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Quintin Adams was a hottie.

It's like he was built in a lab by a panel of pedantic women.

There must be a catch.

Suzi stole another side glance at the Adonis next to her in the back seat of the limo. He caught her eye and smiled.

Dear God, take me now!

"Thank you again, for doing this, Suzanne." He turned slightly in his seat to face her. "That dress looks lovely on you."

"Don't mention it." Suzi gave him half a giggle. "You can call me Suzi."

Smooth. Real smooth. Can she be any more awkward?

When she first saw the-date needed-ad pop up on Craig's List, she thought what a poor bastard. Now all she could think was what type of girl would volunteer herself-to a stranger-for an entire night. Does he think this is normal for me? The add mentioned it was only dinner and conversation, no funny business. Ugh, this dare will ruin my reputation.

Quintin lifted his gaze from her plunging neckline. "Okay, Suzi, do you have a last name?"

Suzi swooned. Mhmmm. Those blue eyes. "Yes, it's Sparrow."

He glanced out the window. That jawline. Suzi sighed.

Quintin returned his gaze to her. "Bored already?"

Suzi blushed. "Of course not, silly." She fiddled with a strand of hair.

Quintin checked his Rolex for the hundredth time.

Suzi wondered if her indecisiveness on what to wear made them late for something fancy. If she wasn't mistaking, they were in 90210. The streets were lined with palms and each passing house rivaled the previous in size.

He drummed his fingers on his thighs. "How's your improvisation, Suzi Sparrow?"

"My improvisation?" Suzi frowned. She sincerely hoped he didn't have some weird roleplay kink. She knew there had to be a catch. I don't want to end up in his spank dungeon.

"Yes, Suzanne. Can you think on your feet?" He looked out the window again. His fingers stilled and curled into a fist.

Was he anxious? The serial dating made her too comfortable with the eccentricities of strangers. "I guess I can be creative, why?" Suzi did love creative writing; it was the driving force behind her English Lit. degree.

The limo slowed and turned into the driveway of a mid-century mansion.

"We're here." He sighed.

Gosh, can he be any less excited? "This doesn't look like a restaurant." Suzi marveled at the magnificent house and its immaculate garden. "Quintin, where are we?"

He placed a large hand on hers. "Suzi, this is my parent's house-"

Suzi pulled her hand back. "You brought me home to meet the parents?" She arched an eyebrow in exasperation.

"Not exactly, although you will, regrettably, meet them." He smiled.

Damn that smile. He was so fun to look at. Suzi contemplated-she would have preferred this deal without the conversation and just the funny business. The dinner was also welcome.

"I can practically see the wheels in your head turning." Quintin sighed. "I promise the weirdness is completely harmless. However, I need you to just...go with it." Quintin opened his door and stepped out of the limo.

Well shit. Suzi gathered her thoughts. He had been nothing but a gentleman, and she would be damned if she gave up now. What's one more frog to kiss?

Suzi jumped when her door opened.

Quintin held out his hand. "There's a reason you volunteered for this arrangement, whatever it was, don't lose sight of it now." He smiled.

Suzi bit her lower lip. It's like he knows the power of his smile. She took his hand. How bad could it be?

He led her up the paved walkway to the front door. Suzi had no idea what lay waiting inside. A flutter settled in the pit of her stomach. She would have preferred a more populated venue-a few witnesses to be frank.

"They're watching us."

Chills ran down her spine. "Who?" Suzi stopped walking. "Who is?"

"My parents." Quintin gently placed a warm hand on the small of her back. "Now, keep moving and stop hooting like an owl."

Suzi huffed and wobbled on her heels. Quintin-damn him-steadied her.

He was right. The door flung open as soon as her feet touched the welcome mat.

"Welcome, oh, Quiney, give mamma a hug." His mother flung her arms around Quintin.

His mother was the epitome of a Beverly Hills housewife-tall, slender with a main of dark cascading curls. Guess he got it from his mamma.

Quintin groaned. "Hello, Mother."

"Is this her?" She detached herself from her son to study Suzi. "She's adequate."

Suzi gave her an adequate smile. She had nothing to declare so she remained silent.

Quintin snaked an arm around Suzi's waist and tucked her into his side. "This is the girl I told you about. Suzanne Sparrow, my fiancé." He placed a chaste kiss on her temple.

Suzi stiffened. Fiancé? WTF? A nervous chuckle escaped her as she gave Mother an awkward wave. She now understood the importance of her improvisation skills.

His mother arched a plucked eyebrow and waved back. "Well, I see she comes with a mute setting, that's handy." She looked Suzi up and down with a sigh. "Come, your father would love to silently disapprove." She turned and disappeared into the house.

Suzi huffed. She refused to move. Passive-aggressive was not beneath her.

Quintin exhaled and pulled a hand through his hair. "She's a bit much-"

"You think?" Suzi crossed her arms over her chest. "She called me adequate."

Quintin suppressed a smile. "By definition that's not an insult."

"She would be so lucky to have me as a daughter-in-law." Suzi fought the urge to stomp her foot.

Quintin chuckled.

Suzi glared at him. "I am not sure what the hell you expect me to play along to here" -Suzi waved towards the house- "but know, I have no obligation to stay and be talked down to." Technically, her definition of a blind date had already been met. Blindsided again.

"Sorry." Quintin held up his hands. "Please, I really need you here...and to play along."

Suzi uncrossed her arms to place both hands on her hips, it made her feel bigger-more intimidating. "You lied to your mother, and you need a fake fiancé need help more than you need me." She poked his chest. Damn, rock hard pecs.

Quintin glanced into the house. "And you clearly have nothing better to do tonight, or you wouldn't have answered my add. So, put a smile and that more than adequate face of yours and let's go piss off my father."

Suzi chewed on the inside of her cheek for a second. "Fine." She shrugged. "I'm no quitter, this is just freaky-twenty-three," Suzi mumbled.

Quintin furrowed his brow. "What?" He shook his head. "You know what, I don't want to" He slipped a ginormous diamond ring on her finger.

"Wow!" Suzi admired the way it sparkled. "You must really love me, hey Quiney?" She smiled wickedly.

"After you, Pookie." Quintin motioned to the door, mischief glinting in his eyes.

The inside dripped with luxury. A crystal chandelier haloed the marbled foyer, sending a dozen refracted lights bouncing off the polished surface. Suzi cringed at the loud click-clack of her heels. Relief filled her when she reached the lush crème carpet to mute her presence. Unfortunately, it was too late. The entire Stepford flock turned to look at her.

"Just breathe." Quintin took her hand.

Suzi swallowed. She squeezed his hand-an unlikely lifeline-and smiled.

"You're late," a deep voice spoke. Quintin's mother stepped aside to reveal a large, intimidating man sitting in a chair.

"Just breathe," Quintin mumbled. "Hello, Father. Our apologies, there was some traffic on the way." Quintin walked closer, pulling Suzi along.

"Is this her?" A younger version of Quintin's mother asked.

"Yes, this is my fiancé, Suzanne Sparrow." Quintin hugged Suzi and kissed her cheek. "Suzi, this is my obnoxious sister, Vivian."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Suzi nodded politely.

"Ah, she speaks." Quintin's mother knocked back a full glass of champagne.

"I do, and quite eloquently at that. Mrs. Adams, thank you so much for having me, you have a lovely home." Suzi squared her shoulders.

"Ballsy." His mother looked her up and down. "Call me Angela, Mrs. Adams makes me sound old." Angela flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Okay, Angela." Suzi grinned. More like Regina George.

Quintin chuckled.

"Yes, Quintin likes them ballsy." Vivian snickered.

Quintin swallowed his chuckle.

"I am curious, dear brother. She's not your usual flavor, why the change?" Vivian sneered from the side.

"Why the long sleeves on such a hot night, hey sissy?" He shot his sister a death glare. "Now shut it, V."

"Touché." Vivian held her hands up. "And point taken."

Suzi stared at the two of them as if it was a tennis match. Not his usual flavor?

"Oh, for heaven's sake." Angela grabbed the bottle of champagne. "You never come home and when you do, you bitch like school girls." Angela topped up her glass.

"Give her a minute, she's much more pleasant once the alcohol takes effect." Vivian crossed her arms.

Quintin sighed and pulled a hand through his hair. Suzi didn't blame him. His family was nuts.

"Enough." Quintin's father stood.

The room went quiet. Suzi shied away, the man was roughly the size of a bear.

"Angela, go get Mama." Angela glared at her husband but left without a word. "The rest of you will accompany me to the study for the reading." Mr. Adams walked out of the room in three long strides.

"Showtime." Vivian turned to Suzi. "I hope you are ready, Suzanne. Don't ruin this for my brother." Vivian walked off with feline elegance.

Showtime? "Quintin, what's she talking about? What reading?" Suzi's heart raced.

"Shhh." Quintin placed a finger on her lips. "Don't worry, it's just the reading of my late grandfather's will."

"Are you insane?" This seemed like a private family affair.

Quintin shrugged. "Don't be mean my grandfather just passed away, this is an emotional time for me."

Suzi threw her hands in the air. "Please, don't tell me his casket is at the reading."

"Don't be ridiculous. His casket isn't in the study." Quintin ushered her on.

Suzi sighed with relief. For a moment she was scared he actually brought her to Grandpa's wake.

Quintin guided Suzi to a leather bench in the spacious study. "His ashes, however, will be joining us for dinner," he whispered.

"Joining us for dinner?" Suzi gasp.

"Do put her back on mute." Angela glared at Suzi. She wheeled in a wrinkly old woman who snored loudly-clearly out of it-and parked the drooling elder right next to Suzi.

"Your new grandma, isn't she fun?" Vivian perched herself on the sofa arm next to her brother.

Do it for the bet. Do it for the bet. Do it for the bet.

"Mr. Diaz, you may proceed." Mr. Adams stood in the corner, nurturing a glass of whiskey.

Mr. Diaz cleared his throat. "Thus commence the reading of the last will and testament of Tobias Quintis Adams."

Suzi bit her lower lip. She felt oddly claustrophobic, given the size of the study. Quintin's broad shoulders forced her to sit skew-not that she complained. On her other side, Grandma's head rolled in her slumber and came to rest on Suzi's shoulder. She drowned out the snoring by counting the number of pleads on the curtain behind Mr. Diaz's head. Suzi actively ignored what she could only assume was drool trickling down her arm.

How rich was this dude? She felt like she had been sitting there for hours. Her numb ass could attest.

"-and lastly, to my youngest grandchild, Quintin Adams, I leave an inheritance of fifty-million dollars."

By this time the generous sum of money didn't surprise Suzi anymore-she gasped at the first few millions mentioned, then it became tedious. Her ears did perk at the sound of Quintin's name.

Quintin sat straighter. He took Suzi's hand and placed it on his knee. The diamond ring sparkled loudly.

Mr. Diaz droned on after he flipped the page. "Under the condition, he is wedded to, or engaged to be wedded to," -Mr. Diaz glared at Suzi over his glasses- "a female companion."

Everyone exhaled.

Suzi didn't even realize they were all holding their breath. Did she not look female enough? Wait a minute!

"And that concludes the reading in full." Mr. Diaz looked pleased with his deliverance.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Diaz. We won't keep you any longer, we know you're a busy man." Angela all but shoved the poor lawyer out the door.

Suzi's breaths came fast and shallow. She boldly grabbed the gin from Vivian's hands and downed what was left of it.

Vivian laughed. "And the cat's out of the bag." She took the glass from Suzi. "Let me get you another one, doll."

Mr. Adams shook his head. "Dinner is ready." He stalked out of the study. What a ray of sunshine.

Quintin stood. "Thank you."

Suzi wiggled out from under Grandma. "You used me as a cash camel." She glared up at him.

"You're cute when you're mad." He gave her his panty-dropping grin.

"I am not mad. I am appalled that you would trick your family like that."

"The lawyer isn't family."

"You mean they know?" Suzi pointed out the door.

Quintin walked closer to Suzi. "They are on a need to know basis. But they're not stupid."

He was so close she could feel his warm breath on her face. Her heart pounded against her ribs. He leaned in, his lips caressed her ear as he whispered. "I want you."

Suzi felt like jello. A trembling mess at his mercy.

He placed a feathery kiss on her neck. "I want you to come." He pulled her against him.

Suzi felt the heat rise up her cheeks. I guess I can forgive him.

"I want you to come to dinner, I am hungry, aren't you?"

Suzi gasped and shoved him away. "You asshole."

Quintin laughed heartily. "I'm sorry. The truth is I'm currently in a relationship with a guy I met two months ago. It's still very new but I like him...a lot." He shoved his hands in his pants pockets and kicked at the door bashfully.

"You're gay?" Suzi stared at him. She tried to keep her face passive. Well, damn. There goes any chance she had with Mr. Hotness.

"No, I am bi-sexual-"

"Oh, me too actually...surprise." Suzi clapped her hands, but the look on his face made her stop. "Your parents don't support you?" She thought back to how scared she was when she first told her mom.

"No, they are supportive enough." Quintin pulled a hand through his hair. "It did take a toll on my father. He's making an effort though."

"He's one scary looking dude." Suzi bit her lip. "Hey, Vivian was right! You do like them ballsy." Suzi shook with laughter.

Quintin grimaced. "Yeay, my father's not one for shenanigans." He nodded. "Point is, I owe you big time. This guy is my first, it's always been women up to now. Needless to say, I didn't want to scare him away with my crazy family and our relationship is so new-"

"And fifty-mil is a lot to lose." Suzi smiled. She genuinely understood his logic. The heart wants what it wants.

"Yup." Quintin returned her smile.

"Besides, I kinda used you too." Suzi wrinkled her nose.

"How?" Quintin stared at her with raised eyebrows.

"Well, it wasn't random, me answering your ad." Suzi fiddled with the ring on her finger. "Here." She handed him back the ring.

Quintin stared at her wide-eyed. "What do you mean? Don't tell me you're a gold-digging stalker."

Suzi resented the accusation. "Don't flatter yourself." She jutted out her chin. "I merely mean that I accepted a dare that involves a series of blind dates, and your add made it too easy." She felt stupid saying it out loud.

"Really, a series?"

Suzi nodded.

"Number what am I?"

"Twenty three." Suzi shrugged.

"Wow. Freaky-twenty-three, was it?" Quintin placed a hand over his heart. "You sure know how to make a guy feel special."

"Haha." Suzi patted her stomach. "How about that dinner?"

"Sounds good, my fiendish friend." Quintin offered Suzi his arm.

Suzi glanced at the old lady. "What about your grandmother?"

"Leave her, she's as high as a kite."

"Poor dear." Suzi accepted his arm with a grin. "You think we're friends now?"

"Partners in crime?"

"Oh, I do like the sound of that." Suzi paused for a second. "I'm curious, why does your sister have long sleeves?"

Quintin shook his head. "Nothing gets by you, hey? She recently acquired some tattoos and, well my father ain't a fan."

"Oh." Suzi nodded. At this point, she was convinced Mr. Adams didn't like much of anything.

Suzi didn't really need Quintin to guide her to the dining room-she could have followed her nose. The roast smelled delicious and the gourmet spread made her mouth water like Grandma's. Regrettably, it wasn't the gold and crystal on the table, the fancy food or even the judging eyes that caught her attention.

On the chair next to Angela sat a black and gold urn.

Grandpa really did join us for dinner. "Good grief, this really is the Adams family," Suzi mumbled.

The butler came strutting out of the kitchen with the soup.

Quintin chuckled. "Here comes Lurch." He snapped his fingers twice as he hummed.

Great. Suzi will now have that damn song stuck in her head for the rest of the night.

Suzi's stomach growled when she sat down. "This looks delicious."

"Oh, you don't have to talk if you don't want to, honey." Angela smiled at her from behind her wine glass.

Suzi blinked dumbstruck.

"She's joking." Quintin bumped her with his elbow.

Angela smiled and winked. Even Mr. Adams, who sat at the head of the table, cracked half a smile.

"Suzanne, you will, of course, accompany my son to the bank to finalize the transfer." Mr. Adams startled Suzi with his booming voice.

Suzi swallowed. How could she dare to say no to the Godfather? "Yes, Mr. Adams."

"That's perfect." Vivian bounced in her chair. "I will take you shopping, so you can look the part. The fiance of a millionaire can't be wearing that." Vivian gestured to Suzi's dress.

Suzi huffed. I love this dress. Bitch. This entire family dealt out insults like candy on Halloween. "Great."

"Sorry, Suzi." Quintin failed to disguise the laughter in his voice.

This entire night completely pulled the rug from under her. But at the end of the night, Suzi had to admit, it wasn't all that unpleasant. She was halfway to the door when a squeaking noise rolled in. It was Grandma, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Grandma squinted at Suzi. "Who's this?" Her raspy voice quivered.

For a second you could hear a pin drop. Vivian groaned and Angela pinched the bridge of her nose.

Guess someone forgot to fill her in. "Goodnight and good luck with that." Suzi grabbed Quintin and pulled him out the door. No way was she staying for round two.


Author's Note: This one-shot is part of the 31 Blind Dates anthology from more than two dozen Wattpad writers including members of the Stars program, published authors, Ambassadors and Wattys winners.

If you want to start at the beginning, go to the profile of rskovach

You will find the next story (#24) in the collection on the profile of LLSanders

Just look for this sticker:

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