Nineteen: the Kiasho clan

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, ~animals speech~, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

Nineteen: the Kiasho clan

It has been several weeks since I have mated with Sasuke. I worked hard training with Sasuke to get him used to going into and out of his demonic form which looked exactly like his second stage cursed form. We have also been working on collaborative jutsus, speaking with each other mentally, speaking with our demons, traveling to each other's mindscapes, along with perfecting our own abilities and powers. I still relied on Yohko to lead me about the village and to help us during our missions. I only relied on my demonic eyes during missions, training, and around those who knew about my secret. Yohko also listened and obeyed any commands given to him by Sasuke. Yohko referred to me as Master and he calls Kurama, father. Not that either of us minded how Yohko referred to us as. One day all of the teams were called to Tsunade's office. The only time I can recall that all of us was gathered together was during the chunin exams.
"Thank you all for coming. We have finally decoded the scroll given to us that contained information about the Kiasho clan." Tsunade stated. I could feel Sasuke's hand clench into a tight fist as he held my hand.
*Easy with the grip Sasuke.* I told him mentally.
*Sorry Naruto. I don't know why but the simple thought of that man makes my blood boil.* Sasuke replied.
"It seems that the Kiasho Clan much like most clans possessed a unique ability that allowed them to harness abilities that only those born with a kekkigenkai possess. The clan could also harness the powers and abilities belonging to the Jinchuriki. But the clan wasn't as strong as those who originally possessed these abilities. It was during the many shinobi wars that the Kiasho clan was nearly wiped out of existence." Tsunade stated.
"But what is this man's end game? Why is he going about those with the kekkigenkai and Jinchuriki?" asked Shikamaru.
"Much like during the fourth great ninja war, he is trying to resurrect his dead clan and bring about the end to the shinobi."
"So basically he wants to rule the world." stated Kiba.
"Pretty much."
"So how do we stop him?" asked Hinata. Hinata brought up a good question. Because each time that I had faced against him, I could barely put a dent on him or he retreated for some reason.


Tsunade looked down at her notes reading over what had been written.
"It took three strong shinobi clans to stop the Kiasho clan. The Uchiha, Uzumaki, and the Namikaze together." replied Tsunade. I felt my eyes widen when she said this.
"What......? How......?!" Naruto asked in shock.
"Unfortunately it doesn't say. From what I know about these clans is that the Uchiha's sharningan can copy and analyze any jutsu they see. The Uzumaki clan were masters at sealing. I don't know much about the Namikaze clan." Tsunade stated as she paused looking at both Naruto and me. "Naruto and Sasuke, you are the last descendants of these clans. Naruto being from not only the Namikaze clan but also the Uzumaki clan. Sasuke you are the last Uchiha alive. I believe that Hitan has set his sights on both of you not only because of the power that you hold but also because of your clan's heritage. You two maybe the only ones who can truly stop Hitan Kiasho."
"But grandma, I don't know any sealing jutsus let alone what my father's clan was capable of." Naruto stated.
"That's why I have gathered most of you here. I know from Kushina's and Minato's journals that there are scrolls that contain their clan's jutsus. I need for two teams to go and find these scrolls. Naruto and Sasuke, you two must remain in the village. With Hitan out there, we don't want him to kill the both of you and get what he wants. Plus, we don't want to leave the village defenseless." stated Tsunade. Team ten consisting of Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino volunteered along with team eight consisting of Kiba with Akamaru, Shino, and Hinata. Tsunade told them where they could hopefully find the scrolls. Both teams were to set out at once and return to the village as quickly as possible.

Tsunade dismissed us but, Naruto and I stayed as we both needed to talk to Tsunade.
"Now, how can I help you two?" Tsunade asked. I slowly lowered my shirt collar to show her the mating mark that sat on the hollow of my neck. "So that's the mate mark."
"Yes but it's not complete yet. Sasuke had yet to mark me. Then and only then will the bond be completed. We decided to wait until spring or when this crisis with Hitan is over with before completing the bond." Naruto stated.
"I see. Your heat cycle is during spring isn't it Naruto?" Tsunade asked as Naruto nodded his head. "Well I hope that you will inform me when you do become pregnant." Once again Naruto nodded his head.
"We also wish to speak with Sakura. We can't afford to lose such a skilled medic." I stated bluntly.
"I agree. But I don't think it's such a wise idea for you two to go and see her."
"Grandma, I understand your concerns but she is a part of our team. And therefore our problem. Please let us at least try to save her." Naruto stated as he tried not to break down into tears. Tsunade let out a soft sigh as she massaged the bridge of her nose.
"All right. Just please be careful. Who knows what she will try to do when she sees you both." I knew exactly what Naruto was thinking. He felt that he had to save Sakura much in the same way that he had saved me. It was one of the many qualities that attracted me to Naruto. He saw the good in almost everyone.


A anbu guard lead us to the jail in which Sakura and her mother were being held.
*You know that you don't have to do this kit.* Kurama stated mentally.
*Yes I do. She has to know everything I have been through. She is not only a skilled medic but also a capable ninja when she puts her mind to it. We still need her.*
*Give it up Kurama. You know that Naruto isn't going to drop this. Most people would give up but, you should know by now how Naruto is.* Sasuke stated mentally.
*I know. But if she dares try anything, I will rip past this seal and kill her myself.* Kurama growled.
*First she has to go through me. No one is going to hurt Naruto ever again.* Sasuke stated. I couldn't help but to smile at Sasuke's desire to make certain that I won't be harmed. Who knew that Sasuke could change so much from when we were kids? Hell, even Kurama has changed since I have befriended him.

The anbu guard lead us through the jail as I could clearly hear Mrs. Haruno's angry screams directed at me when she saw me.
"Damn you monster! You should die!" she yelled out. I could feel Yohko's powers flare up as he growled at the older woman.
~Don't you dare talk to my master in that way human!~ Yohko growled out. I could feel Mrs. Haruno back away from us shivering in fear. I ruffled Yohko's fur proud of the fox coming to my defense.
"What's going to happen to Mrs. Haruno?" Sasuke asked the anbu.
"She is to be put to death. There is no saving her. But if you can break through to Sakura, she may be saved but she will be under close supervision."
"Kind of like Sasuke was when he came back." I stated as I stopped in front of Sakura's cell. The smell of cherry blossoms and herbs was still strong. I activated my demonic eyes to see Sakura chained up. Her dull lifeless green eyes meet ours. "Hello Sakura."
"Naruto...... Sasuke...... Why are you here?" I could no longer hear the loving voice that she usually gave towards Sasuke. She sounded almost normal not the same annoying fangirl that I once knew.
"We only wish to talk Sakura. Please just listen to what Naruto has to say." Sasuke stated.
"Sakura, you know that I would never truly hurt you. Unfortunately, you have no idea of the things that I have been through because of what I hold within me. I know what you were told about me as you have seen firsthand what I am capable of because of that power. But I never killed your father as that happened before Kurama was sealed within me. Yes, your mom lost her job on the council all because she tried to kill me numerous times. And did Sasuke ever show you his love or any affections?"
"Not that I can recall. I always denied your affections and every other fan girl that said they loved me. The only person that I have ever truly kissed was Naruto. At first it was purely an accident but, later on I learned that I had feelings for him. Really strong feelings that I have never felt towards anyone else." Sasuke stated.
"Even though you never told me that you loved me, I always thought that you would one day return my feelings." Sakura stated towards Sasuke.
"It's not going to ever happen Sakura. Naruto and I are together now and no one is going to rip us apart."


"How is it that you can fall in love or even be with a monster? A demon who is responsible for an untold number of deaths." Sakura asked in a cold voice. Both Takaryu and I growled at her question. She had no clue of what Sasuke had become. I then remembered Hagoromo showing me a jutsu that could allow people to see into your memories.
"Naruto is not a demon Sakura. He only holds one within him. He never asked to be its jailor or to have people view him as a demon or a monster. He is a human being just like everyone else." Sasuke growled out as his body was beginning to change into his demonic form.
*Naruto, I am taking control. I am going to use a jutsu to show her both of our memories.* I told my host.
*All right Kurama.* Naruto replied as I took control. I could feel my chakra pumping through Naruto's body.
"Kurama...... What in the world are you doing?" Sasuke asked.
"Showing Sakura our memories. She has clearly no idea that it is humans who are truly the monsters. You have no idea of the things that Naruto and I had to endure." I stated running Naruto's hands through a series of hand signs. I reached through the cell touching Sakura. My chakra engulfed her allowing Sakura to see both mine and Naruto's memories. Neither one of them was pleasant. I pulled away from her watching as the tears fell from her face. "Now you have seen what Naruto and I have been through. You can already tell that there is a definite difference between him and me. Even though I would kill you without thinking twice, Naruto on the other hand wants to forgive you and give you a second chance. Just think about your options Sakura." I stated giving Naruto back control. Naruto's body swayed a bit as he was exhausted from me using his body.
"Come on Naruto. Let's head home." stated Sasuke as he led my host out of the jail.

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