Final Four

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Lillie's POV

"Paul was right," Moon says stunned.

The stage is covered by a Misty terrain, leaving the whole area with a pink daze. Bright pink spores move around the stage in gusts as Kirlia and Hannah dance around. Long arm movements from the ballet inspired dance look really nice but very similar to their last appeal.

"Come on Hannah," Ajat sighs. "She worked so hard for this."

"Hannah seems to be enjoying it though," I add. "Isn't that what matters?"

"I guess," The Pokémon trainer replies.

Kirlia uses psychic to lift Hannah into the air. The pink spores follow, making it look even more beautiful but the appeal is coming to an end. Kirlia gracefully lets Hannah fall down to the stage and they finish with a bow.

"Judges?" Sarah gives them their cue.

"Elegant and you showed how in tune you are with Kirlia," Lusamine says. "8."

"Really nice appeal but repetitive, 6," Kahili states.

"Same as Kahili, 6," Lorelei says.

"That give Hannah a 48 overall and is currently fourth place!" Sarah announces. "Time for Emily to try and take her spot in the battle round."

The small green, flower crowned Bellossom comes out and Emily immediately starts. "Sunny day!"

Bellossom fires the red orb straight up and then it shoots straight across towards the setting sun. She must need the extra sunlight for something...

Now with the sunlight pouring down onto the stage, "Petal blizzard."

Pink oval shaped petals appear from Bellossom's outstretched arms. They swirl all around in the it as the white haired girl makes her way onto the ground. Emily starts spreading her arms back and forth, creating an angel in the fallen flower petals.

"Bellossom dance around with sweet scent," Emily commands from the ground. The sweet smelling attack fills the air and gives a pink aura to the petals.

She starts dancing around her trainer who is moving her arms with Bellossom's movements. Emily's appeal is as beautiful as Hannah's but also has the sense of smell.

"Magical leaf straight up!" Emily begins the ending. The sharp, sparkly leaves start their ascent while the purple coating uses the amplified sun to glow.

"Start spinning with leaf blade!"

Emily runs over to her Pokémon and Bellossom and lifts her up into the air. The flower Pokémon's hand turns into the sharp extended blade. It glows bright green and easily slices through the falling leaves, leaving purple sparkles everywhere.

Emily guides Bellossom up and down her arms and head as she finishes slowly. The crowd claps as my mom gets ready to start off the judging.

"Absolutely beautiful," She gushes. "I'm also a big fan of Bellossom and you showed her traits perfectly, 10."

"Very well put together," Kahili states, "9."

"Textbook appeal, 8," Lorelei says.

"Another 27 gives Emily a 54 in the appeal round, giving her third place so far!" Sarah announces.

"Two in, one out so far," Ash states.

"Hopefully Olivia will be number three," Kyred states.

"I have a good feeling about hers," Paul predicts.

"Do you now?" Moon jokes.

"I'm one for one so far," The purple haired guy defends himself.

"Can't argue that Moon," Gladion chuckles.

"Shut up blondie," Moon says.

"What'd I do to deserve you?" Paul laughs and wraps an arm around his girlfriend.

"Not enough," Moon sticks her tongue out playfully and snuggles into the frontier brain.

"Where did Professor Kukui go?" I ask, realizing the professor is missing.

"He went to make sure Fini stadium is ready for tonight," Professor Burnet answers. "Last minute preparations."

"Speaking of disappearances," Ash says. "I haven't seen Greninja in forever."

"He'll probably show up for the league at some point during the next few days," I assume.

"What could be keeping him away so long?" Gary asks. "I was hoping to do some research on him."

"A certain legendary Pokémon," I giggle.

"They must be pretty busy to not show anywhere recently," Ash states.

"Who knows?" I shrug.

"Mela," The mythical Pokémon cheers.

"What?" Ash asks and she makes an oval shape with her arms. Ash shakes his head, "I really need to bring Meowth along with me."

I look at Meloetta curiously until one of the final appeals start.

Weather Person's POV

The news station is buzzing with activity. Our top meteorologists and scientists run around frankly to get some sort of an idea for me to relay through television. I spin around bored in my black chair and the papers on the news desk ruffle slightly.

"Time for the news," One of my colleagues starts her part of the show.

"Today the Flower Ceremony had the appeal round in full motion...."

I tune her out as I go through my script. It's been the same basically everyday... Do tomorrow's projected weather and completely downplay the future storm.

I sigh out loud as she announces that the league is starting in four days. It was moved up due to a "random" reason, I wonder if anyone honestly believes that.

Apparently people are pretty psyched up about it though. I look at the various camera screens, showing people walking around the league city. And I get to go to the battle tonight for after battle interviews. After watching it in the studio's private box.

Now she's going through the raging Pokémon stories. Can people not learn to stay away if they're growling at you? Maybe this storm will smarten some people up.

"Police and Elite four with their champions, from all major regions, successfully invaded the famous Team Rocket base in a deserted part of Kanto."

My attention is gathered.

"A night long operation started with getting through different lock type defences. No grunts were found, no members of the team were found."

"The whole headquarters, or I guess assumingely the former headquarters, had no computers, people, Pokemon, not even a speck of dust."

"There has been leads of a revamped Team Rocket making noise in Alola. Details are being kept tight but we were able to find out the new name. Team Mega Rocket."

How creative.

"We'll keep you updated when more information is obtained."

"Thanks for listening and I now send you to the weather."

Crap, I'm not ready.

Lillie's POV

"Our final appeal, Olivia!" Sarah announces. "An overall score of 50 or higher will send Olivia to the battle round with Bonnie, Kayla and Emily."

"Vulpix let's go!" The brunette with blonde streaks cheers.

The sky is now fully star studded. The moon reflects the sun's rays as it takes its place in the sky. Slowly rising as time passes by.

"Mist and then extrasensory."

The white cloudy attack floats around harmlessly. Suddenly the psychic type attack makes the cloud become a bunch of glowing, blue-white specks.

"Ice beam!"

The small white fox opens her mouth wide open. The slick stream of ice emerges above the cloud. The ice is in a step form and Olivia walks gracefully behind Vulpix.

They make their way up so that the ice stops right before the moon from our point of view. I don't know if it's on purpose or by accident but it adds another level of expertise to the appeal.

"Iron tail!"

The ice turns into shards right on impact from the hardened curly tail of Vulpix. Olivia grabs the ice type and they fall down towards the ground in a ball.

"Blizzard!" Olivia yells.

She stops spinning and holds out the fox Pokémon towards the ground. A massive gust of snowflakes get fires out of her ice cold mouth. They disappear into the thickened mist, leaving us to wait.

Kyred is literally on the edge of his seat in worry. Suddenly the cloud "blows up" and the combination of the mist and blizzard attacks go flying off the stage. Leaving Olivia and her Vulpix in centre stage.

Kyred sighs heavily in relief, causing his younger sister to roll her eyes. Sydney gently pokes him with one finger and he goes crashing into the foot part of the metal bleachers. He goes to yell at her but multiple glares from nearby people stop him. Sydney sticks out her tongue and silently giggles.

Sarah, unable to speak with her mouth wide open, can only motion towards the judges. My mother has a similar reaction and still hasn't given her (obvious) score.

"See you in the next round," Lorelei cuts to the chase. "See you tomorrow folks."

"Wow," I mutter as everybody starts making their way out of the area.

"Let's just leave it at that," Dawn says. "That was probably one of the best appeals I've ever watched."

"The battle round brings them all back to zero remember," Moon reminds. "Olivia was amazing but it won't give her an advantage in the battle round."

"True," Kyred agrees. "I hope all of our battle training will pay off."

"But first a more important battle is going to happen," Ash smirks at his opponent.

"It really isn't important at all," I giggle. "But you better win."

"Paul you better win," Moon giggles. "Didn't you say you have the better record against Ash."

"Did you also tell her how you lost when it mattered?" Ash asks smiling.

"Oooohhh," Gary says.

Paul opens his mouth to retort but sighs. "I'll give you that one Ketchum. "

"Shouldn't you guys get going?" Brock looks at his watch. "I know Latias is fast but what about Honchcrow."

"You're right," Paul nods. "I call making my entrance first by the way."

"Whatever you need to do to be seen," Ash smirks. "Because mine is going to be so good yours will be forgotten."

"We will see," Paul sighs. "We will see."

"Are you guys going to watch?" Ash asks while releasing the red and white legendary.

"What do you think?" I giggle.

"Kukui set up the broadcast in the condo," Professor Oak states. "That way it will be where we are all staying."

"See you guys tonight or tomorrow then," Ash waves and Latias takes off, pushing dust up into Paul's face.

"I hate him so much," He chuckles and Honchcrow follows Latias's path.

"Our boyfriends are so cute together," Moon chirps.

"What a weird group," Gladion rolls his eyes.

"Like you're the normal one," I laugh.

Norman's POV

"Why are we wasting our time at this battle?" May sighs.

"I agree," Serena sighs. "It'll probably just be a one-sided single battle that lasts a few minutes.

"Then it won't waste a lot of your time then," My wife says.

"They better use dragon types," Iris states. "I want to see if their 'Battle Frontier Champion' dragon types are close to the level of my Pokémon."

"What about water?" Misty questions. "They'd be fun to watch too."

"Who says it's a single battle?" Clemont asks. "I haven't looked around much but the only posters I saw didn't specify the type of battle."

"Never thought of that," Max adds.

"What a surprise," May states sarcastically. I give her a stern look but she shrugs it off.

"If I got to pick, it would be a full six on six," Max states.

"You'd be up way past your bedtime," I chuckle.

"I don't have a bedtime!" Max yells while the girls make fun of him.

"It should-" I start.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have received word that our trainers are near," The announcer announces. "Just a little longer until they make their entrance."

I sit back patiently as the stadium lights shine brightly on the standard battlefield. Suddenly one of the lights go out for a second. Maybe it was just my eyes. Then I notice another one flash. Then another and soon everyone is following the mysterious object through the pitch black sky.

A dark pulse gets fired down and hits the centre of the field. It spreads out and the "splash" gets bigger and bigger until finally slowing down. I recognize the Pokémon as Honchcrow while the trainer seems familiar as well.

"Our first battler is the newest Kanto Frontier Brain, Paul Shinji!"

"Isn't that one of Ash's former rivals?" May points out.

"I think so," Misty agrees. "Cool that we kind of know one of the battlers."

"You'll know the other one too," Max snickers.

"What do you mean?" My clueless daughter asks.

"Oh you'll see," He sighs, laughing to himself.

A bright purple-blue orb comes out of nowhere. It flies up into the sky before crashing down around Paul. He looks up with an easy-to-tell sigh with a small smile on his face.

More of the strange attacks crash around the trainer and his bird Pokémon. They seem to be coming from near the moon and an outline of a Pokémon is showing.

The black figure kind of looks like... "Latias!" Misty exclaims.

It does look like a Latias actually...

The red and white legendary Eon Pokémon swoops down into the light. Ash sits confidently on top as he lands on his side of the battlefield.

"And our other battler has already become an Alolan hero and idol, Ash Ketchum!"


Still have to wait another chapter for the battle...

Thanks for reading and see    You    Next     Time.


Open to Pokémon suggestions right now too by the way.

Need Ocs for the league(With Pokemon if you want, don't make them op or too complicated please)

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