Chapter 7 - Raining TNT

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Warning: Torture, Abuse, Death, Blood, and Death description

Noah POV:

"Is he waking up?" "Hush we don't want to overwhelm him." "Look he's waking up!" "I said hush!" It was hard for me to open my eyes so I soon stopped trying, realizing it was useless to try over and over. So I tried to speak. "W-Where am I?" I said quietly not knowing who was there. "Hm so you are awake!" A voice said. "Who are we?" Another voice said then chuckled. "You don't remember us?" The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Oh come on Xeldra... you know who we are- or did you forget already?" I was in shock- The only people who knew that name were Grian, Jimmy, and... the Listeners. I knew it wasn't Jimmy or Grian I would recognize their voices straight away. Finally, it didn't hurt to open my eyes so I went straight away. And like I thought I saw my mother and two other Listeners sadly. I know I was all mighty on Hermitcraft but now I felt weak and scared. I curled up scared what would happen next.

"Oh dear... You seem so terrified here, let me help you!" My mother... I wish that I didn't have to say that it made me gag. She reached from my hand and held it. I became more scared of what she was about to do. I closed my eyes waiting for the punishment. Surprisingly she didn't hurt me or do anything of that sort. "Dear... You're home, be happy!" I pulled my hand away not wanting to be near her ever again. "S-Stay away from me y-you monster!" I said, standing up and backing away from her and the two other Listeners. I didn't know who the other Listeners the only person I knew here was that b*tch of a mom. "IS THAT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR MOM?!" She yelled and looked back at the Listeners. She nodded at them and they looked at me and started to walk towards me. "STAY AWAY!" I yelled even though I knew it was no use. I didn't fight because I knew that would make it worse... I learned that the hard way when I was younger. It brought back the memory of my huge scar on the right side of my waist and stomach. "Now teach him a lesson!" My mom said sitting down in a chair to watch. One Listener made sure I wouldn't try to escape or attack back. The other grabbed out a hot melted rod and placed it on my face, melting my skin straight away. I cried out, forgetting how painful it was. My mom didn't do anything but watch. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" I yelled out and they stopped. "I hope you learned your lesson now, Xeldra" She said then for some stupid reason I replied with "I'm Noah mom! Not Xeldra". My mind was so stupid! Why would I say that?! Then I begged for forgiveness and said I didn't think and I didn't mean it but my mom being mom didn't listen.

So they did it again but this time for about 5 minutes. It felt like H*ll... Well, this place is pretty much like H*ll if you think about it. Then I started to wonder how I even got here... I was just with everyone last time I remember- "Now honey! Let's get you how you should be... So that means stop being in your mortal form and look how you should," She demanded and I followed. I was now in my true freaky form. The other Listeners stepped back, getting a bit scared. They went to my mom and asked her "Why does he look... so much creepier than normal-?!" My mother faced them and answered "That is something I don't know yet... He has always been creepier than others. That's why he never had friends- or it could be just they hated him which I can see," She said, and those words hurt more than it should have.

"Maybe we should bring him to Mors!" One of the Listeners suggested. "The Head Listener? Hm... Ye he's old enough now so let's go Xeldra," She said, grabbing my wrist tight and pulling me along.

-When the arrive- I'm totally not being lazy -Ave- bad Ave -Accio-

"What brings you four here?!" The Head Listener asked. I've never seen the Head Listener ever in my life and it was terrifying. "Well, we have a question. We are wondering why my son is creepier than he should look!" My mom said, like he wasn't way taller and more terrifying than ever. My mom shoved me out and the Head Listener was able to see me clearly now. "Hm... You seem to be right, there is something wrong but- what?" The Head Listener spoke slowly. The Head Listener grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. The Head Listener then pushed me away and looked scared. "Take that DEMON! Away from me!" He yelled out. "What is it sir?" One of the Listeners spoke. "He isn't just a Listener! He is half Black Souls!" He yelled back away from me. "WHAT?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!" My mom yelled in anger. "I don't know BUT I NEVER WANT TO SEE HIS FACE AGAIN!" The Head Listener demanded. I was pulled away and went back 'home' even though it's more like H*ll.

Ghost POV:


"Gem you didn't have to kill yourself, because you felt guilty for killing me." "I DON'T F*CKING KNOW WHO KILLED ME." "DOC MIND YOUR LANGUAGE! AND EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Xisuma yelled in frustration. Everyone immediately shutted up "We all died, and have no way of knowing who killed who. Except for Gem, Ren, and Joey." Xisuma said annoyed by the fact they didn't know who killed them. "WHEN I FIND OUT WHO KILLED ME AND THEY DIE, THEY WILL DIE TWICE!" "THREE TIMES!" "FOUR TIMES!" "FIVE!" "Alright I know you are all frustrated but we will have to calm down. So Etho you owe me money because you are on my property." Xisuma said "Well I'm not giving money to a criminal."Etho replied "Bdubs I'm bankrupt please do I have to give you money?" Gem said "HAH FALSE YOU LANDED ON MY PROPERTY HAND OVER THE MONEY FALSE!!" Doc yelled. "H*LL NO DOC!!" False yelled back. "Everyone CALM DOWN!!" yelled Ren. "Technoblade give me my money." Impulse pleaded "Will potatoes do?" Technoblade asked.

Suddenly, a new voice could be heard. "Oooo! Can I play?" Everyone turned around to see a ghost with black hair, wore a blue jumper, and wore headphones on his head. "WHO THE F*CK ARE YOU?!" Doc yelled. "Magical Ghost that has put too much trauma on one person-" The ghost replied with. "What?" False said confused. "Don't f*cking forget I'm here too!" Another ghost said. He wore a white shirt and a bunny hat. "HUH?!" Xisuma said. "Oh and this is a B*tch!" The blacked hair ghost said. "WHAT!?" The bunny ghost said. "Stupid *sshole... Well, I am Sam and this is Taurtis!" Sam said. "What the f*ck-" Doc said. "Oh and Sam here has put TOO MUCH TRAMA IN ONE PERSON!" Taurtis yelled. "Explain?" Gem asked. "Stuff all you need to know is Sam here has ruined the color blue for Grian!" Taurtis yelled, slapping him. "Deserved!" Another ghost spoke up. "WHAT THE F*CK?!" Doc yelled. "Oh hey! I'm Roman. I was like a father figure to Grian," He spoke. "This is f*cking too much for me today-" Doc said. No one had anything to say. They let the three join and they all played the game that ripped friendships apart.

Lizzie POV:

When Noah collapsed, chaos started people began panicking not knowing what to do. Yells could be heard but then at a horrible timing the murderer decided to strike. "GUY'S CALM DOWN!!" Fhwip and others said, trying to help everyone. "CALM DOWN!? NOAH JUST COLLAPSED!!" Joel yelled "I KNOW!! BUT WE NEED TO THINK PROPERLY BE-" A scream and it sounded like Grian, Azar, Chorus, Scott and Pearl's scream. I turned around and saw a bloody mess "Don't worry we're still alive!" Pearl yelled. Stress, Fhwip, Mumbo, Katherine, Cleo, and Scar all rushed over to help but before anyone could do anything, it started raining TNT. Accio quickly took out buckets of water that I didn't know she had and started placing them randomly. But there wasn't enough. I blocked my ears but the TNT was too loud but you know what was louder? It was people screaming in pain and fear.

********This time skip is brought to you by dead people playing monopoly********

When the rain of TNT ended everyone looked around to see the once beautiful Meadows now bloody and destroyed beyond repair. You know what was even worse, the fact that six people died. Mumbo, Stress, Fhwip, Katherine, Cleo, and Scar all died. Then I realized I forgot about Noah, I quickly looked around only to find Jimmy beside Noah. I sighed in relief but the fact that six people died hit me hard. "Are they okay?" I heard Jimmy ask "Nothing then a few healing potions can't fix." I heard Accio say, a bit doubtful. Everyone looked at each other and knew what we we're all thinking: This is the worst day ever.


Ya we are evil, and I made the idea of killing the six people :p -Accio

I know we are evil >:) -Ave/Noah

Questions of the day

Who made it start raining TNT?

Who won the monopoly game? -best question yet -Ave/Noah

Is Noah going to be ok?

Total amount of words (1842)

A Black Soul Hybrid Info!:

Listeners and Watchers fear them knowing they are the only other beings that are able to kill them. Their full form is a black-ish purple-ish skin color. They always have white eyes matter what. Their eyes change depending on their emotions. Example: Anger- Red Scared- Purple Sad- blue happy-normal etc. They always have long fluffy tails that are able to rap around them to keep them warm in their world. They usual prefer darkness. But the reason they are called Black Soul is all the dark things but they are able to corrupt any soul and take control, the reason Watchers and Listeners fear them. It was said they where killed years ago but the last one did a blessing. He blessed that a new born of a Listener or Watcher would be become the new Black Soul and would be blessed to survive all the dangers and become friends with the right people. Which did happen. Another Black Soul was born but wasn't just a Black Soul they where also a Listener making them even more dangerous. [More info may be added if needed]


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