Chapter 21: Aftermath

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A/n: I told you there was more to go.


I watched as Blitz and Aero plummet to their deaths, tears rolling down my face as I watch the wolf I love disappeared.


Shadow: He said he'd end it. He never said how he'd end it.

Blaze: He said he'd be fine......HE PROMISED!!!!

I slammed my hand onto the floor, denting it slightly.

Eggman: Hitting the ground won't do anything, Blaze.

I turned around to see Eggman, Cream, and Cheese standing behind us.

Shadow: Shouldn't you be in the control room stopping this thing from crash landing?

Eggman: That's the thing. I already did. This ship won't be crashing anytime soon.

Blaze: So you-?

Eggman: I saw everything. I don't think these two did, since they stayed behind for a few minutes.

Cream: Blaze? Where's Blitz?

I looked down on the ground as more tears fell.

Blaze: He's........gone.

Everything was silent as Cream slowly realized what I meant and began to tear up.

Cream: You mean*sniffle* h-he's......

Blaze: Yeah.

Cream started to cry upon realizing this as Cheese tried to comfort her. Shadow seemed to be looking out the giant hole in the wall. Perhaps mourning in his own way. Eggman walked up to Blaze.

Eggman: You really think he's gone, don't you?

Cream and Cheese looked at Eggman out of confusion. I looked up at Eggman like he was insane. There's no way Blitz could survive the fall he just took.

Blaze: He's OBVIOUSLY GONE, Eggman!! Nobody could survive a fall like that!!! Not even Blitz-

Cream and Cheese jumped at my outburst.

Eggman: Wrong.

Cream and Cheese looked at Eggman, surprised. I remained quiet.

Eggman: You may not know this, but Blitz has been through worse than re-entry. I made him very resilient, so it's possible that he survive-

Blaze: How do we get back down?

Shadow: Grab on my shoulder.

I sat there confused as Eggman, Cream, and Cheese put his hand on Shadow's shoulder.

Shadow: Just do it.

I did as he said and placed my hand on his other shoulder.

Cream: Where are we going, Mr. Shadow?

Shadow: You'll see. Chaos....

A strange aura enveloped us.

Shadow: .....CONTROL!

In an instant, we were transported to a very large crater back on Mobius.

Blaze: Where are we?

Eggman: We seem to be back at the Leaf Storm Zone.

Shadow: This is where I believe Blitz and Aero fell. I know this because I watched them fall, causing an explosion large enough to be visible from the ship. This is the site of that same explosion.

Without a second thought, I ran to the center of the crater, in hopes of finding Blitz.

Blaze: Blitz!? BLITZ!?!? Where are you!?

I kept running around the crater, hoping to find him, but nothing. Not even Aero could be found.

Blaze: C'mon Blitz!! This isn't funny!!!

I searched for the past ten minutes. During those ten minutes, Sonic and his friends had arrived. After a while, I found something:

It was the medal given to Blitz by Violet.

Blaze: Oh no.....

I picked the medal up, fearing the worst.

Blaze: He......He never takes this thing off.

I dropped to my knees as my hope that Blitz was alive began to fade. I hit the ground several times in despair.


I sat there crying at the potential loss of Blitz, the one I cared the most about. I heard everyone gasp, but didn't move?

Blaze: I never got to tell him........I was going to tell him when this was over........WHY DID HE HAVE TO-

???: found it.

I froze at the sound of that voice. No. It couldn't be......could it?

I turned around and......

.....there he was.

Blitz stood there, with a broken and bloody arm, several burn marks on his fur. His jacket had been incinerated from the fall. his pants were reduced to shorts.

Blaze: B-Blitz....

Blitz: Heh.....Hello there.

I immediately tackled him into a bone crushing hug.

Blitz: Heh. You must've, you can let go now, you're hurting my broken arm. Ow ow ow OW!!!

I quickly broke the hug.

Blaze: Oh, hehe. Sorry.

I then noticed the position we were in. I was on top of Blitz and our faces were inches away from each other. I figured it was about time I made my move. I smashed my lips onto his. I wasn't going to let this chance go to waste. It felt as if time had stopped around us. Blitz returned the kiss. After several minutes if pure heavenly bliss, our need for air separated us. I giggled at the priceless look on Blitz's face. I wonder what he's thinking right now.


HolycrapHolycrapHOLYCRAP!!! She kissed me!!! She ACTUALLY kissed me!!!! Am I dreaming!?!? I pinched myself to check. Ouch. Nope. Not dreaming.

Blaze: So, how was that?

Blitz: Uhhhh....

Blaze smiled.

Blaze: I already know you liked it.

Sonic: Uhhh....did I miss something?

We both jumped up upon realizing literally everyone saw us do that. Sonic, Shadow, Robotnik, Amy, Knuckles, even Vector, Charmy, Espio, Rouge and Omega were here. My face was beet red.

Rouge: Would you look at that. The big bad wolf found himself a kitty cat.

My face became so red it rivaled Knuckle's quills.

Blitz: Sh-Shut up!

Shadow: *smirks* Heh. You know she's right, Blitz.

Blitz: Hey! Don't go backing her up just cause she's on the same team as you! Or do you want me to spill the beans about what you told me a few months back?

Now it was Shadow's turn to blush. He crossed his arms and looked away.

Shadow: I-I don't know what you're talking about.

I smirked.

Blitz: Ohh Rooouuuuuge~

Shadow tackled me as we comically fought for a few minutes, only for Rouge and Blaze to separate us.

Blaze: Ugh, why must men be so childish.

Rouge: Tell me about it.


I watched the scene as I had a smile on my face. I was so proud of Blitz. He looks so carefree. Like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It was a refreshing sight.

Eggman: Hm. Maybe I should find myself a woman......oh wait, there's no humans here. And there's NO WAY I'm pulling a Sonic '06!!

*Author proceeds to put Flex Tape on the Fourth Wall*


After my little playful bout with Shadow, I saw Cream tackle me into another hug. Not as much as Blaze did, but it was enough to push me back a bit.

Cream: I'm glad you're ok, Blitz.

Blitz: Heh. As if I'd ever leave my good friend.

Cheese: Chao Chao?

I looked at Cheese and smiled

Blitz: Yeah yeah, you too, Cheese.

I pet Cheese whilst returning Cream's hug. We eventually broke the hug soon after.


I saw Knuckles was yelling at Blaze. What'd she do to him?

Blaze: Heh. Wow. Hotheaded AND good at memory. I'm shocked.

Knuckles: Ohhh I'm GONNA-

I was behind Knuckles and figured I'd play around a bit. I put on my scariest face.

Blitz: You're gonna what?

Knuckles froze.

Knuckles: U-Uh......I......nevermind.

Knuckles walked away. I burst out laughing.

Blaze: Uhhhh.

Blitz: Hehehe. Don't ask.

Eggman: Hey, Blaze!

We both turned to Eggman as he walked up to us.

Eggman: You said you wanted the Sol Emeralds, right?

Now that I think about it, I completely forgot about that.

Blaze: Yeah. Why?

Eggman reached in his pocket and took out the final Sol Emerald.

Eggman: Here. Take it as a gift for helping Blitz. I insist.

Blitz: Weren't you plotting to do something with those?

Eggman: Oh, I didn't tell you, did I? I'm turning a new leaf now!

Silence. All anyone heard for the next three minutes was a cricket in the distance.

Blitz: Uhhh. Who are you and where's Robotnik?

Eggman: I'm serious! I'm a changed man. And also, how can a father bond with his son when he's on the other side, am I right?

I was still confused why, but I let the subject go. Blaze took the Sol Emerald from Eggman.

Blaze: Thank you, Eggman.

Blaze took out the seven Sol Emeralds.

Blitz: So......what now?

Blaze: I don't know, but whatever's next, I'm glad you're by my side.

Blaze held me hand as I smiled.

Blitz: Yeah. Likewise.

We looked off in the distance. We were prepared for what was to come in the future. Because we were together. Powered by our passionate flames.

The End.......?

A/n: And that's that. BUT!! I'm not entirely finished just yet. Keep an eye out for more updates, ok. What do you think of the story? Good? Bad? So-So? Awesome? Terrible? I appreciate any friendly criticism so long as it's not anything too harsh.

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