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(Diana's POV)

I didn't even have the time for it to register. One minute I was trying to explain my motive, and the next he was feeding from me. He was so fast, I felt the whoosh of air on my face and just seconds after that the sharp puncture. His touch was familiar. His bite. The feeling of euphoria rushed to me just as my treacherous blood rushed to be his. I couldn't avoid the shivers the barbarous act created in my body. I hated him for making me feel like this.

I did what a sensible woman would do. I screamed. And, screamed some more.

He immediately stopped. His hands grabbed my shoulders firmly as if he needed the support. And then he let go. Just like that. I heard him take a few steps back. They were not firm. His body crashed into something, I imagined that to be the table, as I heard a few things fall on the ground. The sound was explosive as he kicked the things that had fallen. "Damn it! Damn everything."

"I will never take your blood again. I promise you that!" he said, breathing erratically, his voice coming as a ragged whisper. He made it sound more like a punishment rather than a present. I didn't like it. Why did the foreboding sit heavily on my shoulders? I shook it off.

"Never again!"

I couldn't believe the ass. There was pride in his voice. Hurt. He was trying to make me feel guilty for screaming. I had gotten in the way of a vampire and his food. Vampires were not so different from men after all. I had committed a gruesome crime. How could I have done that, right?

That was all I was. I was his food. He was a dictator, alright. Getting what he wanted without even asking.

"Do not ever try to incite rebellion in my community. Ever." His words were clipped. The sharp edge in his tone was like a slap. "If you do, you will find yourself at the door."

Alone. Unprotected. From the dust monster. I added the words he didn't bother saying.

Well, Stalin would have had my head. So would have Mussolini. Hitler. Considering, Samuel had been benevolent.

Perhaps, I had overreached my guest rights. Just a tidbit. I'd just been trying to help. I was not okay with hushing in the presence of injustice.

Though everything in me rebelled against the threat, though I wanted to pack and leave asap, I needed a few days to make a plan. Till then, I would stowaway my pride. And, stop trying to make the vampires' lives better. They didn't deserve any better. This is what they wanted. So, be it.

I could no longer hear him. Feel him. Had he left?

I sat down, my legs shaking. I touched the bite on my neck. He had closed the wound with his saliva, but it was still fresh. Sensitive to the touch.

I grabbed the cane which did not belong to me. And, that made me angry, too. I had forgotten to mention that. Well, Samuel certainly hadn't been in the listening mood anyway.

As I was walking something got stuck in my throat. I coughed unladylike. It wouldn't budge. My eyes got teary. My nose felt stuffed. This room needed airing. I got up, trying to find some water.

I barely made it to the table in between my cough spasms. Thankfully Samuel hadn't managed to knock down everything. I was drinking a glass of water when I heard the footsteps. Were the ladies coming back? To hear more? No, thank you. I was going to keep my mouth shut this time. The footsteps indicated it was a heavy figure.

"Hello, would you like some cookies?" I asked kindly, grabbing one for myself.

There was silence. Was Samuel back?

It happened so quickly that I lost the cookie in my hand.

Someone grabbed me harshly. I was in a haze, neither feeling nor sensing who was doing this to me. My feeling of scent was gone, I couldn't smell his natural perfume, my hands were paralyzed, I couldn't use them to push him away. Was he mesmerizing me? I knew vampires could take away your self-will. It always happened in books and movies. Apparently, that was no myth.

I screamed inside my head, but I knew nobody could hear me. Would they even come to my aid if they did? They had a stupid adoration for their King.

I knew what was happening. But, I was helpless in stopping it. It was like I was an outsider watching it happen to someone else. The fangs were once more biting into my skin. I felt the blood flow. I didn't feel the euphoria anymore. My senses were numbed. I was just a puppet. He wanted it that way.

"Stop!" I screamed silently. It was like I was sent far away and I couldn't get back to my body. He had promised to let me be. Never again," he'd said. He'd broken his promise. I felt the wetness of the tears on my face. That, I felt vividly.

Samuel, I cried inside. Please. I should have left. I should never have come. I should have taken my chances with the dust monster. I should have... I couldn't think more as blackness wrapped around me.

I opened my eyes. And, then closed them again. The light was too much. I realized the sensation immediately. Was I dreaming again? I was in a spacious room. Things were strewn on the ground. The floor was a mess of fluids, spoiled and trampled food. Chairs were toppled down. Streaks of blood marred the walls. I couldn't understand what I was looking at. It took me a few seconds to see my broken body on the floor. My eyes were closed. Blood was pooling on the floor. It looked like a massacre scene. Samuel was holding me, shaking me. I couldn't hear anything he was saying. His jaw was wide, so I assumed he was shouting, as always. He looked unhappy. Perhaps, unhappy that his food supply was gone, depleted so fast. I was so mad at him that I tried to throw a punch on his face. My hand passed through the air without an impact on his solid face. Was I dead? Had he killed me?

This was the first time I was seeing Samuel, the first time my eyes fell on his thick dark hair. It was a deep, enveloping color like the darkness I had every day. But, it was so much more. It was alive, vibrant, with flecks of silvery light dancing around it. His fingers ran exasperatedly through the slight waves which shifted back into place once his hand disappeared. I lowered my eyes. His eyes resided just below the strong arched brows and thick long eyelashes. I touched my very own with wonder, noting they were not as long. I had heard of fake eyelashes, were these fake? I believed so. His arrogance knew no limits, to aspire to fake lashes as a male vampire was so lame.

I couldn't detect the rich color of his eyes, was it blue, was it green, was it a golden hue? I had never been exposed to colors. Whatever it was, the eyes were mesmerizing. I moved around to see better. I leaned towards him. I waved my hand in front of him several times. He didn't feel a thing. Gazing at the darker hue around the iris, I felt myself wanting to take a jump in their depths. I really wanted to take that dive, swallow all the secrets the unknown harbored, I just needed to merge with that color, be one with it, I needed to...Was he mesmerizing me now even when he couldn't see me? Even when I was dead? I felt like I couldn't break my gaze. This was no Stockholm syndrome, this was worse. He had killed me and look at what I was doing. I was falling under his spell. Disgusted, I broke the gaze with sheer will.

His features seemed molded out of granite. The serious expression scared me. His full lips were pursed in frustration.

He closed his eyes. I didn't like it. He opened them back again as if he'd reached a decision. He bit his wrist. What was he doing? Was he a sadist? And, as his blood rushed forth to the surface, he pushed it towards my lips.

Then I realized with horror where that blood was going. Now that he'd killed me, was he now turning me into a vampire?

Nooooo! I screamed. But, he didn't hear me. 

Okay, so many questions: 1) What just happened 2) Do you think he's turning her into a vampire?


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