Who's Moving On

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Ash's POV

"All four competitors are now on the flying part of the race!" Sarah announces.

The second last race of the round is going to be a close one. Hannah is right up there for first with some other girl and only a few turns left to go. Emily is trailing behind a bit but definitely not out of it.

"Who put Aerodactyl into the race?" Royce asks. "Grace can barely handle it."

"Probably not their smartest decision," I chuckle. "They're not exactly friendly Pokémon," I sweat drop.

"Pikachu Pika," My number one pal laughs at the memory. That was when my Charizard lost me battles due to ignorance.

"There's a story here isn't there," Ajat laughs.

"There sure is," Gary walks up with his gramps and Brock. "Back when I was a better trainer than Ash."

"I made it farther than you in the Indigo League," I smirk. "And then there's the Silver Conference."

"He's right Gary," Professor Oak lifts up a finger. His index finger. "There is really no proof that you were ever better."

"Whatever," My childhood friend rolls his eyes. "Ash's interaction with the prehistoric Pokémon was prime entertainment."

"Let me guess," Lillie giggles. "He did something stupid, leading to pain."

"Nooo," I cover my ears not ready to hear the story from Gary's point of view.

"Basically Ash blew up the ground to start off things," Gary recounts.

"Practically this guy here did," I point to Pikachu.

"Really?" Lillie shakes her head.

"Then he fell in and a bunch of Pokémon thought to be extinct attacked. Ash sent out his Charmeleon, who did nothing because Ash didn't know how to train strong Pokémon," Gary jokes.

"Aerodactyl saw Ash as a snack," Gary smirks. "Like you Lillie."

"Wh- I- N- Ugh," Her face turns bright red and she buries her head under my arm.

I chuckle and play with her long silky blonde hair.

"The flying type flew out of the cave and perched on top of a conveniently placed pillar. Aerodactyl taunted Ash's Charmeleon while Ash was freaking out. The fire type decided to evolve because his evolution Charizard has the gift of flight," Gary continues.

"Ash though he evolved to come save him but that wasn't the case," Gary laughs and Royce and Ajat laugh along. "He only wanted to save his pride and ended up battling Aerodactyl who was still hanging onto Ash."

"All that happened next was a small pink ball of fluff putting everybody to sleep," Gary shrugs. "What an ending."

"You can see them now!" Sydney exclaims.

Grace and her Pokémon are trying their best to hang on. I can see them shifting back and forth a lot while Hannah and her Pidgeot glide smoothly right beside them. Aerodactyl suddenly lost control of himself and took a hard turn right, crashing into the unsuspecting Hannah.

Both of them try to stay above the water but all the speed they had is lost. Emily looks ahead shocked and quickly blew by them. "And Emily has won again!" Sarah announces. "Grace is next and Hannah is the third place winner."

"She cheated!" Ajat exclaims. "Grace purposely hit her!"

"Ajat everybody could tell that Grace had no intention of crashing," Royce sighs. "Honestly kid."

"Hannah will win the quiz anyway," Ajat huffs and crosses his arms.

"It's Olivia's turn now," Kyred says as she gets ready with her Lillipup."


"Well that was quick," I comment.

"Now Emily and Olivia are both moving on," Lillie says. "Bonnie is one point from first and Hannah is tied for second."

"All depends on the quiz," I say as a few desks get carried onto the stage.

"Time for the final round of the day!" Sarah announces. "The quiz round!"

"There is a total of five questions."

"I will ask the question and the competitors will write down their answer on a chalkboard that is in their desk. Some questions have more than one answer."

"Whoever gets the most correct will win!"

"Let's have our first group come out!"

Roberto cruised through the round for a perfect score of 9 points. The questions were way harder than I thought they were going to be. I would have had a hard time getting all five right.

Some questions were about famous places in Alola and other regions while most were based around Pokémon knowledge. Hopefully Bonnie's travelling experience will pay off.

Bonnie walks up and takes a seat with Oricorio there to cheer her on. I can see her fiddling with the white piece of chalk in her hand. "Let the quiz begin!" Sarah cheers.

Bonnie's POV

"Let's start off easy," Sarah says and begins to read the first card. "Question number one... What are the names of the four guardians of Alola?"

"This is an easy one," I mumble. I quickly write down Tapu Fini, Koko, Lele and Bulu.

"Let's see your answers... Everybody was correct!" Sarah cheers.

"Question number two... Where is Alola's first ever Pokémon League being held?" Sarah reads off her second card.

"Another easy one," I smile. I write down Mount Lanakila for another point.

"4/4 again!" Sarah cheers. "I think it's time to make these a little harder."

"Question number three... What is the water type starter Pokémon given to Unova trainers?"

I know Ash has a lot of water type starters... Not Ssuirtle or Totodile because I remember those two joining Ash early. That must mean Oshawott is it!

"It's not Popplio Alice," Sarah sighs. "The rest of you are correct though!"

"Question number four... Where is the most likely spot you will find a Crabrawler?"

Not a clue... Does she mean a route number? I write down Route 5 for fun as I can see the others struggling as well.

"Sorry Alice, Bonnie, Cassandra, it's not a route." Sarah answers. "Kayla is right with berry piles!"

Really? I sigh as Oricorio does a small dance to get me ready for the last question.

"Because of her lead Kayla is moving on!" Sarah announces. "Ready for all the possible outcomes... If Bonnie and Cassandra get this wrong, Alice can guess right to force a tiebreaker. If Cassandra and Bonnie both get it right, tiebreaker just between them. If either one gets it right and the other doesn't, they move on. All that is if Kayla also gets it right. If she doesn't, Bonnie and Cassandra can force a tiebreaker with her. So good luck following that."

"Question number 5...... What is a fire and dragon type?"

I watch Cassandra write down her answer within a second while smirking. I start to write down Charizard but I remember that whoever decided types screwed that up. I think Alain'a was part dragon when it mega evolved though.

"How about you guys call out your answers this time?" Sarah suggests.

"Ditto," Alice answers.

"Umm," Sarah trails off. "Does that count?" She leaves for a second, assumably to talk to someone.

"I guess it does," Sarah shrugs. "That leaves Alice with three points."

"Charizard," Cassandra smirks.

"Wrong!" Sarah exclaims. "Charizard is a fire and flying type."

"Ridiculous," She pouts. She's tied for last with Alice now.

"Turtonator," Kayla smiles.

"Kayla has just answered correctly for first place!" Sarah yells. "But now its time to see if Bonnie will move on."

"Charizard," I smirk. "Mega-X to be exact."

"Kayla and Bonnie are moving on!"

Gladion's POV

"You just had to go shopping," I roll my eyes as we run towards Hano Resort.

"Of course," Dawn smiles, her arms free of bags unlike mine. "We didn't have anything to celebrate the girls' wins today."

"We don't even know if they won," I sigh. "Because we've been gone shopping."

"Oh cheer up," The blunette giggles. "You're acting like you didn't agree to come with me."

"Agree?" I ask.

"Fine, get forced," Dawn corrects herself. "Comes with dating me though."

"Wish I knew before," I chuckle.

"Take that back," She snaps and trips me. "That works."

I get up and wrap my arms around her. I throw her over my shoulder and continue to the beach. "I found out why they haven't been here," Gary's head peeks over the bleachers, smirking as usual.

"It's not what it looks like," I blush and join them up on the bleachers. Dawn gets out of my grip and sits beside me.

"Whatever you say," Lillie shrugs while giggling.

"Hannah and Emily are moving on!" Sarah announces.

"Phew," Royce sighs. "They're all moving on."

"You mean we missed everyone?" I ask.

"Olivia still has the quiz to go but she automatically moves on anyways," Kyred says.

I glare at Dawn and she tilts her head while smiling. I shake mine and the final quiz starts.

Giovanni's POV

"Saturn get over here!" I yell. My replacement admin runs over with his three assistant grunts trailing behind. His funky blue hair really needs to get cut.

"Yes boss?" He asks.

"Is your squad ready to go?" I ask impatiently while I pace up and down our loading area.

"Yes sir." He saluted. "Helicopters are loaded up and ready to set up base at the spot."

"Good," I nod. "Both of our biggest research projects are your responsibility. Don't screw up."

"Me and my grunts are prepared for anything," Saturn assures. "Don't worry about us."

"Get going then," I order. "Make it to Alola and set up very quickly. A storm is supposedly heading there but when is the weather forecast ever right so just a heads up."

"See you there," He says and him and his grunts quickly make final preparations.

"Boss can my group go yet?" Petrel whined impatiently. He lays across the solid concrete floor while his grunts load equipment on there two stealth planes.

"I haven't even told you where you're going," I sigh while waiting for Archer and Ariana to come up with their squads.

"Come on my squad is ready to go," Petrel pleas.

"Fine, only so you're out of my general vicinity. Head to Ula'Ula meadow, I'll give further instructions once you get there," I sigh. "Stay hidden."

"Let's go you worthless grunts!" Petrel yells. "Do something for once."

"Hypocrite," I mutter.

"Your letting Petrel go off alone?" Ariana asks with Delia and Archer in tow.

"We all make mistakes," I chuckle. "How are your squads looking?"

"The power squad is ready for ready for anything," Archer assures. "Everything worked and training went well."

"Excellent work," I say and he nods. "Take the battling helicopter and follow Saturn who left a few moments ago."

"On it," Archer says and his surprisingly organized squad loads up a few supplies and heads off.

"How's the energy tank looking?" I ask.

"Almost ready to go," Ariana says and points to our cargo helicopter. "The grunts got it loaded incase we are close on time."

"We need to get there before the storm hits," Delia speaks up.

"Actually I think we should go after," Ariana suggests. "The confusion from the storm should give us lots of time to get ready and stay hidden."

"Agreed," I nod and Ariana smirks towards Delia. "This storm is really a nice gift."

"Yet it could devastate a region like Alola," Delia says.

"The place we're going is solid stone so who cares?" Ariana laughs. "The weaker the region, the easier the takeover."

"I like the way you think," I laugh evilly.

I'm coming Alola...

Weather Person's POV

"I keep hearing things about this storm but it doesn't seem like anything Alola hasn't been hit by before," I speak up at our pre- forecast meeting.

"Our equipment isn't the best so the size is what's intimidating," The head meteorologist says.

"Alola has been hit by big hurricanes before but always recovers pretty easily," Someone else says. "Why is it such a big deal?"

"It's not acting like a hurricane," He says. "That's why we don't know what to expect when it hits."

"Well we can't put Alola in a state of emergency right now," I shrug. "The flower festival committee can get pretty viscous."

"I guess we will just have to wait it out and see," He sighs. "Don't mention it as a big deal today."

Just how bad is this going to be...


Things are heating up aren't they...

Next chapter it's time for the appeal round, can Bonnie hang on?

Will Ajat continue to argue everything?

One matters more.

Anyways thanks for reading and see you in chapter number a lot.

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