms.

To be honest, Jordy is right down here on the kitchen cabinet and we made a deal to not spill the bean to papa so that he could find him on his own.

James, on the another hand, had roamed all over the spaces in the mansion but never came into the kitchen to check out for him, just because I'm here. Thinking that I would have told him way before if I got to know about Jordy hiding here.

He's way to sweet for a husband and I would smile out all day, holding the memories of us together.

"Jordy, you come out now. Papa gave up. " I yelled to be echoed around the house, even after knowing that Jordy's just a few inches down on my right so that James wouldn't get suspicious on me.

As I looked at my husband confirming that he had his eyes closed, I quietly opened the cabinet door under me and a cute little head poked out, smiling brightly. I shushed him with a signal to walk away quietly and he ran out of the cabinet door while nodding at me.

"I knew it. " James hushes heard from my side and when I peered at my left, him staring at Jordy's disappearance out of the kitchen.

"You helped him, Nicolla and you guys fooled me all this time. " James mewled like a kid, crossing his hands over his chest while eyes narrowing at me.

"I'm sorry, honey. But, I'm in team Jordy. " I cheered, wiggling my eyebrows to show the pride in me. A giggle passed me as I saw him huffing and puffing again.

"Right, I should have been aware that he's a mama boy. But, exactly where does he were hiding all this time? " he asked, his arms sprawled open while showing every corner of the kitchen.

I hummed as my eyes rolled a little to my left and I pointed the cabinet on my left with my eyes as a smile spread on my lips.

He followed my gaze and took around to get closer to my side. " Here? He was hiding here the whole time when I walked all over the edge of this huge mansion. "

I nodded with a slight giggle. Pressing my back onto the kitchen's island as I looked at him, suddenly I gasped. Feeling this light kicks from my 6 months belly.

Hearing my gasp, James face snapped at me in alert and he quickly faced me. Reaching for my palms while clasping onto them tighter, he spokes softly, "Are you okay, baby?"

"They just kicked. " I whispered at him with a growing smile on my lips and he let out a small gasp too, eyes gazing at my belly.

"Oh my God, really? They did. Oh, I really wanted to feel them too. " James nearly jumped in excitement as he placed both his palms on my belly.

We were waiting patiently to the babies to kick around so that their father could feel it too, but they never kicked again. James's look of excitement, turned into disappointment as we waited and waited.

"Babies, come on. Papa wanted to feel you too. " he let a squeal and Jordy was at the kitchen's entrance, watching us while holding onto his toy.

"Papa lose. Jordy win. " my little boy clapped his hands together while dragging his tiny feet towards us.

"Hey, come here you. " James let out a playful howl before trapping our little boy in his arms, tickling him.

"Papa....no. " Jordy laughed so hard as struggled against him and was busy wiggling to free himself, the poor toy thrown afar.

"You played me with your mama....this isn't fair, so your getting penalty. " James retorted as he continue tickling the little guy, the thoughts of the babies kicking no longer visible.

They laid sprawled on the floor, both panting heavily as they burst out laughing.

Even I'm missing the kicking as I watched them. But, there's one sharp kick that made me gasp and both were looking me with concern.

Oh, right. If James is fifty percent concerned about the belly and the another fifty percent would go to Jordy. He just wouldn't want me or his 'future' sisters to be in pain, and that's why he's a mama's boy.

"They just kicked....again. " I informed and they got up together. James moved closer to me so that he could place his hands on my belly and Jordy was staring him in confusion.

"Why aren't they kicking now? " James asked, eyes locking with me. I just shrugged, unknowing about what to say.

I pulled the confused Jordy's hand and placed it on my belly while saying, "You can feel your sisters in here. "

And, yes. We are going to be welcoming two princesses.

Jordy's eyes light up in happiness as he moved closer near my belly. He wrapped his arms gently around me and leaned on the side of his head while his eyes shut closed.

They just kicked again.

James was about to pull him away from the belly, thinking that he might be tightening me but I stopped him. Shaking my head, as I signaled him to let Jordy be.

The babies just kicked and it's a continuous one right now.

"Aww, they already loved you Jordy. " I cooed and he smiled big, staring up at me.

"I love them too. " he confessed as he kissed my belly and I ruffled his head. James looking both us in wide eyes.

Oh my God, I think my girls can already feel their brother's presence because they were practically footballing inside. I shrieked a little bit and I quickly took James hand as I placed them on the bottom of my belly.

"I could feel them too. " James whispered as he quickly kneels, placing a soft kiss while rubbing the area.

Jordy still unmoving from around me as he was enjoying his little sisters ongoing kicks.

"I don't want to say it yet, but I'm sure that the girls will never get to date till their 30. " James informed as he wrapped his eone arm around Jordy. Pulling him closer while kissing his forehead.

"Yes. " we heard a soft muffle from the soon to be big brother. James chuckled a little and I burst out laughing.

Now, I can predict the troubles my princesses would face in the future.


16 years later....

"Mama, where are they? We are late. " Jordy, my big man now, whined as he strolled around the kitchen impatiently.

"Give them some minute, will you? They need time to get ready too and you can have your dinner while waiting. " I replied, pulling out the yesterday's left over from the fridge.

"I'm having dinner there tonight...but what exactly took them ages, huh? It's just a prom night after all. " he typically whimpered as he sat by the counter.

My baby boy looking too good for my eyes in his blue tuxedo, in an angle looking just as handsome as his papa.

"We are ready. " There comes the cheery voices in that double echoes and I smiled, right before turning around to see them while heating the pan infront me.

"What the hell was that? " Jordy's loud screech startled me and I couldn't help but to quickly shut off the induction to look at them.

I found my girls standing in a long figure hugging blue and purple dresses for each that has a deep cut on their left legs, showing out their skin a little bit more than I assumed it to be.

Yes, that dress was my choice for them. I literally wanted them to be outstanding and fiery among the crowd, but I never expect them to be this hot looking.

"Watch your words young ma--" I heard James starting to speak after hearing Jordy's shriek but he merely stopped midway.

"What the hell was this? " Now, the father howled alike the son and I face palmed myself while walking into the scene. In the thought to defend my girls because poor girls, might be frighten by both this men right now.

Both father and son was already looking me accusingly yet, I couldn't be positive anymore about the girls going to this prom.

"Chill guys. What did they do? Don't scare them. They are merely sixteen and a half now. " I explained and the both men, keep on summoning me glares.

"And, how's that making sense? They are literally too young to even attend a prom night, moreover, with this revealing dresses. " James groaned as he stood surrounding us.

"And, how could I stop every guys from staring at my sisters like this? Mama, I do have a date to take care off and I'm sure that the girl would left me in the dance floor if I kept on eyeing my sisters the whole night today. " Jordy exclaimed as a whine and I know he's very protective of his little sisters.

"We have our dates to protect us too. " My girls, replied in unison. Reminding me everytime that they are this parallel twins.

"What? " I heard two yells from each side of my ears and both the men were turning red by now.

"I accepted alright. They needs to have fun too and the guys were too sweet to say no. You guys can't just keep them hostage always and they need to have fun also. Jordy, remember that your date is a 16 year old too and it's your duty to take care all of them together as she's also your sisters' best friend. " I told him in that motherly strict tone and he huffed, letting out a sigh.

"But, this dresses is too much. " James's demanding voice came from my side and I just stared at him, eyeing him a small sign of 'let them be' with an adoring smile of mine.

He was losing in my technique and let out a full blow of sigh, before face palming himself while chuckling.

"Fine, I trust my son to take care of the girls. Alright? But, kids.....be home before 11. Otherwise, I'm coming over. " James informed in finality and the girls squeaked happily as they wrapped him around their arms.

James placed two soft kisses on either their heads as they let him go and they leave behind their sulking brother, not before kissing my cheeks.

I walked out along them and Jordy was already on the driver's seat, waiting for his sisters to hop in.

After they settled, I bent over the car's window as it slides down and I bid them good bye. Noticing the stern look on big Jordy's face as he reversed the car a little.

"Send my wishes to Noella, my boy. " I poke fun at him, knowing the young lady's effect on my son whenever she comes over to meet the girls.

His cheeks flushed pink as he tried to mask the blush behind those narrowed eyes. The girls giggling quietly on the back seats behind.

"Oh, come on mama. " he let out a mither as the side of his lips twitched up a little and I don't want to keep them waiting any longer so I sent them away rapidly.

Letting my kids to explore their independent for tonight.

I walked into the mansion and back into the kitchen, continuing whatever work that I paused from just now. Memories of my husband and me, welcoming our princesses home for the first time as the same little boy jumping around them in errands.

I smiled big as the memories by memories peeked in and I was lost in my own world again.

In several minutes, I was mildly wrapped around two large arms from behind as it took me out of my lala land.

"Your still zoning out and it still scares me, baby. " James mumbled over my ears as he kissed on my neck, sending those shivery feelings all over my body.

Even after being married for like 17 years, we still keep our relationship maintained sweet and hot.

It does make our children to puke sometimes, but we are freshly still in love and no aging can stop us from loving each other more.

Just an additional casts that I would like you guys to picture the small version of them yeah;

(Iris Daniz💜 & Ivy Daniz💙)
Chubby babies just like mama😍


Thank you so much for all the supports and loves that been shown to this story❤️!

You guys are the best( ꈍᴗꈍ)

And, I love you all so much!!!

Just to make something clear, if your from my story Curvy Me, than you should have recognise Noella by now🙈

Ps; please do have a look around my other stories if you liked this
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

#untilltomorrow, signing off M. Kirthana

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