Nine: training

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only character I claim to own is the OCC villain and his jutsu's. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (author notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Nine: training

It has been several days since I have been released from the hospital. It was hard at first to get used to the thought of being blind. That and waking up in a place that isn't familiar to me. But almost every day was a new discovery as I was slowly getting used to not being able to see. Another thing that changed the most was my diet. I knew that eating ramen all the time isn't healthy but with how much I am charged for food, it is about the only thing that I could afford. I also noticed that I needed new clothes but that will practically cost me an arm and leg even for the "kill-me-now orange." Today I was going to start my training with Kiba. As much as I would like to always use Kurama's eyes for everything, I couldn't afford too. I was afraid of what people would say if they saw me with demonic eyes. I had enough troubles with the villagers as it is. I slowly got up and dressed into a set of clothes. Words couldn't express how grateful I am towards Sasuke. Not only did he offer to help me by me moving in with him but, he also got back some of the items left to me by my parents. I slowly made my way towards the kitchen as I could smell Sasuke cooking breakfast.
"Good morning Sasuke." I stated when I entered the room. Another thing that changed is that Sasuke doesn't call me names anymore. Out of respect, I have done the same. It is nice to have a civil conversation with Sasuke instead of jumping down each other's throats or Sasuke only grunting.
"Good morning Naruto. Sleep well?" he asked as he helped guided me to the table. I felt for my chair before sitting down as I could smell eggs and bacon on a plate set before me. I then reached for my fork. Since I was blind, I could use chopsticks to eat so we had a blacksmith make a small pitchfork that could be used with one hand. I didn't want someone to feed me as I had needed some independence. I took off the headband when I wasn't walking around the village and/or missions so I couldn't use Kurama's eyes around people who didn't know that by using the Biju's eyes, I could see. "After your training session, we should go shopping to get you some new clothes." stated Sasuke. A frown crossed my face.
"I won't have enough money to afford it. Especially with how much they charge me." I stated in a low voice. Apparently Sasuke had heard me as his hands slammed down onto the table. This caused me to jump as Sasuke cursed out loud.
"Enough is enough. When is it all going to end?" Sasuke growled angrily. I thought that he was talking about me so I rose from my seat.
"Thanks for everything Sasuke. I will be leaving now." I stated as I turned to leave.
"Wait Naruto!" yelled out Sasuke as I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.
*Kit calm down. You miss understood his words. He was talking about the villagers.* Kurama yelled at me causing me to stop in my tracks. I then felt arms wrap around my chest.
"I am sorry Naruto. Please forgive me. I was talking about the villagers not you. Please come back to the table and eat. We will talk." Sasuke stated. I was an emotional mess. I didn't know if it was because Kurama enhanced everything that caused my emotions to be this screwed up.
*Please Naruto hear him out. I am starting to feel the same way about all of the shit that you put up with because of the villagers. There has to be a better solution to this.* Kurama hissed mentally. I could only feel myself nodding my head as Sasuke lead me back to the table. He sat me down before he began to wipe away the tears from my face. I could feel him pull up a chair right next to mine.
"Naruto tell me honestly is that the only reason why you always eat ramen and wear kill-me-now orange?" Sasuke asked. I slowly nodded my head yes. "Why do you allow it to continue?"
"At first I had no idea of why they always did charge me more than everyone else. It wasn't until I had first meet Kurama that I learned the truth."
"Kurama?" Sasuke questioned.
"The nine tails true name. After meeting him, I began to understand. But I didn't want any trouble as I had no proof that the reasons they were charging me more was because they saw him and not me. I allowed them to continue to do it as I didn't want any trouble. To tell you the truth I thought that deep down they would see that I am not a threat. I believed that sooner or later they would see me for me."
"But Naruto it hasn't changed one bit. I understand why you forgive them and allow them to continue doing this to you but frankily, you deserve better. As of today this cycle is going to stop. While you are training with Kiba, I am going to see Lady Tsunade. Things have to change Naruto."


I was so angry and upset when I heard that the villagers charge Naruto a lot of money for things because of what he holds within him. In my anger I erupted and said something that I shouldn't have. I should have chosen my words better as Naruto miss understood my choice of words. I saw Naruto crumple down as he thought that I was angry with him and that I didn't want him here anymore. It broke my heart to see him so broken as he turned to leave I chased after him.
'How could I have been so stupid to say something like that? I should have worded my words carefully.' I managed to catch him wrapping my arms around his chest. "Wait please Naruto, you miss understood me. I wasn't talking about you but rather the villagers. Please come back to the table where we can talk rationally." Naruto said nothing as he weakly nodded his head. I lead him back to the dining room where he sat down into a chair I wiped away his tears as I couldn't believe that I made Naruto cry. I didn't want Naruto to cry. According to Lady Tsunade since the nine tails couldn't fully heal the damage that was done, it had heightened Naruto's other senses. I think that also included Naruto's emotions.

I had learned that the villagers have been charging him double sometimes triple for items that's why he always wore the kill-me-now orange gear and only ate ramen. The only time that he ever got to eat something other than ramen was when someone else was willing to pay. I learned that Naruto eats a lot only because of his high metabolism as he easily burns through what he eats. This is why he eats so much as I discovered the hard way. I also learned the nine tails true name. I told Naruto that I was going to speak to Lady Tsunade about what going on while he was training with Kiba. This has gone on long enough without any changes. I wasn't going to stand by and allow it to continue. After we had finished breakfast, we headed towards Kiba's home. I just glared at anyone who gave Naruto a nasty look. As we approached the Inuzuka compound, the sound of dogs barking filled the air as I let out a light laugh remembering one of our missions of walking dogs. Of course Naruto had to take the biggest dog possible.
"Is that a laugh I hear Sasuke? What's so funny?" Naruto asked.
"Just remembering one of our missions from when we were kids." I replied still snickering.
"Oh god don't remind me. It was as bad as the demon cat Tora. I think that some animals hate me with a passion."
"No just cats, dogs, and rabbits!" I laughed.
"I thought that Sakura was going to kill me for what I did to that poor rabbit." replied Naruto as we started laughing remembering the good times. It was nice to see Naruto smiling and to hear his laughter. Even if it was mostly about the stupid things he had done as a kid. Looking back at it now as we are much older, we can laugh at the stupid things we have done when we were kids.


"I don't think I have ever seen you laugh and/or even smile before Uchiha. Can it be possible that the blond knuckle head caused you to lose your hard shell?" asked a familiar voice.
"Watch it Kiba. I may be blind but I am not deaf." I growled at him.
"And if you what so ever breathe a word about this to anyone I will make certain that you die a slow and painful death." Sasuke added in a dark voice. This sent shivers up and down my spine. Suddenly I was knocked off my feet as I could feel something nuzzling my face. It caused me to burst out in laughter.
"Why, hello to you too Akamaru. Can you let me up please?" I could hear both Sasuke's and Kiba's stunned gasp as I felt the soft fur and pointed ears on this animal. But the animal that I was feeling was too big to be a cat. "Guys what is on me?" I asked in panic feeling the animal nuzzle even closer. Both Kiba and Sasuke were still too stunned to even speak. *Kurama help please.* I could feel Kurama's eyes break through the darkness as even the all mighty Kyuubi gasped in complete shock. I was stunned as well as a three tailed snow white fox began to curl up in my lap. Its eyes were similar to Kurama's own. 'How is this even possible?' I thought to myself as the fox let out a loud yawn before falling asleep in my lap. I just petted the fox as it let out purrs in content.
*It's a cub. He must be an ancestor of mine from a long time ago. Remember how I spoke about a demon's heat?* Kurama asked as I nodded my head yes mentally. *Well it was before I was sealed within a human host as I took a female fox as my mate. Even if I mated with a regular fox, any of the cubs that she would bear will have multiple tails. He must have smelled our presence on Kiba.* I looked at Kiba and Sasuke whom watched the three tailed fox cub as it curled up into a ball.
"Ok guys, I know that I am not petting a dog and/or cat. Kurama had confirmed that it is a fox but one that isn't normal. I need to know how and when you came across such an animal?" I asked as I noted that two of its paws laid in special medical tape. Its front right and back left had been injured. I could feel Kurama shut down his eyes incasing me back in darkness.
"Kurama?" Kiba asked in confusion.
"The nine tails that is sealed within Naruto. That is his true name." replied Sasuke.
"Oh..... Well it was on our way back from our last mission. According to Lady Tsunade strange pelts have been turning up on the black market. Animals with more than one tail. We managed to shut down this market and arrest the people responsible. On our way back Akamaru and I noticed this snow white fox cub with three tails caught in some hunter traps. I couldn't leave the little guy wounded and easy prey for predators. When I heard that you had lost your sight, I thought that we could train him to be your guide and also a partner. I am guessing that he could smell you on me and allowed me to take care of him. I don't know how he managed to escape from his cage though." stated Kiba. A bright grin crossed my face as I petted the fox as the little guy seemed to take a real liking to me already. I also kind of felt sorry for him as he was possibly the only one of his kind left alive well besides a certain nine tails that I held within me.
*That's because foxes are very tricky and clever creatures. The reason he likes you Naruto is because he can sense a kindred spirit.*Kurama stated. I told the others about all the things Kurama said about the little guy.
"So what are you going to name him Naruto?" asked Sasuke.
"You mean I can keep him?" I asked in general.
"That's the whole idea. I mean if it is alright with Sasuke." replied Kiba.
"I have no problem with it. Besides who better than you to look after him." stated Sasuke.
"But what about the villagers?" I asked.
"I am going to talk to Lady Tsunade. She is possibly already aware of this cub." stated Sasuke.
"Yeah. Hana gave him all his necessary shots and bandaged up his front right and back left. They were the ones that he got stuck in the hunter traps." replied Kiba. I had the perfect name for him.
*Hey Kurama, can I give him your sir name?*
*Yohko? I don't see why not.*replied Kurama.
"His name will be Yohko."

Sasuke left me and Yohko with Kiba while he went to speak with Grandma Tsunade. I took off my jacket making a small bed for Yohko on the ground as I didn't want to wake the fox. It looked like he needed some sleep after everything that he has been through. I rose to my feet as Kiba helped me to a nearby bench. I guess I will be working on my senses first.
"I was told by Lady Tsunade that all of your senses are heightened. They are probably a lot sharper than even a dogs which means you will be able to pick up on even the faintest noise that only animals can hear." stated Kiba before a loud piercing whistle echoed through my ears. As the whistle screamed I could hear every dog within the village howling. Even Kurama and Yohko whined at the noise.
"Kiba..... Make it stop!" I yelled out clamping my hands over my ears. Suddenly the noise stopped. "What the hell Kiba?!" I growled at him angrily.
"Case in point...... dog whistle." stated Kiba. I could feel and hear both Kurama and Yohko growling at Kiba as the nine tails unleashed a mass amount of killer intent through me.
"Don't ever do that again!" Kurama snarled through me. I could hear Kiba and Akamaru whimper in fear before Kurama pulled back.
*Was that truly necessary?* I yelled at him.
*If you think those dogs could talk, they would find it entertaining to hear that loud ass whistle ringing through their ears?* Kurama asked.
*Probably not. But he did kind of have a point.* I replied. I could hear Kurama bark something but it wasn't directed at me but rather at Yohko as I could feel the smaller fox began to calm down and go back to laying down. 'Why do I have a feeling that I am way over my head?' I thought to myself.
"Getting back to point." Kiba stated disturbing my thoughts. "As you already determined everyone has a different scent that alerts you to their presence. You can possibly track a person without even moving. I want you to try to track someone without knowing their scent but rather by their presence. See if you can locate Hinata."

I focused remembering the shy studdering Hyuga heiress who developed a crush on me. Almost immediately the thought of lavender and vanilla filled my senses. I guess by thinking of the person I could easily track their scent. Almost immediately color robbed my sightless eyes as I could see Hinata within the Hyuga compound making bento lunches as she wasn't alone.
"I hope that Kiba and Naruto like these. I have been meaning to talk to Naruto ever since I have heard that he has lost his sight. I know that father won't approve of me going to see him. But Naruto is still my friend regardless of how my feelings about him have changed." Hinata stated as she seemed to be talking to her little sister Hanabi whom I have only meet once.
"Don't worry sis. I am certain that Naruto doesn't hate you and understands why you have done what you have done." replied Hanabi. Soon everything faded away as I once again was wrapped up in darkness. I could feel tears prick at my sightless eyes. I never blamed Hinata for how her clan reacted to Neji's death. But they had the gall to call me a monster and place Hinata's partial death on my conscious. I began to despise the Hyuga clan but I still treasured my friendship that I had with both Hinata and Neji as I had earned their respect.
"She is in the Hyuga compound making bento lunches for the both of us. She will soon be on her way here." I told Kiba as he seemed shocked that I was able to pick out in great detail what Hinata was doing.

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