All is Well

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(Samuel's POV)

It was the screaming voice in my head which woke me up. Danger!

My eyes snapped open as violently as if somebody had pried them open. I cursed trying to hold to the glimpses of a dream that reminded me of how it had been once. And now that the awareness seeped in, nothing awaited me but the dread of welcoming a black day.

But, it was no longer all black. There was some consolation that I could at least see colors. My life had turned into a colored black canvas. Within seconds I realized something was wrong. Diana was no longer with me in bed. Her side of the bed was not yet cold, but her scent was rapidly evaporating. I reached for her to come up empty. The room, I noticed with dread, was surrounded by that malevolent black carried by the shadows. Sweat trickled down my chest when I spotted her violet core slowly approaching the sucking blackness. It was like the beauty meeting the beast. The blackness was restless, uneasy, expectant. She took one step and then another. Her movements were slow, robotic.

Within seconds of realizing where she was heading, I was on my feet. I toppled over the bed sheets, finding myself on the floor just when the world was about to collapse. Damn this blindness!

"Diana!" I got rid of the tangled sheets and got to my feet.

She didn't hear me. She didn't react. It was all happening in slow motion around me. The sound of curtains sliding on the rod. The sound of the window handle turning. Swirls of blackness dancing in excitement. The dance of death, vengeance, doom.

The blackness was laughing. Shit! I could tap into its emotions, its jubilation. It was celebrating. If the shadows got in, I wouldn't be able to save her. Heck, I doubted I could save myself. We both needed to survive, we needed to get out of this reality and save ours.

I literally jumped in the air, my hand reaching for hers, for the handle just before she did something irreversible. The window shook with the force of the crash that landed me there. I had probably bruised her fingers. But, she acted unfazed, her fingers still trying to shift the handle.

What was the blackness doing to her? It was as if she was held under its hypnotic influence.

"Diana, wake up!" I shook her. My hands roamed over her face until they reached her eyes. Wide open. Not blinking. "What in the blazes is happening to you?"

She stood still. And then hugged me, putting her head on my chest. She sighed happily. I heard her soft breathing, rhythmic, relaxed. I touched her face once more. Her eyelids were closed. She was now sleeping hugging me like that.

I closed the curtains back again. The blackness roared in anger. Its madness, fury surged forth. I ignored it. The sounds dimmed and then disappeared as if they fed on attention. I lifted her in my arms, getting us both out of its reach. I threw her into bed. I wrapped one arm around her body, making sure she would not move again. What had happened today should not ever be repeated. What had they done to her? What hold did they have on her? I needed to break it.

What a night! I had not slept much and I doubted I now would. I'd tried putting some distance between us, the little seductress with her blazing fiery red colors had done nothing but tempt me. I wanted to bury myself in her softness. The fact that I didn't was a miracle. I didn't want to be starting something when I wasn't sure of my role in this reality. But, who knew colors could be so sexy?

When the first lights of dawn streamed through the curtains, I finally loosened my hold over her. Damn, it had been a very uncomfortable night. I needed a shower. A cold one! Her cute little butt had wiggled all night, her hands had caressed my arms in her sleep. And, then there were those sweet sighs, which kept covering her in radiant glows of red, fiery, sizzling hot flaming reds. What was she dreaming of? Or should I say who? Screw this reality! Screw the shadows! I'd been very close to waking her up and easing my discomfort in her body. A man could only be tempted this much without breaking.

The unsatisfied lust at the lower part of my body was demanding. It ached for attention.

She stretched in bed, molding those sweet curves to the source of my lust like a blatant invitation. But before I could act on it, she started snoring.

Damn it! Damn her! I was getting up. Where in the hell was the shower? I had to find Belle and ask. On second thought, that would not be appropriate given the salute of my lower body part. Perhaps a walk in the cold air could help? But, first I needed to make sure that it was safe to do so. Were the shadows gone, for sure? Or, was it too early yet? That information needed verification.

I opened the door and followed the color of the stairs, an ugly brown, stable and boring. My stomach growled. I felt a gnawing hunger as fierce as my once thirst for blood. On second thought, I needed to go to the kitchen. There were sounds coming from the first floor, a good sign that the Mansion was awakening.

"Oh, there you are!" I heard Alessandro say as I took the bottom step. He laughed heartily. "Samuel, I think Diana didn't do a good job taking care of you. Perhaps, you should visit your Queen?"

Shit, I had completely forgotten about my earlier problem.

"Shut up!" My only answer was defense. "Did anything happen last night? Anything out of the ordinary?"

"You mean other than the fact that Belle thought you were with me? Nope, nothing else happened. She too is in the kitchen. You know she is an early riser."

Unlike somebody sleeping upstairs!

"I meant with the shadows?"

"Nope. All good. We are all alive. And, unpossessed." He continued as if his only enjoyment was my predicament. "But, I don't think Belle should see you like this." His voice had turned serious.

Things were getting too complicated for my liking. I had a mate. I had a wife. I couldn't appease my lust with either.

"Shower. I need a shower." It was time to ask for some help.

"Follow me."


(Diana's POV)

A delicious laziness stilled my whole body. Morning light trickled in, warming my face. I tried to cling to the vestiges of the dream I had, sad to let it go. whole body sizzled with remembrance. His warmth, his kisses, his touch. He'd been such a gentle lover. My sweet Samuel had showered me with his kisses all throughout the wonderful dream, declared his undying love and devotion. He'd asked: Do you want to take it slow? His green eyes had darkened with concern and lust. Such consideration, such sweetness. I was about to tell him, no. I wanted it fast and then slow, hard and then gentle. I wanted it all. I wanted to experience everything. But, then the damn eyelids had opened. Why did I have to wake up?

I looked at where he'd slept last night. He was gone. Gone where? I was disappointed, I hoped we could carry on where the dream had ended. I didn't remember much from last night. Falling asleep, thirsty and deprived, had been hard. But, once I had, I'd been a goner. Had he gone to his Belle? Had he left in the middle of the night to go to her, her bed? Anger and jealousy were not friends. They crawled slowly in my head until I thought I was going crazy. I got up, I was going to find him.

Going down the stairs, I realized I had no clothes but the ones on my back. I would soon smell, and I would not be able to compete with the sexy Queen. This reality sucked bigtime!

Where was he? Was he with her? Was he in the entertainment room? It was his rich laughter which led me like a noose on my neck. I followed the distinctive timbre of his voice. I ended up in the kitchen.The kitchen was all white, white cupboards, white fridge, white microwave, white toaster. My mood was sour and the white screamed of fake cheerfulness. I hated it. But, it smelled good inside. My stomach responded. Had I eaten anything yesterday? I doubted it. I wanted food. And, I wanted blood. Unlike what I'd assumed, sleep had not diminished the yearning for his blood.

People were sitting around the huge table, enjoying the varieties of the morning breakfast, cinnamon rolls, bread, sausage, cheese, jam, milk and orange juice. It was plenty of food amidst danger, almost like the last supper.

But, my attention on the food, despite my hunger, was soon riveted on his laughter again. He was here. I had found him. He had a piece of bread in his hand, but he wasn't eating as he was too busy making sweet faces to the woman sitting next to him. Belle. His Queen.

"I know," he said to her. What were they sharing? He hadn't even noticed me.

"Good morning," Cian said when he saw me. He made a hand gesture to guide me to the empty seat next to him as if he was afraid I would intervene in the marital bliss between his King and Queen. I dragged my feet and sat down.

"How are you this morning?" he asked.

I didn't answer. What was the use? I was miserable. I should have acted on my mate rights last night. I should have insisted. Had I already lost him?

"Belle is good for him," he said. "You should let them be."

Really, you think I'm the intruder here?

"If you are looking for some companion..." He held my hand under the table, his thumb drew circles inside my palm. Then, he let go. Message delivered.

Oh wow, this was too much. I had lost all my appetite. Just when I was about to get up, I felt the heat of his eyes on me. Samuel. I knew he was seeing colors around us now. He was looking at me. At Cian. Despite being blind, his eyes were appraising as sharp as a hawk's.

Belle was trying to get his attention. But he wasn't listening. Wasn't answering. His shout came sudden, unexpected. "Cian! Come here. Next to me. We have things to discuss."

As always, thanks for reading. I hope you are enjoying it. Next chapter will be a shock!

I will update Blinded by the Dark this week, I know I've been bad in updating in the last two weeks it but it is because I was on a quest to finish this one. I still am and hence the frequent updating. But, I will try to update one chapter on the Drakon series until this one is done. No need to completely sacrifice that book. 

I also made a draw from the fan email database and announced the names of three winners on Wattpad and Facebook. The winners will get a signed paperback copy of one of the books in the Kings series. If you have not signed up for the database (giveaways and bonus chapters) and want to do so, please let me know as I will make another draw for three more winners in the weekend. 


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