Gotta Keep Moving On

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Ash's POV

"The judges sure take their time," Ajat comments.

Gladion, Kyred, Ajat and myself are taking a short break from getting ready for our battles. Kukui and whoever else is working in this league, set up four television screens to watch the battles taking place. Each TV has a coloured border to help show what stadium it's showing.

The judges have finally given me the scores and winner. Take your time next time please.

"You can tell it's Paul," I chuckle.

The winner, unanimously if I may add, is the ever so talented Moon!

"That was obvious," Gladion states. "She won every aspect of that battle, that explosion attack at the end should have given that guy an automatic win though."

"True," Kyred jokes. "Royce is after this next battle right?"

"I think so," I say. "Which means we have a battle's worth of time to train."

I run off to the more mountainous part of the training area. Ajat and I have kept our Pokémon choices hidden from each other so far. That way the element of surprise is still there. I'm pretty sure he has his two picked already though unlike myself...

I've been training with them in pairs to see what two can keep our opponents on edge. I also want to use my newer and less experienced Pokémon in these stages but I don't want to underestimate anyone. Especially since Ajat seems pretty determined to beat me.

"I also need to think about who can fight more than one Pokémon at once, move versatility, type advantage and disadvantage, maybe-" I start mumbling to myself.

"Still haven't picked yet?" Meowth walks over and I nod. "Maybe you should just pick out of a hat."

A few other Pokémon laugh at his suggestion along with the talking normal type. "Ash isn't that stu-" Blobby starts to say.

"Maybe I should," I shrug. "I know any of you can win this."

"It could go so wrong though," The green blob legendary Pokémon protests.

"What's life without risks?" I smile.

"I regret every decision leading up to this," Blobby sighs and hops up to the top of the giant rock they got up here somehow.

"Will legendaries get their names in?" Latias asks, I can hear her hope even though it's through telepathy.

"I don't want to use legendaries to just cruise through the tournament," I state. I pet her head until her usual smile comes back, "It wouldn't be fun that way."

She nods, "But on the off chance we battle someone with a legendary," I wink. "Guess who'll make their league debut."

That perks her up and she flies around happily with Meloetta on her back. "Can you two go get paper and pen for me to write out the ballots please?" I ask the two cheerful Pokémon.

They nod happily and Latias takes off out of the open sunroof panel. They're going to give some people a pretty good surprise during the next moments. Seeing a legendary or mythical Pokémon isn't exactly a common thing. I think everyone deserves to meet or at least see one in real life.

That's something I've been lucky enough to be blessed with since day one. And since then my crazy Pokémon journey has led me to constant meeting with some of the most sought out Pokémon in the world. Not always on good circumstances which makes every time I see one special in its own way.

It all started when that golden figure flew above Pikachu and I during the first part of our lifelong friendship. The same legendary figure that showed Bonnie and I the way to Alola. The same figure that dropped a mysterious feather that reacts whenever Lillie and I are together.

This Pokémon has been a part of my life forever and is somehow connected to the three of the most important people and Pokémon in my life. That's what's so special about legendary Pokémon and I want to give that chance to as many people as possible. They all deserve to have a Pokémon that is always there when you don't realize you need it. That is why I'm going to meet and bond with the Pokémon.

"And it'll be soon," I mutter and Pikachu eyes me suspiciously. I look back but Latias and Meloetta fly in and keeps Pikachu from questioning me.

"Thanks girls," I smile and Meloetta hands me the items. I start writing out all my Pokémon's names.

"Your handwriting is amazing," Meowth says sarcastically.

"It's not that bad," I protest but I'm lying to myself.

"Let me show you how to write legible words," Meowth sighs and continues to write names. "With three fingers may I add."

"Just keep writing," I sigh. "Noctowl can you use your psychic ability to draw two names when Meowth's done."

"Noct," He says and lifts my hat off of me. It hovers in the air and the asymmetrical ballots fly through the air. Noctowl keeps them going through the air, almost as he's giving them the ride if their life. Each time Meowth finishes a ballot it joins the cloud of paper. That's a pretty impressive psychic attack, maybe I shouldn't underestimate him like I have accidentally did in the past.

"Okay that's it I think," Meowth states. "I've gotten pretty good at knowing everybody."

"Most of them have sent you blasting off so it's like you just met them," I chuckle.

"Just pick two Pokémon already Noctowl," Meowth says as salty as the ocean.

The ballots end their flight in my hat. Noctowl moves a single ballot up in the air, investigating it before letting me see.

He smirks and drops the first ballot in my hand. "The first Pokémon is....... Noctowl," I sweat drop.

"Probably should have seen that one coming," Meowth comments.

"Well it worked I guess," I laugh. "Who's going to follow you Noctowl?"

I read the next picked ballot. "Lapras," I announce. "He's over in the pool section so I better go tell him."

"Ash, Royce's battle is starting," Gladion comes from around the mountain.

"I'll be there in a second," I say and he goes back to the television.

"I'll have to tell Lapras aft-" I get interrupted.

"Finiii!" A cheerful cry comes from inside the Machamp built cave.

I run over to see her and Greninja's egg shaking madly in a pile of leaves. "Woah," I mutter as light starts to pour through the cracks. "Lillie's gonna want to see this."

I go to run off towards Lele stadium but Gardevoir stops me. She sighs and Lillie appears right in front of me. Since she was sitting down before being teleported, Lillie isn't in a position to stand. I quickly wrap my arms around her to keep her from falling.

"I forgot you can teleport people," I rub the back of head while laughing a bit.

"It's hatching," Lillie squeals excitedly.

Light completely envelopes the cave. Legendary egg hatches sure are... well legendary I guess. The light fades, leaving a smaller and less physically developed Tapu Fini.

"Fiiin," The newborn yawns.

Her mother flies up carefully with tears in her eyes. The new family shares a moment together and Lillie smiles adoringly at them.

I wrap my arm around her as we watch them interact with each other. "I don't know if I can handle another Pokémon hatching," Lillie says teary eyed. "It's too beautiful."

"You better find a way because Brock said our egg is close to hatching too," I chuckle.

"Life is being too nice to us," Lillie giggles. "And I hope it stays that way for a long time."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," A familiar voice says.

Paul's POV

This hasn't been the most exciting battle so far. These three have been playing defence for what seems like hours. The one who was brave enough to try the whole attacking thing has lost both of his Pokemon.

Royce's Alakazam, Skye's Arcanine and Ethan's Araquanid are some of the strongest Pokémon we've seen so far. But all that's happened is small attacks being partially deflected and barely causing damage.

You can see that they are experiencing some fatigue though so maybe things are about to heat up.

Ethan looks ahead with his long shoulder length hair and glasses. Skye and Royce are both as focused but they don't look like they want to get things started for real.

And Araquanid is starting with a lunge attack towards Alakazam. The giant bubble spider Pokémon lunges forward with its long legs but the psychic Pokémon of Royce's looks ready.

Alakazam used reflect just in time to slow down the bug type. Reflect cut that attack down about %50 so Royce's defensive strategy continues to work.

Now Ethan has ordered an x-scissor which is being met with a psycho cut from Alakazam. Abra kadabra Alakazam wins the battle and Araquanid looks worse for wear.

A light blue barrier got up right before Araquanid attacked to give Alakazam an easy direct hit. Now it's Arcanine's turn to get into it.

Now Arcanine is charging in with a flare blitz! We're seeing some pretty powerful attacks now.

He is now completely shrouded by fire as he charges at the recovering water and bug type.

Araquanid is now being held in place by Alakazam's psychic. Ethan's strategy is going downhill fast.

I cringe from the collision but I look back in time to see the Alola native pokemon fly up into the air. He suddenly goes crashing back down into the cloud of smoke.

Araquanid is—

A pink beam of energy hits Arcanine hard and don't forget about the recoil damage he just took.

Both Araquanid and Arcanine are unable to battle. Can they get around Royce's intelligent and calculated way of battling?

Skye has brought out a... Rowlet. Seriously?

Skye glares at me as the small and popular Pokémon sits there content with the huge crowd cheering it's name.

Sorry but I don't know how a small Pokémon like that is going to compete here. Anyways Ethan has brought out a powerful looking Lurantis. Let's see if the pair of grass types can stop Alakazam's momentum.

Now Rowlet is flying around the stadium, I'm pretty sure that's all they can do. And now he's frozen in place by Alakazam's very powerful psychic.

Wait! Ethan isn't one to watch from a distance and do nothing. Lurantis' blade is glowing alarmingly bright. Now she's using her long pink legs to get to the distracted yellow psychic type in no time.

Lurantis comes down on Alakazam with a hard solar blade before Rowlet reaches the ground. He loses his hold on the starter Pokémon right before the owl goes into the ground.

Looks like the two have evened up this battle. Who will Royce bring out to get him to the next round?

Looks like he's bringing out a Pokémon from his home region Sinnoh. Bronzong isn't going to be an easy opponent for the two grass types. Whether they work together or not.

Royce has commanded Bronzong to use gyro ball and make a marking in the dirt. Everyone is watching curiously as it draws out an outline of its pre evolutionary form, Bronzor.

Lurantis and Rowlet creep closer curiously. All of a sudden Bronzong stops at the closest point between them and the drawing. His two red eye like markings glow brightly and Royce smirks from his corner of the field.

Two bright orbs fly from his eyes to the other two Pokémon. They were so enthused in his interesting start that they were so close and shocked to move out of the way.

That confuse ray completely shocked Ethan and Skye who are now watching their dazed Pokémon helplessly. Royce is taking advantage by ordering a heavy slam that may be able to clear out the competition.

Bronzong flies across the ground, only a few feet up in the air. Rowlet twirls around almost like a dance before getting slammed into one of the walls. The steel and psychic type does a complete u-turn before doing the same to Lurantis.

Royce has completely taken control of the battle. He's now ordered Bronzong to charge a psyshock but only to attack if one of them get up after that attack.

Rowlet is unable to battle but Lurantis is on one knee, trying to overcome the pain. Bronzong shoots the small pink orbs towards her to finish it up.

Lurantis defends in time with a leaf blade! Ethan is not done yet but now they have to defend against a zen headbutt from a perfectly fine Bronzong.

They couldn't...

Lurantis is unable to battle and the only thing they can do now is wait for the judges' decision.

I quiet down the cheering crowd before reading out the obvious conclusion.

The judges gave Skye, Royce and Ethan pretty similar scores near the start but in the end Royce completely dominated. Alakazam and Bronzong earned their trainer the right to move on.

Our group's two solo battlers made it. But only two of the other four can make it. It will be interesting for sure...


A busy end to the summer meant literally zero writing time the last few days so I'm sorry for the wait.

Anyways it worked out because tomorrow is being dedicated to my new book. (And first day of school)

Thanks for reading and see you all next chapter!

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