Thirty: years later

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Author's Notes: this is told either through Naruto's, Kurama's, Takaryu's, and Sasuke's point of view. This story is a Sasu/Naru YAOI (boyxboy love) so don't read if you aren't into those kind of things. I do not own Naruto and/or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I have gotten this the idea while reading several other familiar fanfiction stories in which Naruto loses his sight so, this is my version of what I think would happen. The only characters that I claim to own is the OCC villain "Hitan Kiasho", the demon fox "Yohko", and Sasuke's inner demon "Takaryu" along with all their powers and abilities. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews telling me what you think as I look forward to reading them.

Key Guide: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, CAPS - points of view, italics-jutsu & attacks, bold-Kurama/Takaryu talking

Major Warnings: There is a huge time skip from the last chapter as Menma and Naruko are young children as it will also feature two other of Naruto's kids.

Thirty: years later

Several years have passed since Naruto had Naruko.  Menma is now six years old attending the same ninja academy where Naruto and I first began our journey together.  Naruko is three years old as she is the spitting image of Naruto when he performs the sexy jutsu except for when it comes to Naruko's jet black eyes.  A month ago Naruto had twins completing our family.  We were blessed with both a boy and a girl whom we gave names combining both Naruto's and my first name together.  The twins had my facial features and two whisker marks on their cheeks instead of three like their older siblings.  Our son we decided on the name Saruto as he had Naruto's blond locks and my jet black eyes.  Our daughter we decided on the name Natsuke as she had my black hair and Naruto's blue eyes.  Much like myself, both Saruto and Natsuke had inner demons that happened to be dragon-birds like Takaryu.  Their names was Gawain (from Dragonar Academy) who existed within Saruto and Maruga (from Dragon Crisis) who existed within Natsuke.  Both Yohko and Kushina had another liter of four pups as Naruto and I named them Sarada, Jiraiya, Boruto, and Himawari.

Today happened to be Naruto's ceremony of him becoming hokage.  Both Menma and Naruko were excited as they stood quietly by my side on the roof of the hokage tower watching as Naruto was sworn into office.  Naruto wore a cloak that read 'Nanadaime' or seventh fire shadow.  Naruto's face had already been carved into the mountain side right next to Kakashi's.  Naruto and I left the twins at home with some clones to watch after them since they weren't old enough to attend the ceremony.  Even Kurama wanted to attend the ceremony as everyone was proud of Naruto.  He was finally achieving his dream to become hokage.  He had finally gained the love and respect of everyone within this village.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the leaf village.  May I present your seventh hokage, Naruto Uzuchika!" stated Kakashi after he had placed the hokage's hat onto Naruto's head.  Loud cheers and roars arouse from the crowd but none louder than Kurama's own.  Naruto raised his hand forcing the crowd too quiet down.  I could see the tears begin to form in his eyes as he smiled softly.
"Thank you all for coming.  Since I first became a ninja, my dream was to become hokage.  To have the love and respect of this village.  I had no idea that I was related to such great legends as the first and second hokage.  That my own father who gave his life for this village as the fourth and also related to the fifth hokage Tsunade.  Like my ancestors and the other hokages that have come before me, I promise to protect those who mean the most to me and the people I love as well as everyone within this village.  Most people felt that I wouldn't accomplish most being dead last in the academy and viewed as a monster because of the biju that I had sealed within me.  But I have proved not only my strength but my conviction to save this village despite how I was treated in the past.  I will continue to use all of my powers to uphold the peace that we have formed with the other villages during the time of the great ninja war." Naruto stated as cheers arose once again.  Naruto simply smiled as I could see the tears that wanted to spill from his eyes.  Our children were the first to react as they ran up to Naruto's side hugging his legs.  I walked up to my husband turning him around to allow him to cry into my shoulder.


After the ceremony was over and I was allowed to dry up my tears.  Sasuke and the kids wanted to make me a special dinner for becoming officially the hokage. 
"Papa...... Can I get a piggy back ride?" Menma asked.  Sasuke didn't reply as he scooped Menma up placing him on his shoulders.
"Uncle Kurama....... Can I get one too?" Naruko asked.
"Sure thing princess." Kurama replied as he shifted into his fox form scooping Naruko up with his tails before placing her onto his back.  The kids always referred to Kurama as 'Uncle' as he loved the little tikes almost like they were his own.  It didn't bother him that the kids called him uncle cause after all, he was family.  Naruko shrieked out with joy as she rode on Kurama's back.  As the kids grew older, Sasuke and I would tell them stories about our adventures and what we have been through.
"Daddy....... When I get older I want to become a great ninja and a hokage just like you." stated Menma proudly.  This caused me to smile as I took off my hokage hat placing it on Menma's head.
"I am certain that one day you will Menma." I replied.  Sasuke smiled too at our eldest child's dream because it used to be mine growing up.
*He is so much like you Naruto.  I am certain that one day when he has children of his own he will tell them stories of our adventures as well as his own adventures.  Our clan will be forever known throughout the lands as heroes.* Sasuke told me mentally.  This caused me to smile even more.
*And I would have it no other way Sasuke.* I replied.  We took our time walking home hand in hand as we nodded our heads towards those who said hello.  Menma's and Naruko's smile almost matched our own as they were extremely proud of their fathers.  I wondered what adventures would await all of my children when they became ninja.

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