Chapter 17: Blitz vs Aero (Pt. 1)

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A/n: Guess who's back. Back again. Black is back. Tell a friend. Anyway, it's time for the final (?) showdown between Blitz and Aero. This'll probably be a 2-3 parter. Who will win? Will Blitz finally defeat the one person who started it all? Or will the mad falcon, Aero, succeed in destroying them all? Let's find out.


Aero had just set the ships course to crash land onto Mobius. I have to stop him. But how? An idea popped into my head.

Blitz: Robotnik. Is there any way to stop the ship from crashing?

Eggman: Of course there is! I just need to reach the main control room which isn't far from here.

Blitz: Good. Blaze, you go with Robotnik.

Blaze: What about you?

I turn my gaze in Aero. He was smiling devilishly at me, as if waiting for us to make our move.

Blitz: This is between me and Aero. I'll hold him off. Alone.

Blaze: But-

Blitz: This is not up for debate, Blaze! Just.......please go.

Blaze stayed silent, then spoke.

Blaze: Fine......but.......

She walked up to me and.........kissed me on the cheek?

Blaze: Try not to get your butt kicked, ok?

Blitz: O-Ok......

Blaze and Robotnik ran down a corridor, headed for the control room as I was blushing like crazy. Unfortunately that didn't last because......

Aero: Oh, I see your relationship with Blaze has.......improved. Too bad you won't live for it to become more. HeheheHAHA.

Blitz: Oh really? We'll see about that.

I cracked my knuckles as Aero began to form two swords of ice from his hands, Sub-Zero style. (The new MK movie Sub-Zero)

Aero: I'm about to put you down, dog!

I formed my flame sword into my hand.

Blitz: How about you come over here and say that again.


Aero sped up towards me as he raised both his swords in an attempt to slash me. I blocked, but Aero withdrew his other sword to slash me once more. I sidestepped and gave him a swift kick to the jaw, sending him back several feet. Aero landed on his feet as he slid back slightly.

Aero: Hehe. You're good. But this fight has merely just begun.

Blitz: Are you sure about that?

I prepared several fireballs, about 4 of them, in the air and fired them. Aero froze two, ducked under one, but got hit by the fourth one.

Aero: AGH!! Grrrr..... You'll regret that!!!

Aero charged at me at high speeds, rivaling Sonic's, as he tried to cut me over and over. Speeding past me and bouncing off walls only to come back and reattempt to cut me down. The longer I blocked or dodged his attacks, the faster Aero went, and the more difficult it was to avoid getting cut. Soon enough, he began getting a few scratches and cuts into me as I grunted in pain.

Blitz: Gah!! Dammit! Come here!

As Aero passed me once more, I caught him by the neck and tossed him to the wall as he coughed like crazy.

Aero: *cough cough* What a dirty move. *Cough*

Blitz: Well, you stabbing me in the back, literally, was a dirty move so I say we're even.

Aero: Heh. Let's see how you fare against THIS.

Aero made and threw several ice spikes at me as I fired fireballs to melt each one, with some small icicles barely cutting by me. He then ran at me again, this time ready to punch me with a fist encased in ice spikes. Me, not realizing that, caught his fist as the spikes stab into my left palm.

Blitz: AGH!!!

Aero: How's that? Too painful for you?

Aero reeled his other fist back.

Aero: GOOD!!!!

He hit me straight in the face as I was sent flying towards a wall, putting a me-shaped dent in it. Aero walked towards me.

Aero: Don't you get it, Blitz!? You can't beat ME!!

He kicked me back to the ground as I tried to get up.

Aero: I'm stronger....

Aero kicked me again.

Aero: faster....

And again.

Aero: SMARTER.....

And again...

Aero: and FAR more superior that you will EVER BE!!!!

Aero prepared to finish me with his cold ice blades. I was too tired and beat up to do anything. I close my eyes, waiting for the inevitable defeat.

???: Chaosss.......

Aero: Huh?

???: ..... SPEAR!!!!

Aero: GAH!!!!

I opened my eyes to see Aero was sent flying by......

Blitz: Shadow?

Shadow: Nobody messes with my brother.

Aero: Grrrr..... Why do you ALWAYS GET IN MY WAY!!!!

Shadow slowly walked towards Aero.

Shadow: Ever since I saw you with Blitz, I've had my doubts about you, and by the looks of things....

Shadow grabbed Aero by his head.

Shadow: ....I was right.

Shadow tosses Aero into the air and kicked him towards a wall. He then walked to me.

Blitz: Nice of *cough* you to join the party.

Shadow: Hmph. *Smirks* Well, you seemed to have been getting your butt kicked, so I figured I'd help my little brother out.

Blitz: Tsk. I'm not little.

Aero: Ugh, ENOUGH with the mushy crap.

Shadow helped me up as we look at Aero who recovered quite quickly.

Aero: You artificial freaks won't beat me so easily. Do you know why?

Blitz: And why might that be?

Aero: You two may be the "Ultimate Life Forms", but I...... I'm something FAR greater than that.

Aero's body began to become covered in frost.

Aero: I'm the one who decides who lives and who dies.

Ice spikes began to sprout out of Aero's back.

Aero: I'm the one capable of wiping out millions with my sheer cunning alone.

The feathers on Aero's head became more like ice spikes. The ice spikes on his back began to resemble spiky wings.

Aero: I....

Aero began to float in the air.


Aero now stood before them with a mad grin on his face as his coat opened to reveal a blue gem embedded on his chest.

(I will insert an image here sometime when my wifi is actually good enough to do it, but just use your imagination for now please)

Aero: ....A GOD!!!!

A/n: It seems that Shadow has appeared to assist Blitz in battle. And Aero seems to have achieved a new form of sorts. Will Blitz and Shadow defeat Aero? Find out on the next part of Blitz (and Shadow) vs. Aero.

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