Chapter 9: Mira And Erza's Plan

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Nobody's P.O.V

Everyday after Gray told Juvia the truth, they have been avoiding each other left and right, it was painful to watch, especially for the 2 GrUvia shippers. MiraJane Strauss and Erza Scarlet.

Mira's P.O.V

It's really hard to watch one of my OTP's avoid each other. I couldn't watch... They need to talk to each other again and make GrUvia babies. I think I know the perfect person to help me with a plan. And speak of the devil...

"Erza!" I yell. "Can you come here please?"

"Yeah Mira what do you ne-" She got cut off by me pulling her away from the crowd into an empty classroom.

"Mira what the hell?!" She yelled.

"I need help with something." I said.

"What is it? Oh wait let me guess... You want to set up a double date with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia so they can talk to each other again." Erza said, I was shocked.

"H-How did you-"

"How did I know, well you had that match-making smile on your face." She said, I poured.

"But will you help me?" I asked, a pleading look in my eyes.

"Yes of course! NaLu and GrUvia are my OTP'S!" She said, thank lord.

"Hmm we have to see if Natsu and Lucy are up to it though." I muttered.

"Oh they will be, if not we have ways of making them do it." Erza said, a smirk on her face, I nodded cheerfully.

"Ok you get Natsu, I'll get Lucy." I said, Erza nodded and dashed out the door.

-Time Skip-

After 15 minutes of finding them and dragging them to the classroom we finally did it... We also taped them to chairs.

"Why the hell are we in chairs?!" Natsu yelled.

"Yeah what did we do to deserve this!" Lucy yelled.

"Do what we say and we'll let you guys go." Erza said, in a stern voice. They gulped.

"Ok so what we want you to do is go on a double date with Gray and Juvia this Saturday. Lucy you'll bring in Juvia, say it's a girls day, and Natsu you'll bring Gray say you and the guys are hanging out." I said.

"Wait that means..." Lucy blushed. "N-No! I'm not going to go on a d-date with him."

"Y-Yeah we don't like each other like that!" Natsu yelled.

"Oh did you deny an order from us?" I questioned giving them a stare that made them turn white as ghost.

"N-No mam we'll do it!" They squeaked.

"Perfect." We smirked and untied them, they ran off.

Sorry I know this chapter was a little strange and that I haven't updated this in a while, once again I'm sorry 😅

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