Chapter 3: Gray~Sama! And Meredy's Hate

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Gray's P.O.V

Damn Natsu is still such a hothead.

I was about to walk away when a blue haired girl walked over to me. It was the girl from before!

"J-Juvia can see you..." The girl said.

"What?" I didn't understand.

"Oh right... Juvia is Juvia. Juvia is blind and she can see you." She said. So she talks in third person... Cute. Wait she's blind, is that why her eyes are white? Also why did the name Juvia sound so familiar.

"Wait your eyes are white because of that?" I asked.

"Yes. Juvia can only see black, but then Juvia saw you. Also what is your name?" She asked and smiled.

"I'm Gray Fullbuster." I said.

"Hmm ok, Juvia will call you Gray~Sama!" She smiled.

I was about to say something else when a pink haired girl just came up to us, grabbed Juvia's hand and started walking off.

"M-Meredy~San why did you-"

"I don't like or trust him!" The pinkette yelled.

Why did Meredy and Juvia sound so familiar?

Third Person P.O.V

"M-Meredy~San are you ok?" Juvia asked. Meredy just kept walking.

'I thought I've heard of Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia before and now I'm certain.' Meredy thought.

"Meredy~San! What is wrong with you?!" Juvia yelled and pulled her arm away.

"Nothing, let's just get to class!" She huffed.

-Time Skip-

Juvia and Meredy made it to their history class and they found out that behind them were Lyon Vastia, and Gray Fullbuster.

'Great... Just great...' Meredy thought sarcastically.

'Juvia can't believe Gray~Sama is sitting behind Juvia!' Juvia thought excitedly.

'The reason I hate Gray is...'

Levy's P.O.V

I was in class with Lu~Chan and we were listening to the teacher. Until something just came across my mind, we had 2 new students today! Named Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia.

Gray Fullbuster! I hate his Fukin guts!

'The reason I hate him so much is...'

Meredy and Levy's P.O.V

'He's the reason Juvia's blind.'

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