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Ash's POV

Beep Beep Beep

Lillie and I jolted up and on our feet. The large television was glowing red and a holographic exclamation mark was floating in front of it.

"We have received news of a tsunami heading towards Alola," The news girl reports. "Our experts don't know why or how it was created but Poni island is in grave danger."

A picture flashed on the screen and it brought back memories of Altomare. The strong curling wave was towering over the ocean as its speed was picking up.

"Residents of Seafolk Village have been told to evacuate but since Poni island is relatively low-lying, it might not matter," The reporter says sadly.

Everyone was stunned to hear such a tragedy. Alola was supposed to be peaceful and free of conflict but that hasn't got us anywhere. "We have to do something," I state.

"Meowth and Kukui if you can, please get all of our Pokémon home," Lillie says.

"Be ready for a call as well," I add.  "Lugia are you okay with flying us there?"

She gave a nod and Lillie climbed on and I followed suite. "Greninja return. Tapu Fini?" I ask. She nods and was returned to her capsule.

"Suicune might show up," I mutter thinking that he should be able to sense the danger.

"Pikachu I choose you," Lillie says and he climbs on her shoulder.

"Really?" I smile.

"Girlfriend gets first pick," She winks.

"Zorua let's go," I say while glaring at Pikachu.

"See you guys some other time," Lillie waves as the roof starts to open. Handy.

"Wait!" Bonnie yells and climbs on a surprised Pidgeot.

"Okay," I chuckle.

And we were off...

Proton's POV

"Hehehe," I laugh from on top of my Golbat. In between flaps of his oversized wings I could watch the wave of destruction tear through the ocean. Then I can ride in and steal all the Pokémon I want. What a happy coincidence.

"Luuu!" A took a second to look back before getting pushed aside by a huge gust of wind. Lugia...

And Ketchum...

They want to be heroes, how sweet. They landed on the edge of the docks and looked towards the approaching wave. "Good luck," I laugh.

Suddenly a streak of red crossed the sky. You got to be kidding me...

Ash's POV

"What's that?" Lillie pointed out towards the sky. A red and white Pokémon was flying at an unidentifiable speed towards the tsunami before stopping.

"Latias!" I yell. History was repeating itself... Except this time the smiling legendary wasn't going to risk her life. "Everyone out!"

Latias is using psychic to control the tsunami but one Pokémon isn't enough to stop such a thing. "Lugia help out with extrasensory," Lillie orders.

The two female legendaries were starting to push back the massive wave. "Greninja freeze parts with ice beam. Zorua chip them off with shadow ball."

Since the tsunami wasn't moving, water stopped getting sucked back into the ocean. The ice ships were slowly taking size away from the tidal wave. "Tapu Fini use Moonblast to blow the water away," Lillie commands. "Pikachu use electro ball."

The powerful attacks continued to make the tsunami weaker but we need to work faster. The Tsunami was no longer being pushed back, instead it was moving in one spot somehow.

"Pidgeot help keep it back with hurricane!" Bonnie commands. "Squishy use dragon pulse."

The onslaught attacks continued until the two psychic types were exhausted and unable to hold much longer. All of us states put as the now smaller wave threatened to swallow us. It kept getting closer and closer until... "Well that was anticlimactic," I sigh as the wave did little more than make my shoes wet.

"Doesn't look like anything way affected by it," Lillie observes.

"Phew," Bonnie sighs. "It would be nice if the world stopped making us do stuff like this."


"Not bad, not bad, not bad at all," I teal haired guy clapped after he got off his Golbat. A bright gold R on his chest with a black uniform that made it stand out.

"Who are you?" Lillie asks defensively.

"Proton," The guy sneers. "A Team Mega Rocket Executive."

"So scary," I say sarcastically. "Are you here for a reason other than being a nuisance?"

"You think you're so tough hotshot," Proton laughs. "But you're Pokemon are exhausted and you said "Everyone out".

I closed my fists and growled but Lillie's soft touch made it go away. She said nothing but I nodded as she ran off towards the Pokémon Center. "Now you guys are even running away," Proton laughs.

"Let's battle," I insist. "If you think my Pokémon can't battle tired."

"Um-mm," I could see Proton swearing as he tried to air out his shirt.

"Called your bluff," I smirk.

"Golbat make this quick," Proton calls.

The bat Pokémon flew between us and it's mouth was wide open and ready to attack. "Pikachu you good to battle?"

He nodded and picked himself off the ground. He slowly walked forward, cheeks sparking.

"Pikachu let's get this one over quick," I announce.

"Golbat use poison fang," Proton orders.

"Electro ball," I smirk. No chance for the big mouthed bat.

Golbat's glowing purple mouth was filled with the massive ball of electricity. He went crashing down but we aren't done, "Finish with thunderbolt."

Pikachu smirked as the bolt of bright yellow electricity shocked the evolution of the most annoying Pokémon in cave history. "Pikachu you looked pretty tired there," I joke. The yellow mouse laughed and I could even hear a giggle from Lillie.

"Ugh youuu!" Proton yells. "Weezing, Raticate get out here!"

The familiar Kanto Pokemon came out. The purple balls of gas that made up Weezing puffed out a cloud of black smoke. The brown rat was standing on two feet and staring at the more accomplished mouse.

"Weezing use smog," Proton orders. "Raticate get in there with bite."

Pikachu was covered in the thick black air pollution. I could hear him coughing but he and Raticate were hidden from view. "Weezing use headbutt."

"Pikachu counter-shield!" I yell. It feels nice to use old strategies that actually work.

Electricity flew in all directions and it shone through the smog that started to disperse. Next was a brown rat that came flying out defeated and immobile. Weezing never came out so we were all in a stand still waiting for the smog to clear out.

"You got to be kidding," I laugh. Pikachu was taking a nap on the unconscious poison type. He was curled into a ball until he noticed that the smog was gone. He couldn't resist a smile as he walked back to Lillie's shoulder.

"Out of Pokemon now are we?" I smirk.

Proton seemed to be debating something. "Not quite," He laughs evilly.

He rolled up his sleeve to show bracelet that was too recognizable. "Sorry But you need a strong bond with your Pokémon to use mega evolution," I try to sound confident.

"So naive," He sighs. "People only say that to scare evil organizations from using it. Beedrill time to show your stingers."

The black and yellow bee Pokémon cane buzzing out. But it isn't going to stay in that form for long. Proton tapped his keystone and the glow came from Beedrill's chest.

Beedrill was now twice its original size and ten times as intimidating. It now has five different stingers, each as deadly as the next. The red eyes showed the anger every Beedrill seems to have. The more streamlined body made the wings look even bigger as they spread across the sky.

"Greninja I need you," I say.

Proton's POV

I watch the famous Greninja step before me. With all these legendaries I'm definitely not getting out of here a free man. But if I can get Greninja to do his bond thing then at least I can obtain a good amount of energy.

"Beedrill use pin missile!" I order.

"Defend with water shuriken," Ash commands.

Small explosions occurred after each collision of the lime green seeds and bright blue ninja stars. Except Beedrill was able to produce more and a few were able to land hits.

"Get in there with poison jab," I command.

"Night slash," Ash orders.

He's really aggressive so far, anger clouds judgement...

Greninja's one hand couldn't handle Beedrill's five stingers and yet another attack was landed for us. Greninja shuddered and small purple bubbles started floating out of his skin. Poisoned.

"Greninja are you okay?" Ash asks. Greninja got back up to his feet with a nod. "Then let's do this!"

"The power," I mutter.

A torrent of water engulfed the frog Pokémon and when it dispersed a more powerful looking Pokémon was there. The red spike and the darker body was extremely intimidating. It might not be worth fighting this...

I look a Beedrill and I feel something I haven't felt in what seems like forever. Pity.

"Water Shuriken!" Ash yells.

I don't utter a single command. Despite the mega evolution, I know that I was given the least experienced Pokémon. It's power can't match Greninja's so why make this battle longer than it has to be. The massive star of water took Beedrill down with one hit.

Ash's POV

"Return," I quickly call back the tired and poisoned Pokémon.

"You're done here Proton," A familiar chorus of voices insisted. "Because the bad guys never win."

"The famous TRio," Proton laughs. "You guys would know that better than anybody."

"Yet you're the one going to jail," Jessie smirks.

"And because of us," James says while handcuffing the Rocket Executive.

"Can I at least return my Beedrill?" The teal colour haired man asks.

"I guess," Hames shrugs and loosens the cuffs.

Proton reached for his mega bracelet and pressed a red button. I expected him to get away but all that happened was a simple white light shooting up into the air. "What was that for?" I ask.

"A greater goal."

Delia's POV

"Ariana why is my bracelet glowing?" I start to freak out.

"Seems like someone was caught," The maroon haired girl shrugs.

"They got a lot of energy though," I observe as the meter rose up a substantial amount.

"Good," Ariana smirks.

Ash's POV

"See you later," We wave the ex-Team Rocket Team off on their police boat and back towards the MeleMele police headquarters.

"We should go somewhere peaceful," Lillie sighs.

"Like Alola was supposed to be," I laugh.

"That worked out," Bonnie giggles.

"You guys wouldn't have met me if you didn't come here," The blonde smiles and I smile back.

"And you wouldn't have saved our village in which I thank you greatly," A dirty blonde woman walked over.

She had paint all over as well with a painter's bag hung over her shoulder. "I'm Mina."

"Ash, Lillie and Bonnie," I introduce us.

"Well I'm the-" Mina starts before pausing.

"Uh oh," A guy says. "Are we late?"

The other two grunts with him shrug. They had black uniforms with a gold streak through the shirt and a white R. "Team Rocket," I growl.

"Actually Team Mega Rocket," One of the grunts correct.

"Lugia, Tapu Fini, Latias," I say.

"But you call us whatever you want," The lead one sweat-drops. "Rattata come on out!"

The two grunts followed with similar purple rats. "Really?" I start to laugh.

"Numbers are low right now," One grunt argues.

"Ash I got this one," Lillie giggles. "Zorua I choose you."

"Rattata use bite," All three order.

"Zorua use dark pulse but swing it across," Lillie commands calmly.

The black fox effortlessly released the dark spiral of energy. With perfect control the shiny Zorua was able to knock out all three Pokémon. "I was hoping for a longer battle," Lillie frowns.

"Don't be so amazing next time," I joke.

"Hey guys they're getting away," Bonnie states.

I was too busy staring into Lillie's eyes to hear her and once I noticed it was too late. "It's fine," Mini sighs. "They shouldn't cause much of a problem anyways."

"Hopefully," Lillie sighs.

"Lillie look in your arms," I laugh.

"Did she...?" Lillie trails off.

"Teleport," I laugh.

"That's awesome!" Bonnie cheers. Mina just laughed at the interaction.

"Anyways I'm the fill in Kahuna of Poni island right now," Mini smirks. "And I have a great grand trial for you."


Still haven't said what Pokémon she is but it's getting more obvious I think.

Anyways thanks for reading and cya next chapter!

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