Three Days of Normal

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Lillie's POV

"See you in three days guys!" I wave to the rest of our group.

We planned to leave earlier this morning but apparently we were all more tired than we thought. Now Ash, Bonnie and I can have roughly three days to relax before a competition gets us busy again. It'll be nice to travel like we did at the start of our journey.

"Charizard we are going to MeleMele island," Ash says. "Land at our house."

Ash and I are riding on top of the flying lizard Pokémon. I hold on tight to Ash "just in case" I fall. Bonnie is trailing us on top of Pidgeot as well as Tapu Fini who is hovering through the sky instead of spreading her wings and flying.

We leave the most mountainous island behind us as we fly over the crystal blue ocean. Fluffy, white clouds move with the wing beside us, sometimes crossing paths and giving us the whimsical feeling of flying through a cloud.

The flatter island, our destination, comes closer and closer. I can spot our white house standing out from the greenery all around it. Charizard starts descending towards the backyard.

Different colours of Pokémon flock towards where Charizard is headed. We haven't been home in awhile and they're probably pretty excited to see us, mostly Ash though. I frown knowing that I'll probably never connect with as many Pokémon as Ash.

We land and I hop off and turn towards the door. Then I feel something start nuzzling me from behind along with loud footsteps. I look back and see all of the Pokémon running up and crowding around me. "You're tickling me," I start giggling uncontrollably.

I manage to open my eyes and look at Ash who is chuckling at the moment. We lock eyes and he winks. How did he manage to plan this without me knowing?

Eventually I gain my freedom back and the Pokémon wait patiently around us. "I heard you talking earlier this week," Ash smiles. "About how all of the Pokémon I caught before coming here will never be as close to you as myself."

"Ash," I mumble.

"So we planned this to show that they are all of our Pokémon, equally," He explains.

"Thank you," I smile and wrap my arms around him. I rest my chin over his shoulder and we stay there, not wanting to move.

"Zor," Zorua says to get our attention. We separate and I can feel my cheeks redden from our moment in front of them all.

"Sorry guys," Ash rubs the back of his head like he always does when he's embarrassed. "As you all know, the Alola League starts in three days, starting ceremony in two."

"We're going to travel around on foot until then," I add.

"It's time for the final push," Ash says. "Let's train as hard as we can so we can prove all the haters wrong!"

The Pokémon cheer with the raven haired trainer. Ash is the favourite, Ash should be the favourite, and all his Pokémon know that they deserve to be the favourites. They better win this thing...

"So I think we're only going to take a few of you with us," Ash states. "That way we can focus on some of the newer Pokémon and the rest of you can get lots of work done here at your own pace."

"Who should we take Ash?" I ask.

"Pikachu, Zorua and Snowy are in because they're always with us," Ash starts. "Kirlia wants to evolve so bringing her is important for that to happen."

"Maybe Gallade to help her," I suggest and Ash nods. He looks around, thinking if he should pick a sixth Pokémon.

"Gengar how about you come too," Ash states. "Gengar was one of my favourite Pokémon to watch in the battles on TV. Might be special to use one finally when I'm on TV."

"National television," I add.

"International television," A feline voice comes from the door. The white cat Pokémon steps out. "I was chatting it up with him and apparently this tournament is a pretty big deal everywhere."

"Gym leaders and champions from all regions, along with many other people basically demanded a live feed to be available everywhere," Meowth explains. "The first Alola League is popular and it hasn't even started yet."

"I wonder why all the gym leaders from other regions would be so crazy on making sure the whole world can watch the league?" Ash question.

"Why do you think stupid?" Meowth sighs. "Ash Ketchum has been pronounced dead. Just kidding, now he's already saved Alola twice in under a year. Also he's projected to go far in the tournament."

"You're not an easy to forget person Ash," I giggle. "And you probably have had so many intense battles with all of them, battles to remember at the very least."

"It seemed like everyday you were helping out some people," Meowth comments. "Even as criminals we could see that."

"No pressure," Ash sweat drops.

"Look around you," I comment. "Does this team look ready to lose?"

Ash glances around at all the confident Pokémon's faces. "Pikachu kinda does but other then that, no I see a lot of winning faces."

"Pika." He sparks threateningly. Ash shrugs and he gets fried by the high voltage attack.

"Maybe he'll learn someday," I sigh. "We should get going now."

Ash gets up and brushed himself off quickly. "Let's go guys," Ash cheers. "You can all walk with us if you want."

We leave the property behind with the six Pokémon and Bonn-.

"Bonnie are you coming with us?" I yell back towards the house after realizing she isn't with us.

"I have important business to attend to," Bonnie answers. "I'll head to Mount Lanakila on Pidgeot probably tomorrow. Don't have too much fun you too!"

"Have fun!" Ash waves and grabs my hand as we walk away.

"She's so grown up," I comment.

"I think we should get some credit for that," Ash jokes.

"We did pretty good as parental figures," I giggle.

"Maybe it's just because we're so special," Ash laughs.

"We are aren't we," I joke.

"And both of us together makes us.... umm," Ash trails off. "Specialer."

"Moment ruined," I sigh.

Bonnie's POV

"Show me the egg Tapu Fini," I demand.

"Ta Fin," She huffs.

"Squishy can you translate please?" I ask my small Zygarde core.

"That was clearly a no," Blobby, the other green blob Pokémon says.

"So you do have an egg covered by your wings!" I exclaim. "This is so exciting."

The purple island guardian shakes her head furiously while Greninja turns away beside her. "Come on Fini," I plead. "We know there's a baby Pokémon on the way."

The legendary Pokémon sighs and carefully splits her cocoon like wings into the two wings usually seen separated. The bipedal frog Pokémon beside her keeps the egg from dropping by grabbing it from his mate.

The egg is absolutely beautiful. A mix of blue and purple makes up a galaxy like background. White specks finish the outer space look as well as a weird symbol in the middle.

This ship is now cruising...

Ash's POV

"Are we just going to keep walking until something exciting happens?" Lillie jokes.

"It's worked for me a lot in the past," I laugh.

We are currently continuing or walk north. We are way past Iki Town and Kala'e Bay. Route three leads us right past the sparkling bay that eventually meets the more mountainous part of the route.

We start walking through the channels of towering rocks. The baked brown stone hides what could be lurking around each and every corners. Shadows cross the paths, hiding everything but the glowing eyes of watching Pokémon.

If only one would jump out to give us some action.

"Solll," I hear a low growl.

Suddenly two brown, monkey like Pokémon jump down from the taller ledge. Their fur isn't as spiky as it is when they're mad but the two Mankeys are hopping on the balls of their feet, looking to battle. Reminds me of my Primeape.

"We didn't come to bother you," Lillie says with fear in her voice.

"You guys just wanna battle right?" I smirk.

The two fighting types nod, challenge accepted.

"Kirlia I choose you," I say and look over at Lillie.

"Snowy I choose you," She mimics.

The four Pokémon wait there to see who will attack first. "I'm tired of waiting, Kirlia keep them there with psychic," I command.

Kirlia spreads her arms out while her eyes glow a faint turquoise. The same colour as the outline now around the two Pokémon. And Lillie decides to use this to her advantage.

"Icy wind Snowy," She orders.

Vulpix blows out the ice-particle filled wind towards the two. Since both of them are unable to move, Snowy lands a direct hit. Their fur is now glistening from the ice that got stuck between the brown pieces of hair.

Their muscles slowly start to shake until suddenly the ice melted and Kirlia lost her psychic hold on them. The two, now mad at the quick combo mood, charge forward with glowing fists. They're both running towards Snowy who is looking a little tired.

"Stop them with magical leaf!" I yell hoping to buy some time for Vulpix.

But razor sharp leaves aren't enough to stop a pair of raging monkey Pokémon. They charge right through with a flurry of punches until reaching the ice and fairy type.

Snowy goes flying from the dual close combat attacks. Lillie returns her with a frown on her face. "We got this," I assure her.

"Kirl," She looks back and nods confidently. Then she does a pirouette and starts to disappear by a blinding light.

The light gets brighter before revealing a taller and more feminine form. Her mostly green body is covered by a silky white dress that follows her body perfectly. "Gardevoir!" I cheer. "You evolved."

She nods toward the other two Pokémon and I smile confidently. "Let's wrap this up with moonblast!"

The Mankeys don't even react to the giant sphere of fairy type energy. It shoots through the sky and nails the hit. Both of the Pokémon fall over unable to battle. "How about we heal them up Gardevoir," I suggest.

Gallade follows his evolution counterpart towards the two. Pink psychic glows out of their hands while they use heal pulse. Mankey's scratches slowly start to fade as their health regenerates.

Once the healing process finished, the two nod in thanks and jump away happily into the shadows.

"You seemed so calm with those Pokémon," Lillie points out. "Most people run away from the Mankey evolution line when they want to battle like that."

"Nothing we've never dealt with before," I chuckle. "Right buddy?"

I nudge the moping Pikachu. "What's the matter Pikachu?" Lillie asks before her eyes shoot open. "We didn't bring Umbreon Ash!"

"So- ohhhhhh," I respond. "Miss your girl?" I ask and he nods.

"Gardevoir," The embrace Pokémon puts a hand on Pikachu before disappearing into thin air.

"Teleport," I say.

Gardevoir appears back with a big smile on her face. "Good job," I high five the human sized Pokémon.

"That solves that problem," Lillie giggles.


"So what?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Lillie questions.

"You said so, didn't you?" I question her confused.

"Nope," Lillie sighs. "You're just losing your mi-"


"Okay I heard it that time," She admits.

We look around for any sign of where the noise is coming from but I can't see anything. Since the sun is setting lower and lower, the shadows are now bigger and darker. Hiding even more of what lies between the natural stone walls.

Suddenly two bright green eyes appear out of the darkness. Slowly moving towards the daylight and into our view. First a curved red horn sticks out, followed by the rest of the wolf like Pokémon. Its silky white fur shines in the light while it's red tail, face and claws give it an even more intimidating look.

"Absol," I mutter.


Wow I'm tired.

Thanks for rea- Oh yeah, in case you haven't noticed we hit 2000 votes. That is absolutely crazy!!!

Means a lot that people take the time to vote and comment on chapters. Especially those who comment a lot and never forget to vote. (Squad knows who they are) (Something special may be in store for frequent commenters and voters in the epilogue) (Yes, I just confirmed an epilogue)

Cya next chapter.

Also look at this...

Shiny Absolllllll

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