Sixteen: Naruto's birthday/date

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain, the demon fox, and their abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama talking

Sixteen: Naruto's birthday/date

After I had finished cooking dinner, I had thought about what Kurama had told me. It kind of made sense that Naruto hasn't celebrated his birthday because it fell on the same day that the nine tails had attacked. Naruto has probably too many terrible memories when it came to his birthday in general. Kurama was right about one thing, that all needed to be changed.
"Hey Naruto, why don't you and I go on a date tomorrow?"
"Is this about what you and Kurama talked about?"
"Kind of. I also realized that if you and I are going to be romantically involved, that I need to take you out on a date. So will you go out with me tomorrow Naruto?" My question caused Naruto to blush a bright shade of red. He just weakly nodded his head yes. "Good. Now if you excuse me, I have to run a few errands. I will be back shortly." I stated kissing Naruto on the forehead before I had left.

As I made my way through the village heading towards the hokage's office, I thought about what I could get Naruto for his birthday. I wanted something that showed Naruto how much he meant to me, how much I loved him. I didn't want an obvious gift. On my way I stopped at Ichiraku's ramen stand to talk to Teuchi and Ayame. I told them about Naruto's birthday, the nine tails being sealed within him, and how Naruto can only see with the foxes help. They both agreed to help me throw the party for Naruto and asked how they could help. I told them that I would let them know. I then headed over to the ninja academy to speak with Iruka-sensei telling him about Naruto's birthday and how with Kurama's help he could see. Iruka-sensei suggested that we hodl the party at the academy since it was large enough to hold everyone. With a place in mind, I knew that I could ask Teuchi and Ayame to supply the food considering Naruto's favorite dish was ramen. I finally made it to Tsunade's office knocking on the door before I was told to enter.
"Sasuke, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?" she asked.

I told Tsunade about Naruto's birthday tomorrow and how I would like to throw him a surprise party. I was going to get supplied by Ichiraku's ramen stand as it would be held at the ninja academy. I wanted to invite all of the rookie ninja that we grew up with, Konohamaru's group, and all of their captains. Tsunade agreed to my idea as she summoned several Anbu to go and gather the people that I had mentioned. I continued to think over what I could give Naruto for his birthday. Nothing seemed to come to mind except for the idea of becoming Naruto's mate. Naruto may never truly find someone who knew him as well as I did or could accept the things Naruto had to offer. I truly did love Naruto with every fiber of my being. I had already been cursed once and changed by Orochimaru as I now have the chance to free myself of the mark that graced my skin. It had been my life long goal to rebuild my clan but it didn't feel fair to Naruto to have the children bear his name in some way or form. I also didn't want for the children to be used or taken advantage of because of my clan's name. The more I thought about it, the more my choice became clear. There were of course the benefits to becoming Naruto's mate as it would give us an edge when it came to dealing with Hitan Kiasho. Soon all of the people that I had asked for arrived at the hokage's tower including Sai and my two captains. I had explained to them my idea of holding a surprise party for Naruto seeing how tomorrow was his birthday. I also told them about Naruto having Kurama's eyes which enabled him to see but not all of the time as he was truly blind without activating them. For those who didn't know about this fact, was kind of in shock. But they understood fully the reasons to why Naruto would want this to remain a secret.

Once all of the plans were set, I made my way back home stopping by the academy to tell Iruka-sensei the time the party would be held. I also stopped by Ichiraku's asking Teuchi and Ayame if they could supply the food. They agreed as Ayame would also make some snacks and deserts. I made it back home to find Naruto washing the dishes.
"Hey I'm back." I stated kissing Naruto on the cheek.
"Did you get everything that you needed done?"
"Hai...... Naruto I need to speak to Kurama again." Naruto turned his blind eyes towards the sound of my voice as a questioned look crossed his face. "I just have a few questions about the mating and stuff." I explained.
"Oh......" Naruto replied as he closed his blind eyes. I noticed some of his facial features change. The whisker marks on his cheeks grew bolder as I could see a pair of fangs emerge from his lips. Naruto reopened his eyes as I found myself facing Kurama.


When Naruto told me that Sasuke wanted to speak to me about the mating, I knew that something was on the Uchiha's mind. I told Naruto to switch with me and not to listen into the conversation. My blonde host didn't question me as he did as I asked.
"Be grateful that Naruto hasn't caught on about what is truly going on. So what is this about Sasuke?" I asked him.
"I was thinking about what to get Naruto for his birthday. After much thought and consideration, I want to become Naruto's mate." I looked at Sasuke in shock. "I understand all of the risks involved and everything that will happen because of me being Naruto's mate. I need to know if there is anything that I need to do on my end when it comes to my inner demon?" Sasuke asked. I could tell from the sound of Sasuke's voice that he gave this a lot of thought and consideration. His feelings for my host must truly be strong. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this discussion. I let out a hesitant sigh.
"Do you recall what you looked like in your second cursed release form?" I asked as Sasuke nodded his head yes. "I want for you to change that image. Make it older than you and more demonic in nature. You also need to come up with a name for your inner demon." I explained to Sasuke. "After that is done, you need to come up with a place within your mind to house your inner demon. A place where he can reside kind of like a house."
"Anything else?" Sasuke asked. I shook my head no. "Thanks Kurama."


The next day I surprised Naruto with breakfast. I had planned the whole entire day with just me and him as I had asked Kiba if his family would be willing to look after Yohko. He agreed as I made plans for a picnic and to go shopping. Later on I would lead him to the academy for his birthday party and dinner. I slight smirk crossed my face. Naruto trudged into the kitchen letting out a long guttered yawn.
"Good morning Naru...... Are you ready for our date?" I asked.
"Sasuke can we skip it today? I don't feel like going out." Naruto stated. This curbed my intrest as no doubt laid in my mind that he remembered what today meant for him.
"Why not Naruto? Come on and talk to me." I stated sitting down next to him.
"Do you know what today is?" he asked.
"The day that Kurama was supposedly killed. But we all know that he was sealed within you as it is also your birthday." Naruto just looked at me in shock.
"You knew!" he shouted leaping to his feet.
"Calm down Naruto. Of course I knew. I wouldn't be much of a lover or a boyfriend if I didn't remember or know about your birthday. Naruto, I know that this day holds probably a lot of terrible memories for you. But I want to slowly erase those bad memories and replace them with good ones. So what do you say? Are we going to go out on this date or not?"


Sasuke had a point as I couldn't remain mad at him. Besides who knew what plans he had already made. I don't recall a time that I had ever truly celebrated my birthday. I sat back down letting out a hesitant sigh.
*Come on Naruto. It would be a nice change of pace instead of being locked up afraid for your life.* Kurama stated.
"All right...... You win. What about Yohko?" I asked.
"Already taken care of. Kiba and his family will look after him." I let out a sigh as Sasuke kissed me on the forehead. "Don't worry so much Naruto. I promise that today will be very memorable for us both." Sasuke stated. All I could do was trust that Sasuke knew what he was doing. After breakfast, I got showered and dressed. We went shopping for new clothes that were mostly for me considering that I didn't have a lot of clothes. At noon we had a picnic within the training ground where we first became a team. We talked about the old times and the memorable moments. Not once did I think about my birthday as it was kind of ice to be carefree and not fearing for my life. We ended the day watching the sunset on the hokage's heads as I sat on my usual perch on my father's head as I had activated Kurama's eyes to watch the sun setting.
"This was actually nice Sasuke. Thanks so much for doing this."
"It isn't over yet. We still have a dinner to attend to. But I don't want you to peak so you will have to deactivate them." I knew that I could trust Sasuke so I did as he asked.


A bright smile crossed my face as I lead Naruto to the ninja academy. I couldn't wait to see Naruto's reaction. I held the door open leading him into the academy. The smell of Ichiraku's noddles drifted in the air along with baked goodies. Everyone was there waiting for us as I motioned for them to remain quite.
"All right Naruto you can activate them." I told him. Naruto's eyes blinked to the demonic eyes as the look of shock stretched across his face.
"Surprise....... Happy Birthday Naruto!" everyone shouted out all at once. Tears came to Naruto's eyes as he could barely say a word. He turned towards me for answers.
"It was kind of Kurama's idea. He told me about how you never truly celebrated your birthday before. So I went to the hokage and gathered everyone who knew you the best to throw this party. I also told them all about how you were able to see thanks to Kurama giving you his eyes. No one here see you as a monster as they all fully understand your need to keep your eyes a secret. I wanted to show you how much you mean to everyone regardless of what some of the villagers think about you." I explained. The tears streamed faster down Naruto's face.
"Thank you....... Everyone......." he sobbed bowing his head. I pulled Naruto close to me allowing him to cry into my shoulders.
"Happy birthday Usuratonkashi!" I whispered into his ear lovingly.

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