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"why do you need me anyway? Don't you have a boyfriend who would care for you more than me..."

Yoongi POV

Why? This is the only question my mind is asking me. Why am I sitting here on her bed? Staring at her sleeping figure. Why did she told me to be with her, doesn't she have a boyfriend? I'm pretty sure the guy who was here yesterday was her boyfriend. Although I just went to her house to ask her where she got the headphones from, as one of friends wanted a pair too. But after seeing her in a wet shirt with that guy standing at the door glaring at me, did something to my mind. I didn't even asked her the thing I was there for. I just said good evening and came back to my house. Well done Yoongi! You just pushed your suspicion more further.

She was leaving soft snores from that little pouty mouth of hers. My phone rang and I quickly received it. Because I don't want her to wake up with another splitting headache. I got up from her bed and went near her window. Staring at the outside world I spoke in the microphone.


"Yoongi where are you? We are waiting for you to arrive so that we can start practicing the new song you wrote. But now it's been more than 1 hour. Where are you! And if you were not ready to come in why didn't you told me so? You know damn well how much important this gig is for us..."

Jaehwan was yelling at me from the other side of the line. I sighed and pulled out a cigarette from my pocket. Lightning it up I took a long swig. Puffing out the smoke I replied,

"I won't be able to come today. Got stuck in work at home. We'll practice tomorrow probably... Bye."

I kept the phone not wanting to listen to any more of Jaehwan's babbling. That little guy sure does talk a lot for his age. I kept smoking the cigarette, but stopped when I heard her voice,

"This is a no smoking... Area- Sir... Please step the fuck out..."

The fuck? I went closer to her. She is talking in her sleep. A talkative little piece of shit. I smirked at my thoughts of calling her that. But that smirk dropped when she shifted from one side yo another and the shirt that she was wearing rode up her back. I glanced at her face now which was turned towards me. Her hair were tied in two pigtails. The flicks that she probably chops by herself and hanging loose on her eyes and nose. Her hands are on the side of her big head. Her lips look plumpier and are slightly apart. The t-shirt she's wearing has rode up her stomach and back. Her bottoms covering her perfectly curvy body.

She looked the same when she bursted into my room to turn down the music. I was trying very hard not to meet at her perky nipples which were poking out of her shirt. Her shorts looked like a pair of underwear. I thought she was in her underwear when I first saw her outside my apartment. Her unruly hair. Puffy lips. That extremely short shorts. And her bosom we're doing very unholy things to me. When I told her about her state, the way her face heated up was hysterical to watch. She became so submissive and small that I wanted to tease her more.

But when she grabbed my waist from behind yesterday made me feel as if she's my clingy as fuck girlfriend. Not that I hated it but, the feeling felt too foreign for my cold self. Her smile did things to me. Things that I first felt with Jaehyo...


Why am I thinking about that bitch? I cleared my mind finished the cigarette. Stubbing the end at the window I threw off the stub outside. I made my way towards her kitchen to make her a bowl of ramen to eat when she wakes up. My mind went to the event that happened yesterday. Who was that guy? I saw both of them in front of me walking together yesterday. I didn't wanted to stalk either of them but my feet and mind betrayed me and I began following them. He was holding onto her waist and she was giggling with him. I wanted to ask her what she was doing and who was he.

I was planning to ask her that when I came out. But as she was fumbling with the lock. She collapsed on the ground with a loud thud. I panicked and took her to back into her house. And now here I am waiting for the ramen to boil up so that I can wake her up and feed her some of it. I took the ramen off the stove and plated it in a bowl big enough for her. I brought the bowl out and placed it on her beside table. I went in the kitchen and poured myself one too. I'm looking after her leaving my practice at bay. So I have the right to feed my self too.

I came out one more time and placed the other bowl down too. I went near her and tapped her cheek to wake her up. And it worked. She mumbled a little curse and opened her Bambi eyes. She stared at me for a second and her rambling began,

"You're still here I thought you went out when I called you cute... Anyways I'm hungry. Can you order some Jajangmyeon I'm craving for something spicy..."

Is she serious? I thought and huffed out my anger. She was staring at me with a confused ass face.

"I'll pay you the amount back. But now can you please order it. I'm starving..."

"I made ramen cause I figured out that you would be hungry. Here it is take it and eat it quitely. You can have Jajangmyeon later on. But now have this, you have to take medicine too..."

She cringed her face at the thought of eating medicine. I handed her the bowl of ramen and seated myself at the bottom of the bed. I too began eating my ramen in peace. She was slurping her noodles like a little kid and me being the hot headed person snarled at her,

"Your not five. Don't slurp the noodles loudly!"

She didn't uttered a word but began eating the noodles more silently than before. We start together eating ramen in peace...








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