Let the Games Begin

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Ash's POV

"Did you find your spot?" I ask Lillie.

"Yep but I'm not in your stadium," She frowned. "But I found out my Pokémon."

"Who is it?" I ask impatiently. "Is it Greninja?"

"Nope," She laughs. "I got Umbreon."

"Cool and your crazy friendship with her should help," I say as we walk towards the Bulu stadium.

"And I can bring up Pikachu if she needs some more motivation," She laughs and I join in.

"Ash I need your help," A relatively young girl with turquoise hair said and came over. "Your Pikachu won't get in his ball."

"I've never got him in his pokeball since I got him 9 years ago," I chuckle.

"Why would you give me his ball then?" She questioned.

"One of my Pokémon installed tracking devices and help buttons on them just in case," I explain as I point out two small additions to the red and white ball.

"Ohh, that makes sense," She laughs. "Thanks." And then she ran off towards Fini stadium.

"Have you seen any of the matchups?" Lillie asks me as we stop outside the green decorated stadium.

"Nope I want the first round to be a surprise," I say.

"Okay I'll see you after I win," Lillie smiles and runs off towards the waiting room. Her beautiful blonde hair was flying behind her. So...

"Mela," I felt a finger hit my cheek.

"Sorry I must have spaced out," I laugh. She narrows her eyes but shrugged it off. What's happening to me?

Paul's POV

"The first battle of today will be between Ian and Gliscor and George and Lapras," I say unenthusiastically. Moon presses the mute and I can feel a lecture coming.

"You better get into this or bad things will come your way," Moon threatened.

"Fine," I pout and unmute the mic. "The ground and flying type Gliscor is at a huge disadvantage against Lapras."

"Way to state the obvious," Moon whispered while laughing.

"But if Ash has taught me anything, is that his Pokemon are better without a type advantage," I say. This could actually be fun but I'm not going to tell Moon that.

"Ian commands a giga impact right off the bat," I announce. Gliscor flew backwards and used the wind to fly at Lapras. "Lapras uses ice beam perfectly as a shield. With strategies like that, George can go a long way."

"You're not supposed to pick favourites," Moon scorned quietly as the two Pokémon exchanged close range attacks.

"I tell it how it is," I whisper back smiling. She rolled her eyes and I focused back on the battle.

Kukui's POV

"Things aren't looking good for Talonflame," I announce. "That thunderfang from Houndoom really did some damage."

"Talonflame try a brave bird," Henry yelled. The fire type bird swooped down shrouded in blue energy.

"Defend with dark pulse," Nartin screamed.

"That didn't look good for either of them," I say as we all wait for the dust to settle. "The dark type attack might not have got out in time."

On the battlefield Talonflame was laying down unable to battle. I grab the portable microphone and make my way down to the ground level.

"And that marks the end of the first battle," The crowd claps and cheers. "It was a very hot battle but Houndoom and Martin kept cool and won."

Martin waved and petted Houndoom on the head. "And Henry I hope you continue to battle." He nodded and gave me Talonflame's pokeball.

"Now it's time for battle number two!" I cheer. I hope all the other battles are going fine...

Gladion's POV

"What a surprise, the flying type beats the fighting type," I pretend to be enthusiastic.

"Staraptor and Alexa overpowered Passiman and James," Dawn said. I look over at her and sigh. Where did she find another headset?

"The Sinnoh native showed why he is in it to win it," I say.

"Sinnoh is the best," Dawn cheered. "Thanks for battling or watching and see you next time."

"Next up is an oversized whale versus another fire breathing animal they give to ten year olds," I say and press mute.

"You're finally getting better," Dawn teased.

"Who asked you to join anyways?" I sigh.

"Your terrible commentating did," She smirks and presses unmute. "We have Jeremy and Wailord on the red side and Mike and Quilava on the other."

"I think it's time for a field change," I announce. The standard battlefield sank down and another more water friendly one came up. "Now Wailord will be able to be mobile." The field still had a fair bit of land but was mostly water.

"The giant blue whale Pokémon has a type advantage but can Quilava power through?" Dawn asked rhetorically.

"Wailord also has a very high stamina health wise so Quilava will need to land a large amount of attacks," I state.

"Wailord fires the sphere of water straight at Quilava but a nicely timed dodge keeps the battle even," Dawn says. "Looks like speed will be hard for Wailord to handle."

"Mike's ordering a lava plume but will it work?" I question the choice. Quilava stomped on the ground and the fire could be seen emerging from the bottom of the pool. "Looks like the water was able to stop the attack." Steam was making the field look a lot more ominous and a really cool effect.

"Jeremy orders a heavy slam," Dawn said as Mike was panicking.

"The weight difference will make the attack a lot stronger," I add. "And Quilava backs farther inland so now what will Wailord do."

"Ram into the ground," Jeremy yelled.

"That's an Ash strategy right there," Dawn laughed. "The attack was able to make the ground shake similar to an earthquake attack."

"Quilava is not looking too hot after that one," I say as the fire type was struggling to get up a bit.

"Burn up!" Mike yelled.

"They're pulling their secret move out of the bag," Dawn cheers. "But what attack is it?"

"Burn up will make Quilava a normal type and the attack has a high power," I say. "Not a bad move to use even though it won't be very effective."

"The blaze is so big we can barely see what's happening," Dawn shouted. We heard the sizzle of the fire meeting the water. "Looks like Wailord took the attack."

"Quilava has now lost its typing and has no special attack boost," I announce.

"How can Wailord do that!?" Dawn exclaimed as Wailord uses bounce. "Who came up with the idea to teach a giant whale how to use bounce?"

"Don't ask me," I laugh. "He's your best friend."

"But he's your soon to be brother in law," She laughs. I join in as we watch Quilava meet his fate.

"The flattened Quilava is unable to battle," I announce.

Paul's POV

"This is more exciting than I thought it would be," I say as Lapras and Gliscor were both almost at their max.

"You're not supposed to say that," Moon scorned while whispering. I sigh and laugh at her.

"Lapras looks to finish this with a-," I start. "Lapras does finish the battle with an ice beam." Gliscor was now a block of ice and immobile.

"Lapras and George will be moving on," I announce. I like announcing when Ash's Pokémon lose.

Ash's POV

"Krookodile is going to have a tough time recovering from this loss," I laugh as Gallade finishes him off. I knew evolving him to Gallade was a good idea.

"That was a great battle guys," I say as they shake hands and walk off. "Next up we have Crystal versus Ethan. Both Johto natives who have been travelling together. I don't know who their Pokémon are so let's have them come on out."

"We have my stubborn Pikachu with Crystal," I announce while smiling at the angry mouse. "Oh wait I knew that. And Ethan lets out a...Oh folks we are in for a good battle."

"It's the cat Pokémon Meowth versus the mouse Pokémon Pikachu," I cheer. "Meowth has never beat the electric mouse. It's been 9 years."

"Meowth dazzle them with pay day," Ethan shouted.

"Wow I can't believe he learned it," I exclaimed. Meowth threw the golden coins at Pikachu who wasn't issued a command. "Looks like Crystal actually did get dazzled and forgot to counter attack."

"Pikachu is now running in circles and chasing his tail," I laugh. "That's his agility move for you." That didn't make Pikachu any happier with me. "He's now tired of chasing his tail and is ready to attack."

"Pikachu use iron tail."

"Meowth meet him with night slash."

"Who will win?" I question. "The silver tail or the darkness claw attack."

The two attacks clashed but it ended as a stalemate. "Meowth is going in for round two."

"But Pikachu stops him with thunderbolt. It's not looking too good for Meowth right now." I comment.

Meowth struggles but got up and was smirking. "Fury swipes," Ethan yells.

"Defend with your tail," Crystal commanded.

"The fury swipes are completely overpowering the iron tail somehow," I exclaimed. "Wait a minute." I bring out my Pokédex and scan Meowth. "His ability is technician, it raises weak moves by 50%. That's good to know."

Pikachu flew back from the last one but brushed the dirt off and got back up. "This battle is approaching its final minutes," I announce. The crowd was really getting into the battle. I can't wait until more intense matchups like these happen.

"Thunderbolt," Crystal yelled Pikachu's signature move.

"What a creative move by Meowth and Ethan," I exclaim. "I might use that in the future." Meowth used iron tail to deflect the electricity up into the air. "Only taking minimal damage allows Meowth to strike back with night slash."

"Push back with quick attack," Crystal ordered.

"Can Pikachu speed his way out of this dark situation?" I ask, Meowth landed the attack and stopped Pikachu in his tracks. "Nope."

"Finish with pay day."

"Pikachu is unable to battle!" I say and the crowd cheers at the upset. "One of the contenders is out. What a shame..."

Professor Kukui's POV

"Gible is still standing!" I exclaim. "Dewgong and Zach still haven't been able to knock Kiki out of this tournament."

"Gible is now evolving!" I exclaim. This is exactly what I wanted from Ash's Pokemon. "Gabite the cave Pokémon is definitely going to make this battle more interesting."

"Dewgong swims toward shore for a better chance of landing a sheer cold attack," I observe. "Gabite is going to try to defend with its newly learned dual chop."

Everyone watched as the two Pokémon met in mid air. It all depends on whether Gabite can land his attack first...

"Dewgong is still standing and the winner is Zach," I exclaimed as the crowd cheered. Not a bad start to the day...

???'s POV

"So how's your trip going so far?" My boss says through the video call I set up.

"I still haven't found Team Rhythms base yet," I sigh.

"Don't be hard on yourself son," He says while petting a certain Pokémon. "At least you weren't a disappointment."

"Why are we even dealing with them?" I say annoyed.

"Because there is only room for one evil organization," My dad says angrily. "The faster we get rid of them, the faster we can move to Alola."

"Whatever," I sigh. "Ketchum isn't dead you know."

"What!?" He exclaimed and slammed his desk. "He was reported dead by his friends and mother."

"I guess they're just holding a tournament named after him in a region he never went to," I say sarcastically.

"Investigate," He said darkly. "And do your job and find Team Rhythm why don't you?" He snarked.

"Fine but they've been quiet for awhile according to reports," I snap and end the call.

"What made me join my father?" I sigh and let my Meganium. "I never wanted to be evil..."


The third team has entered but how fill they affect the story and what are their goals. Will they be mega...

And what are your thoughts on the tournament? It's actually fun to write and I hope it's fun to read.

Anyways thanks for reading and cya next time...

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