Chapter 2: - Detective Scar

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Warnings: Arguments, fighting, body parts detected, dead body, murder statement mentioned, mention of death


Noah Pov:

I decided to head over to Scar's place and tell him what happened. When I got there he was nowhere to be found so I had to wait for him to get back from what he was doing. Who knows how long that will take though. I signed not wanting to wait for too long because I still had a team waiting for me to come back with food. Finally, after what felt like forever Scar came home with his cat, Jellie.

He was startled to see me waiting in his humble home. "Oh! Noah- You scared me!" Scar said laughing. "Need something?" Scar asked, putting his bag of stuff down. I stood up and walked towards him. "I need to tell you something..." I said signing. "What is it?" Scar asked, giving me a worried look. "Well... I was walking through the woods and I saw Xisuma..." I said, trying not to start crying again. "Okay? What's wrong with that?" Scar asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Well, he uhm when I found him wasn't erm... Alive... He was hung and stabbed many times-" I said, holding the tears back. "I- Wh- what...?," Scar said, putting his hand over his mouth. "W-Who would ever do that!?" Scar said, hoping I knew who did it. "I- I don't know... If you think I knew who did it- Well, I don't know," I said looking back up to Scar. "Well... Lets lighten the mood a bid, besides, this isn't the job for us, this seems like a job for... DETECTIVE SCAR!" Scar said, giving me a big smile. I smiled back thinking that was a pretty good idea. "Well... I need to go grab my stuff before a bear or another animal gets it! I'll be back in a sec-" I said walking out of Scar's house and heading towards where I left my stuff. Scar waved back and sat down waiting for me to come back.

I finally found my stuff after thinking I lost it. Now I need to head back to Scar and find who killed Xisuma and they will pay. I'll make sure of that. I was walking back until I tripped over a rock I think. I stood up and looked at what I tripped over. I saw that it was a robot arm... It looked like Doc's robot arm- I screamed it looked like it was ripped off of Doc's body. I looked around to try and find Doc's body but when I did all the parts of his body were scattered all over and blood spilling out. Then I realized that it seemed like Doc was following me. I looked at his footprints and saw they matched up with mine but always behind a bush or a tree. Was he following me?

I realized I needed to head back to Scar and tell him all about this. So instead of walking, I flew. I Spread my big lime sparkly wings and took flight. It didn't take long for me to arrive at Scar's house. I ran in looking for Scar so I could tell him what I just found out. "You good Noah?" Scar said, looking at me. "I-I just found Doc's dead body- Well, parts of it at least," I said, taking a deep breath. "Another one? What is going on?" Scar said, looking confused and frightened. Before anyone else could say anything our coms went off at the same time.

It said in bold words "MEETING NOW! MEET IN THE MEADOW!" That's all it said. So I and Scar looked at each other and I got ready to fly. Scar got his elytra on and we both flew to the Meadows. It seemed like everyone was there other than Xisuma, Doc, and Ren. I knew what happened to Xisuma and Doc but Ren I didn't know where he was. Keralis was now up on a small stage and was ready to speak. Keralis looked awful, tear-stained tracks were all over his face, and his eyes were red from crying. Everyone must have noticed."W-well everybody must be wondering why we are here," Keralis took a deep breath the atmosphere was tense "something awful has happened. Today there were 3 permanent deaths, Xisuma, Doc, and Ren are now permanently dead." Shouts of anger, distress, sadness, and confusion were heard each person accusing the other. Jimmy and Joel were even fighting! I was accused many times until I got fed up. I spread my wings making everyone see that they were glowing more than usual. My hands turned into claws but luckily no one saw that. My eyes glowed and looked white but with a tint of lime. "YEAH! I WOULD TOTALLY KILL MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND THAT WAS LIKE A BROTHER TO ME! AND IT'S NOT LIKE SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL ME BY PUSHING ME INTO THE RIVER!" I yelled trying to not get any angrier or the problem would get worse. Then Cub who was the one to accuse me the most started to walk towards me still angry and not thinking I lashed at him almost hitting him. I quickly put my hand in my pockets so no one would see my hands.

Everyone went silent even Jimmy and Joel stopped fighting for a while before Grian spoke up "It's true Noah nearly drowned." people started apologizing but I ignored them and smiled at Grian who smiled back at me. "Anyways we know how Ren died, Gem and Ren were practicing fighting with each other when Gem stabbed Ren in the heart. At the time they didn't know they can't respawn when you die, you die permanently. It is not Gem's fault she didn't know that so please don't blame her. Xisuma and Doc's deaths are still a mystery. It is believed they were murdered, so please be very careful when going somewhere alone it is better if you go with other people. The more people there are the safer it is." Keralis announced. I kept quiet because I'm pretty sure Doc was following me and I found both Doc's and Xisuma's bodies that were pretty fresh.

I sighed, Scar looked at me "Well come on now we have a mystery to solve." he said trying to make the best out of the situation. "Yeah, I'm coming, Scar." I said, giving him a weak smile. I hope later in the future things might get better.................or they could get worst.



Great things are looking a bit dark but things might get better, right?

Daily Question:

Who do you think will die next?

Bye :)

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