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Lillie's POV

"That was easy," I exclaimed as the group of Passiman fled. "I even caught one," I giggled as I threw the pokeball at him.

"The queen of battling has appeared," He mock bowed while laughing.

"Come on lets head back," I suggest after getting the rest of the ingredients I needed.

We walked back slowly had the wind blew against us. I could see the light from where our clearing was but after we adjusted to the sun we saw a guy in the Team Rhythm uniform and a pink music note.

"Give Meloetta back!" I heard Bonnie scream.

"Meleeeaaa," She screamed as an electric case held her from escaping. Ash released Greninja and they confronted the guy.

"Let her go," Ash snapped.

"Ash?" The bigger guy asked. He came out of the shade and Ash could see his face clearly.

"Tierno!?" Ash exclaimed.

"It's Timbre now," He corrected.

"Why would you join a criminal organization?" Bonnie questioned.

"We aren't criminals," Timbre declares. "We take Pokémon that would be better with pro dancers and singers."

"You do know that whoever your boss is just wants a legendary like Meloetta," I screamed at him.

"You're no better than Team Rocket!" Bonnie spat. That must've hit him hard because he released Meloetta and she flew over to Ash. She cried into his shoulder and he was trying to calm her down.

"I thought we were doing a good thing," Tierno said gloomily while sitting down.

"You might have been but the goals aren't," I consoled.

"Now what do I do?" He cried out. "I don't want to go back but if I don't they will come after me."

"You could be an undercover spy," I suggested.

He looked up and nodded. "I'll contact you guys if I have news." And with that he left as quick as he came.

"Why would Tierno join Team Rhythm?" Bonnie said in disbelief.

"He just likes to move and groove," Ash shrugged.

"Hey Mallow you okay over there?" I asked the shivering green haired girl.

"How do you guys deal with all of this daily?" She asked. We shrug and I pour out our ingredients onto the cooking station that was set up.

I gave a few commands to Ash as I did most of the work. "Almost done," I announce as I pull out the meat from the oven.

I put together the finishing touches and serve the finished dish. "This is amazing Lillie," Ash gushed in between mouthfuls of food.

"You helped too," I blushed.

"Not really," Bonnie laughed.

"So next is the trial battle," Mallow announced as we finished up lunch. "You and Lillie will get one Pokémon each."

"I get to battle too," I said excitedly.

"Looks like Ash might win then," Bonnie teased. He rolled his eyes and stood up ready to battle.

"You know it's true," I giggled.

"Lurantis it's time to battle," Mallow announced. A large pink Pokémon came out into our sight.

It had two large claw like arms that it kept vertically along with its body. "Be smart here Ash," I warn as he takes a pokeball out of his bag.

"Cubone I choose you," He calls out the ground type.

"Ash you are an idiot," I sigh and tell Pikachu to go out.

"Why would you send Cubone?" I scold him.

"His evolution is a fire type," He sweat drops.

"But he's a ground type and you knew that," I groan.

"Yes but if he trained with his mother and is about to evolve then voila," He mumbled.

"So you're relying on luck," I laugh at the somehow credible battler.

"Yep now lets win this," He smiles. I nod and focus on the Pokémon in front of us.

"Lurantis use x-scissor in Cubone," Mallow commands the aura boosted Pokémon.

"Pikachu stop her with electro ball," I order.

"Cubone run towards Pikachu," Ash commanded. It all happened so fast as Lurantis ran forward arms crossed and glowing while Cubone ran over to Pikachu. Pikachu jumped and shot the electro ball towards Lurantis.

"Cubone help out with bone rush," Ash called out. Cubone turned around and followed the electro ball with small bone attacks. Both attacks didn't go much alone but dealt damage as one stopping Lurantis from completing her attack.

"Lurrrrr," She yelled into the forest. A Kecleon came out of the bush lazily onto the battlefield.

"Hey Kecleon," Mallow greeted the battle addition. He waved and focused on his opponents that were us. "Sunny day." Keckleon held the bright orb in his hands and then shot it into the sky. The sun was even brighter now and I have a feeling it did more good for them than us.

"Cubone Headbutt on Kecleon," Ash commanded. A reckless move, he looked at me and now I realize what he wants.

"Charge Cubone with a thunderbolt," Pikachu covered the charging Cubone in electricity as the move stunned Mallow.

"Ancient power Kecleon, Lurantis take this chance for synthesis," Mallow shouted. Lurantis glowed green and got into a meditating position as Kecleon held the rocks above his head.

"Cmon Cubone," I encouraged. Cubone used his hard head to power through the rock type attack. He head butted Jeckleon down then the electricity transferred and shocked the camouflage Pokémon.

Cubone ran back and cheered by lifting his tiny bone in the air. He started glowing and I couldn't believe Ash's incredible stroke of luck.

"Marowak," The newly evolved Pokémon grunted and twirled his new bone that had green fire on both ends.

"Told you," Ash smirked. I rolled my eyes and shoved him with my hip.

"Pikachu finish off Kecleon with a thunderbolt," I command. Mallow didn't react as the strike of electricity knocked him out of the battle. "Lurantis is fully healed remember."

"Try a shadow bone," Ash commanded. Marowak held the new purplish bone and threw it at Lurantis.

"Block with solar blade," Mallow ordered.

"Pikachu quick attack on her feet," I yelled smiling at my amazing idea. As Lurantis's one arm glowed brightly Pikachu does forward faster than the bone. He hit Lurantis swiftly and she lost her balance. The shadow bone hit her in the face now that she couldn't use solar blade to defend.

"Now!" Mallow shouted. Before Pikachu could get away Lurantis held the still solar powered arm above his head and slashed down. The force from the attack blew Pikachu back but he stood back up ready for more.

"Marowak get in there with bone club," Ash commanded.

"Pikachu cover him in electricity again," I ordered.

"Lurantis use low sweep to kick Marowak away," Mallow called out. The pink Pokémon swung her leg out in front but it went right through Marowak and he landed the combined bone club and thunderbolt.

"Ughh," Mallow sighed embarrassed and covered her face with her hand. "Lurantis synthesis."

The sunny day should wear off soon so this might be her last synthesis. "Marowak use flame wheel." Instead of rolling into a ball of fire like most Pokémon, Marowak started waddling over while spinning his bone club fast enough to create the fire type attack.

"Solar blade." The sun was still shining bright enough to allow Lurantis to charge the solar blade quick enough. The two attacks collided and Marowak was pushed back into a tree.

"Thanks Marowak," Ash praises as he returned him. "Looks like the ancient power from earlier did more than we thought."

"We'll win this for you Ash," I winked and focused on the panting Lurantis. "Iron tail Pikachu," I order. He runs up and charged his tail until it was a slick silver.

"Lurantis Defend with x-scissor," Lurantis managed to recover but was pushed back down again as the two attacks collided.

"Again," I say knowing this battle was over if Mallow tried to use-.

"Solar Blade." This time the sun wasn't as bright and she couldn't get her arm charged in time. Pikachu brought his iron tail down and knocked her out.

"You did it," Ash cheered. He picked me up and spun me around. I giggled at his reaction and Mallow came over smirking.

"Here you go," She said and handed us a grassium. "Now it's time for the grand trial."

"Where do we go?" I ask as Pikachu and Zorua jump on my shoulders.

"I'll tell Olivia to meet you in KoniKoni city," Mallow informed. "I suggest flying to HeaHea and walking through Diglett's Tunnel for some training."

"Thanks," Ash said and we went to the phone Mallow had to get Pidgeot and Charizard. "Ready?" Ash asked as he helped me up. I nodded and we took off towards the familiar beach town.

Gladion's POV

"How are you liking the appeals so far?" The woman next to me asked. Her name is Johanna and is a judge with me.

"Better than I thought they were," I replied bored out of my mind.

"Cheer up," She smiles. "My daughter is next so pay attention."

"Now we call Dawn Berlitz," The announcer cheered. I sit back in my chair and watch the cute blunette come out. Wait what? Her hair was curled and flowed perfectly while she had a pink dress on and white heels.

"Piplup time to shine," She called out a small blue penguin. "Whirlpool like we practiced." The Pokémon impressively held the giant whirlpool out in front of us over the edge of the stage. "Ice beam."

The ice slowly took over the water and now a giant ice cone was set down in the middle of the stage. "Piplup use drill peck." It was the first time I saw Dawn smile as the penguin zipped around the ice at high speeds. She must be dealing with something. "Double team."

It was now a blur of Piplups going around and around the ice cone. "Brick break," She yelled as a finisher. Nothing happened for a second but then the whole ice cone was destroyed into glittering shards. Every copy landed in the same position which was really impressive. She curtsied and walked backstage.

I spent the next few performances thinking about who she was. She only smiled once the whole performance even though it was really good. I could ask her mom but I don't know if I'm crossing lines. Wait that's never stopped me before, why am I worrying so much?

"Can I ask something?" I ask Johanna.

"You picked up that Dawn was bothered by something didn't you," She smiled. I nodded. "Join us for dinner and she'll tell you if she wants to."

"Ok let's get through these last appeals," I say excitedly for some reason.

She laughs and I barely pay attention to the next performances.

Time Skip

"Reservation for three," I say as I walk up to the waiter. I had a simple black dress shirt and dress pants since this was a pretty fancy restaurant.

"Gladion," I turn around and see Johanna and Dawn. Johanna had a short black dress on while Dawn had a blue one that was similar.

"Right this way," The waiter said and we followed her to our table. "What would you like to drink?" She asked with her notepad out.

"Sprite please," I say politely.

"Water," Johanna said as she looked through the menu.

"Sprite as well," Dawn answered. The waiter nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

"My Mom said you wanted to ask me something," Dawn recounted.

"I couldn't help but notice you didn't look happy to be there," I stated. "And your name sounds familiar so it's been bugging me."

Dawn leaned over and whispered something into her mom's ear. Johanna smiled and nodded. "It's probably just because you heard it on a TV that was broadcasting a performance." She said.

"No I hadn't heard of a contest until I was sent her by my lovely mom to judge," I informed her. "They're not popular in Alola."

"Alola," Dawn muttered. "Have you heard of a Ash Ketchum there?" She asked with hope filled eyes.

I nodded and she looked ready to burst. "My two sisters have been travelling around with him?" I state.

"Mom he's alive," Dawn hugged her mom and was shaking uncontrollably. "I can't wait to go find him. Does she like him in a romantic way?

"Why do you want to find him so bad?" I ask taking a sip of my pop that the waiter brought.

"Did he tell you about the betrayal?" She timidly asked. I nodded. "Well I was there..." She trailed off.

"Why would you do that to him!?" I yelled but not loud enough to bring attention to ourselves. "Even I could tell from the small time we met that he's a special kid."

Dawn started crying into her hands. I felt bad but her mother explained further. "Dawn didn't want to betray Ash in the first place. But she is or rather was friends with the ones that did so instead of sticking up for Ash..." Johanna recounted.

"I sat in the corner like a coward," Dawn finished. "And I almost ruined Ash's getaway plan as well."

"Sorry," I mumbled. "But you didn't and I think he noticed."

"All I want to do is say sorry," She sobbed.

"That's all?" I asked.

"Dawn isn't interested in him that way," Johanna cleared up.

"Mom you didn't need to say it like I'm a loner," Dawn whined.

I chuckled at the familiar reaction to a mom's teasing. "I just wanted to know since one of my sisters loves Ash. And like love love not a crush."

"First, who are your sisters?" Dawn questioned.

"You probably won't know them but Bonnie and Lillie are their names," I answered.

"Bonnie is the one that escaped with Ash," Dawn recalled. "Did you know about Bonnie before that?"

"No," I laugh. "It was a secret until my dad appeared out of nowhere. Long story."

"You can tell her on your plane ride to Alola," Johanna smirked. That's confidence right there.

"Second, it's good Ash found real friends," Dawn sighed. "And a little more."

I laughed, "I'll have to introduce you when we get to Alola." Dawn smiled brightly and it looked really good on her.

"Hey blondie," I snap out of it and I see Dawn waving her hand in front of my face. I could feel my face get hotter and I saw the knowing look on her mom's face. My mom cannot find out about this or talk to Johanna "I asked what else Ash is up to."

"Well he's funding a new city to be built," It took a bit for it to click in their heads.



Well you guys have really done it this time.


That's five numbers. Thank you so much for giving my writing a chance and sticking with it.

If someone requests a special I'll do it. I just don't have any good ideas for one right now so I'll probably just try to update more often even though I'm getting busier.

Anyways next chapter the road to the Akala Finale continues...

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