Getting to Eight...Actually Nine

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Ash's POV

"I'm so pumped to watch these battles," I say as Lillie and I step outside. We started walking towards the green decorated stadium that was glistening in the morning sun.

"Of course you are," She giggles. "I'm surprised you haven't jumped into one yet."

"I wish," I laugh. "So it's you and Umbreon against Kimo and Torterra?"

"Yep," She says but her smile dropped. "Size definitely isn't on our side."

"Don't worry," I assure her. "You guys will win no doubt."

"Thanks," She smiles but then her face reddened. I decide to ignore it because it's probably just from the sun. "This is where we split."

The Bulu stadium stood in front of us. "Good luck," I smile. She nods and I head towards Fini stadium.

I climb up into the booth and Silver was there waiting for me. "We get a pretty intense battle between Gallade and Meowth," He informs me as he looks at the tournament bracket.

"Meowth has been on a hot streak," I state as I sit down.

"Ready to get this show on the road?" Silver asks with his finger hovering over the unmute button.

"Let's go," I say. "Welcome everybody to the third round!"

The crowd cheered and Silver had to wait a second until he could continue. "Our first battle of the day is Kayzaya and Gallade against Ethan and Meowth." Silver announces.

The two competitors came out onto the field with their Pokémon ready to go. The cat Pokémon and the blade Pokémon stood across from each other. "May I ask the Pokémon to step back for a second?" I smirk. "Because it's time for a field change."

The regular battlefield disappeared under the surface and a new one came up. "It's the forest battlefield," Silver announces.

"It's basically just trees," I laugh. The field looked almost too crowded with trees to move around quickly.

"Let's see if one of them can thrive on this field," Silver says as the Pokémon get ready for the first commands.

"Meowth get in there with night slash," Ethan commands. Meowth nodded and started running on two feet. "Meowth run on four legs for more speed." The cat didn't listen however, instead he made his way around the trees swiftly.

"Gallade use teleport," Kayzaya orders calmly. The bipedal Pokemon focused and disappeared into thin air. Meowth stopped and started looking around for any sign of Gallade. "Aerial ace!"

The trees above Meowth rustled and that's when I knew the cat Pokémon messed up. Gallade came out of the tree with a glowing foot aimed towards Meowth. He landed a direct hit but Meowth got right back up.

"Try a payday," Ethan orders.

"Psychic," Kayzaya smirked. Gallade used his psychic powers to turn the coins around and fire them straight into Meowth.

"Meowth has been our commanded so far," I announce. "Can they turn it around?"

"Something has to go Meowth's way at some point," Silver says. "And it may start with that command by Ethan."

Meowth climbed into the trees awaiting his next order. The big leaved trees hid him from view and Gallade is looking all around for any sign of movement.

"Night slash."

Meowth swooped down quickly with the super effective dark type attack already charged. With one swift hit Gallade was down and he disappeared back into the trees.

"Iron tail!"


Gallade teleported right when the command was said as if he expected it. "Meowth never attacked," I announce. You could see the looks of confusion on everybody's faces because that sequence didn't work like it was supposed to.

"Laddde!" A yelp came from a different area in the forest. I looked over to see Meowth with his tail across Gallade's chest. He was smirking and Ethan had the same expression.

No one noticed the smirk on Kayzaya's face though...

"Close combat!"

Gallade's fists moves at a pace I couldn't follow. Meowth was punched over and over until he was finally knocked out. "What a battle," I breathe out.

"That could have gone either way," Silver states.

"And for a Pokémon that never really battles until this year," I laugh. "He did pretty good."

"If every battle is like that then we might be here for awhile," Silver chuckles.

"Hey Silver have you seen the next matchup yet?" I ask as I look at the upcoming battle.

"No I forget," He laughs. I hand over the bracket that he was studying earlier. "Wh— Oh this will be fun to watch."

Gladion's POV

"Wailord seems unbeatable," I sigh as this battle is probably about midway through.

"Salamence just can't find a way through his defense," Dawn adds. "And when he does, the high health and stamina keeps Salamence from doing too much damage as well."

"And whenever Salamence lands on one of the floating pads, Wailord forces him back in the air," I add.

"Wailord use bounce!" Jeremy orders.

"I still don't understand the logic happening here," I sigh as the whale somehow made its way up into the sky.

"He believes he can fly," Dawn laughs. "There's nothing wrong with that."

"Salamence full power dragon pulse straight up," Frank yells.

Wailord was blocking the sun and creating a shadowy effect over Salamence as he was falling down. Salamence fires the dragon type attack straight up at Wailord. He was still slowly falling and Salamence was trying his hardest to avoid being slammed into the water.

"He wasn't strong enough," I mutter as Salamence goes crashing into the waster with the blue whale on top. Once the waves calmed down the Hoeen Pokémon climbed out of the water.

"Finish with heavy slam!" Jeremy yelled. Salamence accepted defeat  as a Wailord went crashing into him.

"I don't know if anyone can beat that whale," I sigh as he moves on to the next round.

"I'm on the Wailord train," Dawn cheers.

"More of a boat," I laugh.

"Or a submarine," Dawn giggles.

"Anyways our next battle is Marowak versus Greninja," I announce.

"Type advantage is definitely not in Marowak's favour," Dawn states.

"Especially since it's Greninja," I add.

"That Water shuriken sure didn't help Marowak's chances," Dawn cringes as the small water things hit the ghost and fire type.

"Neither did that night slash," I add as Hau and Greninja weren't letting up.

"That aerial ace was the icing on the cake," Dawn says as Greninja moves on uncontested.

"Well that was extremely anti-climatic," I sigh as the third round comes to a close for us.

"You'll live," Dawn smiles.

Kukui's POV

"This battle is reaching its final moments," I announce.

Dewgong was trying to keep up with Lucario but his variety of moves was becoming too much. The rare white bipedal Lucario was landing attack after attack but the water field was keeping Dewgong in the battle.

"Dewgong get in there with aqua tail!" Zach yells.

"Mistake," LeiLani smirks. "Finish this with close combat."

The fury of punches and kicks stopped Dewgong in his tracks. And the move proves to be the last one needs as the seal Pokémon faints.

"And that is all for Dewgong," I announce. "A complete show of moves from Lucario and we will have to wait until next round to see more."

"But we don't have to wait long for another intense battle," I state. "Because it's time to see the giant of a Pokémon, Torterra against the Pokémon that shines in the darkest of nights, Umbreon."

Bonnie's POV

"C'mon Lillie!" I shout as her and Umbreon walk out onto the rocky battlefield. "Win this for Ash!"

"Pikaa!" Pikachu cheered.

"For Ash?" Olivia questions. "Are they a thing?" I could hear the slight fear in her voice, what a wonderful sound.

Now I have a choice... I could be responsible and say "no, you still have a chance" or I could make things interesting and say "yep".

"Yes they are and Lillie is really into him," I say innocently.

"Oh," She frowns.

"Umbreon use psychic!" Lillie interrupted our little but wonderful conversation.

Torterra was helplessly lifted into the air and Kimo had no counter attack. "Slam him down!"

"Earthquake," Kimo smirks. Torterra was slammed into the ground, causing him damage but an even more powerful earthquake was another result.

The ground buckled and shook as Umbreon was tossed around effortlessly by the attack. "Umbreon do something," Lillie panicked.

"Pika Pikachu chu pi," The yellow mouse waves his arms. Umbreon nodded at the "wise" words and her tail started shining and turned the familiar shining silver colour.

She managed to get her tail stuck in the ground and her tail was absorbing the shock of the quake. "Look at Pikachu helping out his girlfriend," I tease the reddened mouse. He shrugged me off as the rumbling stopped.

Umbreon's tail left the ground and she fell over. That earthquake must have done a large amount of damage. "Torterra finish this with frenzy plant!" Kimo yells.

"Umbreon use dark pulse but spin around so the vines can't touch you," Lillie orders. The Eon Pokemon followed the order perfectly and the huge spiky green vines were disintegrating once they came in contact with the dark pulse.

The black purplish energy was flying everywhere and the vines were slowly getting smaller and weaker. But Umbreon had no more dark power to dish out and one of the final vines slapped her across the face.

Umbreon slowly got up with her legs shaking. "Lillie needs to find a way to trap Torterra or something like that," I state. 

"Umbreon use rest!" Or fall asleep wide out in the open. A faint blue aura wrapped around Umbreon and all of the visible scratches disappeared.

"Smart," Kimo says sarcastically. "Finish this with a heavy slam attack." The continental Pokémon charged forward at the defenceless Umbreon. I covered my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch Lillie's chance at winning go down the drain.

"Umbreon use sleep talk!" I open my eyes at the command and Torterra was stopped in his tracks. Slowly floating up, Torterra was trying to get free but all he's doing is trying to fly faster.

Suddenly Umbreon slams him into the ground but she wasn't done. "Keep using sleep talk!" A round of shadow balls bombarded the Sinnoh native first. Following was a dark pulse. He slowly got up to see Umbreon, now awake, glaring at him.

"Leaf storm," Kimo commands.

"Send it right back but try to add a dark pulse," Lillie orders.

Torterra was done for as he sent the storm of leaves from his little tree. The psychic got ahold of them and they were coated in the dark type attack.

He was still standing but that didn't last long because he collapsed to the ground unable to battle. Everyone was stunned after such a quick turnaround and there were a few moments of silence. "Go Lillie!" I cheer with the rest of the crowd that seemed to erupt in unison.

She gave a thumbs up and smiled. If only she was as good at confessing.

Paul's POV

"We've seen all three Unova starters in this stadium," I announce as the battle between Snivy and Samurott was nearing an end. "And in three different stages as well."

"But only one can prevail," Moon cheers. "That was perfect."

"Not bad," I laugh. "Especially not as bad as that try at defence by Snivy."

"She's struggling after that one," Moon points out.

"That ice beam came out of nowhere," I say as Samurott lands the finishing blow.

"I wanted Snivy to win," Moon pouts.

"You just pick the smallest Pokémon battling," I chuckle.

"Nooo," She argues and points a finger at me. "I pick the cutest."

Samurott seemed to hear that and his head dropped. "Now look what you've done," I sigh.

"Samurott you're still—" Moon started. "Well I tried but he left."

"And you say I'm the mean one," I joke.

"Hmph," She pouts.

"Anyways it's time for Mimikyu and Bastiodon to face off," I announce. "Oh they already started."

"Looks like Mimikyu has already been hit," Moon points out the slumped head of Mimikyu.

"We really need to pay attention more," I laugh.

"We just can't keep our eyes off other," Moon jokes.

"Yeah okay," I laugh. "We just like to argue."

"You just use it as an excuse to do something for me after I win," Moon laughs. "Because doing something nice out of the ordinary would probably explode something."

"I can be-" I start. "Wait, you're actually right this time."

"When am I not?" She giggles. "My theory is perfect."

"Not the crazy theory about me causing natural disasters," I say. "The fact that the cuter Pokémon should win. Bastiodon is destroying Mimikyu."

"Mimikyu is way cuter," Moon argues.

"No way" I say as Bastiodon deflects a play rough attack with protect. "Look at him."

"A big prehistoric dog is in no way cute," She says.

"Better than a Pokémon with face drawn with marker," I argue.

"I think it's cute," Moon pouts.

"Well Bastiodon is going to win with this heavy slam," I state.

"No he—" She starts, "oh come on."


The last big round is almost over. Then I can add more plot instead of just battles.

But anyways thanks so much for 25K! And I hope you continue to read..

Cya next time.

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