How Hard Can a Trial Be?

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Ash's POV

"Hurry up guys," I said to Lillie and Bonnie. I can see Verdant Cavern now and I can't wait to win my first trial. I start running faster so I can start earlier.

"Wait up Ash," I heard Lillie yell. I turn around to reply but..smack.

"Oww," I look at the brown haired person in front of me.

"Ajat?" I asked. I forgot he's a trial goer too.

"This is why you guys shouldn't run." Hannah came over and lectured us.

"She's right," Lillie said as she and Bonnie got to us.

"Let's just go in," I mumbled and started walking into the forested area.

"Hello anyone here?" Ajat yelled.

"Welcome to the Verdant Cavern trial." A pink haired guy came out from around the corner. "Ilima." He said as he shook our hands.

"I'm Ash Ketchum and I'm here to challenge this trial." I said.

"And I'm Ajat also here to challenge this trial," Ajat followed.

"Two at the same time," Ilima put his hand on his chin. "I have an idea."

"Will it be a problem because these two definitely cant wait any longer." Bonnie said laughing a little. We gave her a stare. "It's true."

"You guys know about trials right and how they work?" We nodded. "The challenge will be a competition then."

"Whoever finishes the challenge first can battle the totem and I first." Ilima finished.

"Will the second person have to wait for the totem to heal?" Hannah asked.

"If Ash goes first Ajat won't have to wait for it to heal." Lillie teased with her tongue out. That was uncalled for but I couldn't stop from laughing a bit.

Ilima laughed. "There is two totem Pokémon so that won't be a problem."

"The challenge will be to catch two Alolan Rattata with the help of three Pokémon. But no attacks may be used and you need to catch them with these cages." Ilima said and handed Ajat and I a cage.

"You also have to stay within the cavern." How hard can this be? "Ladies you can come with me to observe."

"Lillie can you take Pikachu for me?" I asked as Pikachu started charging electricity. "Sorry Pikachu."

"Sure Ash," Pikachu ran up on Lillie's shoulder. I have a feeling he's going to stay there for awhile.

"Good luck guys," Hannah said and followed Ilima up to a building in the wall.

"Ready Ajat?" I asked as I let out Rattata, Zorua and Litten. He nodded and let out his shiny bagon, sneasel and a charmander. "Cool Pokémon."

"Thanks," and then he ran off.

"Zorua," My shiny Zorua whimpered.

"Lillie's watching so let's make her proud," I assured as I pet her. She got a look of determination and I could tell she wanted to do this.

Bonnie's POV

I could see Ash explaining the challenge when we got up to the top. There was a big glass window we could look out of and see the whole cavern.

"Ash should probably start moving," I said to everyone.

"Maybe he's thinking of a plan," Ilima suggested.

All three of us and Pikachu laughed. "I haven't known Ash long but I'm pretty sure he just jumps into things." Hannah said.

"I'm sure your over exaggerating," Ilima sighed.

"Ash once jumped off of a tower to save Pikachu before remembering the ground is hard." I said while looking at the embarrassed Pikachu. "She's not exaggerating."

Everyone was acting like it was the biggest thing in the world. In Kalos barely anyone reacted to it.

"Long story short Blaziken Mask's, aka my dad's Blaziken saves him." I finished. They were still frozen.

"Look Ash found one," I pointed out. That sentence was like an un-freeze button and we all watched Ash.

"Looks like they're trying the surround tactic," Ilima said. "It's not going to work."

"Why not?" I asked. Ilima tried to point the best he could at behind Rattata. "There's a hole."

"Ajat got one." Hannah said happily. Ajat was waving at us with charmander sending embers up in the air. Ilima gave a thumbs up so Ajat released the rat Pokémon.

"Can they catch the same Rattata twice?" Lillie asked. Ilima put one of his fingers counting down from three.

At zero presumably the Rattata That was caught showed up in the room. Ilima gave it some Pokémon good and it went to eat in the corner.

We shifted our focus to Ash who was, with his Pokémon, running around from hole to hole. Pikachu was laughing pretty hard at his trainer.

"Looks like Ajat is going to win." Hannah said confidently.

"Not yet," Ilima announced. I didn't know what he was talking about until I saw his Rattata and Zorua go into the tunnel system. Litten and Ash we're positioned in front of the two other openings.

"Cmon Ash," I heard Lillie whisper. I gave her a nudge with my shoulder. She must've figured out why because I could see a red tint on her cheeks.

"Yay Ash got one," I cheered as Ilima gave a thumbs up. A few moments later the Rattata came up and got its meal.

Small time skip

"They're taking forever," I complained.

"I think I may know why." Ilima said while looking They he just remembered something. "Usually there are four Rattata but I told two to go with the totem."

"So Ajat and Ash are looking for something that isn't there." Hannah said.


"Can't you just send these two Rattata back out?" I suggested.

"Good idea," Ilima said and went to ask the two to go back out.

Ash's POV

"There," I pointed to a Rattata hidden in the bushes.

We were all trying to jump on it but it kept dodging. It started dancing around us as we got up.

I whisper to my Pokemon giving them a plan. I step out of the way a bit and grab the cage. I watched them run around, at and over the Rattata. The plan was working, it was getting confused.

Lillie's POV

"Another one of Ash's crazy ideas," I said as we watched what was happening.

"It worked though," Bonnie said as Ash gave the signal that he caught it.

"Ajat just got his too," Hannah said smiling. "A little to late though."

We went down and met up with the two at the back entrance of the cavern.

"Looks like Ash gets to battle first," Ilima said and led us outside.

"I heard totem Pokémon have some special ability." Lillie said.

"You're right," Ilima replied. "One of their stats get increased."

"Are you ready Ash?" Ash nodded.

"Cmon out Gumshoos," we heard a growl and a big brown Pokémon came out. It had blonde hair on top flowing down its neck. And it has the scariest teeth.

"You get two Pokémon Ash," Ilima stated and moved behind Ash. I barely got through yesterday's battle and now I have to watch this!

"Why two?" Ash asked confused. Of course he can't just take the advantage.

"You'll see during the battle," Ilima said simply.

Ash's POV

I don't know who to use. I haven't done much training with my new Pokémon but they've been trying really hard. "Pikachu and Litten I choose you."

I returned Rattata and Zorua jumped into Lillie's arms. "Looks like Ash's Pokemon really like you Lillie," Hannah smirked. 

Time to focus. The Gumshoos suddenly flared orange, that must be the stat booster. It looks pretty slow so hopefully speed can win this battle.

"Pikachu use quick attack," I watched Pikachu quickly attack. It was a direct hit but it didn't do much.

"Scary face," Gumshoos made his face even scarier and Pikachu and Litten backed up a bit.

There goes the speed strategy. This is why I don't make strategies. I'm going to need to use combos to win.

"Pikachu electro ball, Litten cover it with ember," I commanded. Pikachu fired the electro ball perfectly align with Gumshoos. The ember collided perfectly and did a lot of damage. Why didn't Gumshoos defend?

"Pikachu keep firing thunderbolts, Litten you use ember," I said hoping I'm right that Gumshoos has no long range attacks.

Both attacks hit Gumshoos hard and accurate. He wasn't looking too good, I got this battle in the bag.

"You figures out Gumshoos weakness pretty early Ash," Ilima started. "But it's not over yet."

Gumshoos made a scream and two Pokémon that looked similar came out. "These are yungoos, they are Gumshoos helper Pokémon. They assist when Gumshoos is in trouble."

Maybe I don't have this in the bag yet. "Pikachu finish up this battle quickly with quick attack into iron tail on Gumshoos."

"Yungoos defend with bite," Ilima said calmly.

"Litten get in there fire fang," I said hoping to get through.

Pikachu ran up to attack but one of the yungoos jumped in front. Pikachu followed through and knocked it out. The other yungoos jumped on Pikachu using bite but Litten got there first with fire fang. I first pumped after knocking out one yungoos and the other one was hurt pretty badly.

"Gumshoos super fang," I forgot about Gumshoos. He came down and connected with Litten and Pikachu. This battle isn't over yet.

"Pikachu thunderbolt on yungoos quick," zap... Yungoos was out and we got our two on one advantage back.

"Gumshoos get in there with bite," Gumshoos went towards Litten and bit down hard before she could get away. I forgot about the scary face.

"You did great Litten," I said as I returned her. "Let's win our first trial Pikachu."

"Pika," he nodded.

"Pikachu use agility to get your speed back and then run circles around Gumshoos." I said hoping to get some momentum back.

"Gumshoos stay aware."

"Pikachu keep using agility while charging electricity." I said being patient for once.

Lillie's POV

"What is he doing?" I said.

"Who knows?" Bonnie shrugged. "It's Ash." I gave a small giggle.

"Pikachu start slowly releasing your electricity," Ash called out. It was hard to keep track of Pikachu but the yellow glow helped.

Slowly I started seeing a ring of electricity form. It started growing but it was too late for Ilima to do anything about it.

"Finish it Pikachu," Ash yelled. I grabbed my hat just incase as the electricity grew brighter and brighter.


There was an explosion but I didn't watch. After the dust cleared I could see a panting Pikachu and a Gumshoos That was immobile. Ash won.

I ran up to Ash until I was close enough to...

Punching sound

"Did you really have to make this big of a mess Ash?" I yelled at him. "Congratulations on your win though.

"Thanks," he sweatdropped. "Did you enjoy the battle though? Until the whole explosion."

"I think I'm fine to watch battles now," I said confidently. "As long as you and your greninja don't battle again."

"I want greninja to come back though," Bonnie said.

"Pokémon can come back to their trainers at any time," Ilima stated.

Suddenly the bushes started rustling. We all looked at the bushes and waited. I saw a flash of blue and....

Zorua came running out and into my arms. "I was wondering where you went." I said as I played with it's fur.

"Are you ready for your battle Ajat?" Ilima asked. He nodded.

"I have to go heal my Pokemon," Ash said and made his way into the cavern to go out.

"I'm going to go with him," I said nervously. "Hopefully we make it back for the end." I ran after Ash.

"Ash wait up," I said and caught up to him.

"Your coming with me?" He asked.

"I think one battle at a time is enough for me." I said embarrassed.

He gave a small laugh. "Just wait until the grand trial. It'll be even more exciting."

"I can't wait to see more explosions," I said sarcastically.

He sighed and we entered the Pokémon centre. "I'm going to go call Meowth." I said and went to the phones.

I press in our home phone number. "Hello?"

A panting sweaty Meowth appeared on the screen. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Ash's Pokemon train really, I mean really hard." He panted. "All of us have been training really hard."

"I'm surprised your training with them but how did you know I called?" I asked him.

"I made a system that makes the house light up when there is a phone call." Meowth said.

"So you made our house a Christmas tree?" I asked making sure I was still sane.

"Yep, it also can alert what Pokémon needs to be transferred." Meowth informed me.

"You've always been good with technology," Ash said as he came beside me.

"How did your first trial go?" Meowth asked.

"We won," Ash said.

"The grand trial is going to be in Iki town," I informed the cat. "We decided that we're going to take the long road around because Ash is looking for a certain Pokémon."

"Okay see you guys later then," Meowth said.

"Bye," we said in unison and I ended the call.

"Let's go catch the end of the battle, Ash said and we ran back to Verdant Cavern.

One run later...

"Look it's still going on," Ash said. Boom.

"Now it's not," I said. We ran up and congratulated Ajat. Pikachu and Zorua gave a small cheer to Ajat too.

"Looks like we're all going to Iki town then," Bonnie cheered.

"I'll notify Hala the Kahuna, he likes to make grand trials a big deal." Ilima said then walked into the cavern.

"1 down, 7 to go," Ash cheered. "And the grand trials."

"That trial was a lot harder than I thought though." Ajat said.


Ash finally got to do a trial. I hope it didn't seem rushed but I'm just trying to get to the Iki town chapter(s) because stuff is going to happen.

Next chapter Ash and Bonnie go on a catching spree before their next events.

I also want to say thank you so much for 3 THOUSAND views. I definitely didn't think I'd get this much support so thanks. I have two gifts for everyone.

#1 if you want Ash to get a certain Pokémon. Comment here and at least 1 WILL get into the story at some point. (No legendaries, mythical, Maybe shinies)

The second gift is going to be in a special chapter that will be up possibly tonight or tomorrow.

Cya next time. Go catch a shiny magikarp while your waiting.

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