Another One

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Ash's POV

After a few hours of relaxing as a group it's time for my battle in Fini stadium. I'm pretty sure every seat is filled in the stadium, and it's only the second round...

My opponent Draxen stands across the normal battlefield with his violet eyes staring me down. His white shirt, black and green jacket, and jeans are flapping gently in the breeze with his black hair. Draxen has a small smirk on his face but I don't think it's much of a cocky one.

We're going to have to wait a few moments before this battle is ready to begin.

I look up at Kukui confused because Draxen and I are ready so what's the problem. But that's when the field starts to rumble and the battlefield completely sinks down below. And after a few moments a new battlefield arises.

It's nothing crazy compared to what the field designers in Kalos were throwing at us. But it will be different for sure since it's something that wasn't put into the training floor.

The field is basically a standard floor with big metal boxes all over. The silver boxes shimmer in the sunlight and I have some questions about them. But I guess I'll have to figure the answers out during the battle.

"Porygon-Z get'em," Draxen says once the field clicks in place.

"Haven't battles much of these," I mutter. "But I know we can win this, Vanillite time to make your debut so I choose you!"

Look at me rhyming.

Porygon-Z is an interesting looking Pokémon with its disconnected pink head and swirly eyes that float above its three limb blue and pink body. I also remember that it's a normal type so I don't know how much type will affect this battle.

The small ice cream Pokémon is tough no doubt for its size. I can see small flakes rolling off its white creamy head. She's ready to go.

"Use zap cannon," Draxen orders an electric type attack.

"Dodge and use icicle spear," I order.

The events unfold as expected, the low accuracy attack misses and Vanillite easily dodges the yellow ball of electricity. She then calls out to the sky and suddenly porygon-Z is hovering all over to avoid the skull crushing pieces of ice.

Huge icicles pour onto the battlefield, some of the metal cubes are denting or cracking from the power. Portgon is fast but having to wind through the boxes eventually causes it to take a hard hit.

It gets up pretty quickly but damage was definitely done. "Time to change things up then, conversion 2."

"What?" I question but Porygon glows until gaining a faint red aura.

Porygon-Z has transformed into a fire type. Let's see how Ash can get past Vanillite's main attacks weakening.

"Good thing we trained for something like this," I smirk. "Water pulse!"

"That thing can use water type attacks!" He exclaims. "Porygon get behind a box."

The two were in a small channel between two big boxes so Vanillite had one direction to fire. Porygon-Z gets around the corner just in time to avoid the attack. Water splashes a farther box and Vanillite chases down the other Pokémon through the battlefield.

"Conversion 2!" Draxen yells. "Quick."

"Not without a water pulse!" I shout back.

While Porygon-Z starts to change types Vanillite nails it with a sphere of water. "Now that it's wet use blizzard to freeze it."

The not at all innocent ice type smiles mischievously and unloads a powerful gust of snow and ice. It's kind of cool to see the controlled gust of wind fly through the alleyways created by the boxes in a white blur.

When Porygon-Z changes types it became a grass type to counteract the water type attack. At least if I'm understanding this right. And because of my amazing planning the blizzard attack was super effective and now a frozen virtual Pokémon is probably not feeling so great.

"Sunny day then use conversion!" Draxen commands.

"Icicle spear," I state. "Finish this up."

The sun shines down brighter but that shouldn't melt the ice immediately. So now our opponent has nowhere to run from the crashing pieces of ice. Porygon-Z glows brightly and gains a fire type aura gain.

This leads it to getting out the ice with its internal body heat rising. Porygon-Z escapes and Draxen cheers. Until another icicle comes out of nowhere and finishes the battle.

"I just got beat by an ice cream cone," Draxen sighs and shakes my hand when we meet in the middle. "You should win so I have an excuse that I lost in the second round."

"Alright," I smile and we go out separate ways.

I thank the cheerful ice type who decides to stay outside until getting inside Lillie's bag. "You were awesome," Lillie cheers and runs up to me and grabs Vanillite. "You were amazing Vanillite, you didn't even get hit by an attack."

"If you didn't have a water type move that battle would've gone a lot differently," Gladion states.

"Well good thing we did then," I chuckle. "So what's next for today?"

"You, Royce and Gladion need to go draw to see if you're going to have to battle again," Moon answers.

"Let's go then," I suggest and we make our way out of the stadium lobby.

Professor Kukui's POV

"Are the matchups ready to go?" I ask the boy in charge of the drawing system.

"Yep, there's only two for you to do in Fini stadium," He informs me. "Gladion vs Hamish and Ash vs Krissy."

"Wow talk about a power filled end to the day," I chuckle. "Tell everyone to get this thing going then."

I end the call and turn the stadium microphone back on.

Our second last second round matchup is Gladion against Hamish!

Hamish himself looks ready to ball instead of battle. He has a white tee shirt, black shorts and a sweater tied around his waist. On his feet are a pair of burgundy high tops.

Hamish has brought out his Klinkang and Gladion has a Lucario out.

Klinkand is basically a hunk of metal gears that can generate some pretty strong attacks. It'll be a challenge to overcome Lucario's fighting type moves though.

Gladion orders a quick attack to start off the battle. The bipedal Pokémon charges at an impressive speed but Klinklang's zap cannon stopped him.

Zap cannon is a good short range attack and a very good start for Hamish. He's showed defense but what about offence?

Now he's getting his gears grinding, what comes next?

Gladion has ordered Lucario to use aura sphere to keep Klinkang away. He must be scared.

Small orbs of aura fly towards Klinkang and they make a pretty big impact. Klinkang falls to the ground with its gears still spinning naturally.

Here comes Gladion's finisher, close combat!

Lucario closes in with his fists ready to go and deliver the high powered fighting type move. Klinkang suddenly rises up and crushes Lucario between his gears before receiving the attack.
Sparks fly as the damage is dealt and Lucario recoils before getting away after a while.

What a counter attack! Hamish has stopped the momentum but can he continue to keep Lucario's fighting type moves away?

Klinkang starts charging electrical energy with its gears. Gladion watches closely while the discharge attack zips across the ground towards his fighting type.

Lucario takes the attack! Maybe they're trying to show who's boss but last time I checked, the stronger and more health you have, the better. Lucario is still getting lit up like a Christmas tree but it looks like he's trying to form an aura sphere.

The bright blue orb starts to form in the bipedal Pokémon's arms. He grits his teeth while trying not to succumb to the pain being caused by the volts of electricity entering his body. Lucario rears back and throws the aura sphere along the ground.

It picks up so much speed that you can see the air moving out of its way as it pierces through the sky. Electricity transferred into the aura sphere to give the blue sphere a yellow casing and the two colours work together to form a bright green trail.

I think it's safe to say Klinkang is done for.

The steel type bends in the middle while absorbing the powerful super effective attack. It collapses immediately and Hamish recalls his Pokémon with thanks.

Klinkang is unable to battle, which means Gladion is moving on to the third round!

The two battlers meet in the middle of the battlefield and shake each other's hand. The microphones pick up something about how Hamish shouldn't have forgot Crescent and his cape in the hotel room. I have a feeling whoever Crescent is, isn't going to like the fact that they were left behind. And I wonder what the cape looks like.

Now it's time for the last battle of day and that will be Ash Ketchum against Krissy!

Krissy walks out first in her bright orange slip on shoes. They match her orange tank top and charcoal pants that are rolled up to her knees. Her green eyes that pop against her very pale skin focus on the other entrance. Krissy's hair is a dirty blonde colour that could use some sunlight to lighten up a bit.

She watches Ash closely as he runs out with Pikachu on his shoulder. This is the first time the electric type has been on Ash's shoulder before a battle in pretty sure. Does this mean Pikachu is making his debut?

Lillie's POV

We pushed our way down to the first row to get these seats. That way we'll be able to hear every command and won't have to guess what Ash says. "Claydol let's go!" Krissy says and a big ancient Pokémon comes on out.

It has rings of colour going around it's black spinning top-like body, along with a row of pink eyes to watch in every direction. "Don't use Pikachu," I plead quietly knowing Claydol is a strong ground type.

"I choose you!" Ash cheers and looks at Pikachu before throwing out another poke ball. "Pikachu the second!"

"Mim," Mimikyu makes it's weird ghostly noise.

Mimikyu seems to have the type advantage at first sight. That's not usually how Ash works so I don't know if he's going to be able to win this.

I can't help but agree with Professor Kukui.

"Play rough!" Ash immediately goes on offence. He's been battling more defensively lately so he must be either trying to throw the competition off or wants this battle over as soon as possible.

Mimikyu charges in but is deflected by a rapid spin. Claydol continues to spin and moves towards the retreating ghost type. "Thunderbolt straight down then dark pulse!" Ash yells.

Like every other Pokémon we have, Mimikyu is able to perform the combo move in a matter of seconds. He uses the electricity to form a pothole in the regular battlefield before nailing the airborne psychic type with a direct super effective attack.

And Ash isn't looking to let up and ride the battle for awhile. "Mimikyu use shadow claw!" Ash shouts.

"Claydol please try to use earthquake!" Krissy cries out.

The dark claw travels across the rumbling ground that Claydol is trying to get going. The earthquake finally breaks through and the ghost type attack flies into the air before shooting towards the defenceless Claydol. I didn't even know that was possible.

But on the other side of the battlefield Mimikyu is definitely feeling the ground type attack. Then Mimikyu's head droops, the earlier attack a must not have done enough to activate his disguise ability. So Mimikyu is still 100% while Claydol keeps getting hammered again and again.

"Claydol use earth power full power!" Krissy screams.

Claydol musters up the energy to start the high power ground type attack. The ground beneath Mimikyu rumbles like I imagine a volcano would before erupting. Ash needs to think fast.

"Mimikyu fire a spread out dark pulse quickly!" Ash commands.

Two things happen at the same time...

The ground erupts into smoke, fire, and destroyed rock while dark type energy flies all over. Eventually the smoke and dust completely overtakes the whole battlefield.

And the winner is...

It finally starts to clear up.

Ash Ketchum and Mimikyu!

I jump up and celebrate after seeing that Claydol is down for the count while Mimikyu stands there motionless. Ash wouldn't choke in the second round anyways so why was I even worried?

Four more battles and Ash achieves a major step for his dream. Only four more...


Almost time for the double battles and I have some ideas for them. Especially Ash's...

And of course thanks for reading and I'm going to do a special for 100k reads or 3k votes (whatever comes first if at all), so keep showing support like you guys have been and we'll get there for sure.


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