Chapter 13: The Vondel

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(Cut to Vondel, everything seems to be eerly quiet under the overcast sky, its streets unusually empty. As the camera panned across the deserted squares and closed shops, it finally settled on a heavily guarded barricade. The so-called Vondel Peacekeepers, consisting of H.O.D. Troops, JCJenson Soldiers, SDF Soldiers, Union Corporation Soldiers, and U.V.A. Troops in disguise, were setting up fortifications to ensure no civilians could pass through.)

(At the forefront of this operation stood General Nathaniel Fordham, a stern and imposing figure with a history intertwined with this merged universe long before the current chaos. Beside him were Commander Fernando "Raul" Marquez, Major Mason Jack, Captain Hark from Star Wars: Rebels, Governor Tiber Saxon, the Union Corporation Financier, and an unnamed JCJenson Captain. Fordham had named him Captain Avery to keep things straightforward.)

(As Fordham and his lieutenants monitored their troops, Governor Tiber Saxon paced restlessly, anger etched on his face.)

Tiber: (stern) Gar Saxon's death at the hands of The Mega Mixers won't go unavenged!!!

(Captain Hark, clearly annoyed by Saxon's outbursts, turned to the others.)

Hark: How much longer do we have to deal with his temper tantrums?

(Meanwhile, a group of holograms flickered to life in front of the commanders, showing the leaders of their respective factions. They began their report.)

Fordham: Operation Lockdown is proceeding as planned. The barricades are secure, and no civilians have gotten through. The Ultimate Heroic Alliance and their allies remain unaware of our activities here.

Raul: We've received intel that two of the DMZ Bosses were eliminated by The Mega Mixers. However, this hasn't impacted our operations significantly.

Tiber: (eyes blaze) How could two of the DMZ Bosses be defeated so easily? Are our forces that incompetent?

Financer: Relax, Saxon. We still have plenty of DMZ Bosses under our control. Those losses are negligible in the grand scheme of things.

(As the briefing continued, Captain Hark, looking increasingly irritated, finally spoke up.)

Hark: Not to interrupt, but can someone explain why the heck these guys are here?!

(He gestured towards a group of ragtag soldiers known as The Lost Boys, who were loitering near the barricades, looking out of place and causing minor disturbances. The holographic leaders exchanged puzzled glances. One of them finally shrugged.)

Undertaker: Honestly, Captain Hark, we're not entirely sure. They seem to have just... tagged along.

Avery: (smirks) So we're stuck with them for now, huh? Typical.

(As the call concluded, the leaders reinforced their readiness to face any upcoming threats. General Fordham addressed his team.)

Fordham: Stay vigilant. The Ultimate Heroic Alliance may be unaware now, but they will learn of our presence eventually. When that time comes, we must be prepared to face them head-on.

Tiber: (nods) When they do, we'll be ready.

(Captain Hark, shaking his head at the continuing antics of The Lost Boys, muttered.)

Hark: Ready or not, here we stay. Let's just hope they don't get us all killed.

(Back at the U.H.A. Base, Keith and his team, now joined by Tessa, Shane, and Cade, convened in the main briefing room. The atmosphere was tense as they joined the U.H.A. leaders and members who were not currently engaged in the battle against the U.V.A. in the "Several Ties" operation. Jessica "Lanza" Charley, the Nexus Warden, stood at the head of the table, addressing the group. )

Lanza: We've received reports of some unusual activity in Vondel. It appears a group calling themselves the 'Vondel Peacekeepers' has set up barricades and is preventing any civilians from entering the area. This is highly suspicious and raises several red flags.

Dapp: (serious) None of our intel suggests the existence of these Peacekeepers before now. It's possible they're a cover for something more sinister.

(Keith exchanged a look with Razor and Stak, his brow furrowed.)

Keith: This doesn't sit right with me. If they're blocking civilians, they must be hiding something.

Lanza: (nods) Exactly. That's why we've decided to launch a joint operation to investigate and, if necessary, neutralize any threats. Keith, your team will be integral to this mission, alongside several other units.

(The holographic display in the center of the table lit up, showing the deployment plan.)

Lanza: You'll be working with the U.S. Army Rangers from COD: MW2CR, Team Scarlet Walter, and their allies, The Diamond Spears. The Elite S.O.G. Team, who have been on a classified mission, will also join you. Additionally, Squad-3NR, comprising Gadget the Wolf, Clone Trooper Paul, and Clone Trooper Klein, will assist, having just completed their recent mission.

Cade: What's the plan of attack?

Sterk: We'll deploy in several waves. Team Scarlet Walter and The Diamond Spears will create a diversion at the eastern barricade, drawing the Peacekeepers' attention. Meanwhile, Keith and his team, supported by the U.S. Army Rangers and Squad-3NR, will infiltrate from the west.

Tessa: (raises eyebrow) And what about our extraction plan?

Lanza: The Elite S.O.G. Team will be on standby for rapid extraction. They'll be positioned nearby, ready to move in if things get too hot.

Levinson: Our primary objective is to gather intel on these Peacekeepers. If they pose a significant threat, we neutralize them. But remember, our first priority is the safety of any civilians who might be in the area.

Shane: When do we move out?

Dapp: Immediately. This situation is time-sensitive, and we can't afford any delays.

(As the teams dispersed to gear up, Keith pulled Razor and Stak aside.)

Keith: This mission is going to be tough. We've faced a lot together, but this feels different. There's something off about these Peacekeepers.

Razor: (nods) We'll be ready, Keith. Whatever they're hiding, we'll uncover it.

Stak: And we'll make sure no harm comes to the civilians. That's a promise.

Keith: (takes a deep breath) Let's do this.

(The various teams gathered in the hangar, a flurry of activity as final preparations were made. Squad-3NR: Gadget the Wolf, Clone Trooper Paul, and Clone Trooper Klein, stood ready, their expressions determined.)

(As they boarded their transports, Lanza's voice echoed through the hangar.)

Lanza: Good luck, everyone. The fate of Vondel and its people rests in your hands.

(With that, the transports lifted off, heading towards Vondel. The combined forces of the U.H.A. were about to face an unknown enemy, but they were united in their resolve. Whatever awaited them in Vondel, they were ready to face it together.)

(As for Rafael, he stayed as the U.H.A. leaders had decided it was time to introduce a new task force, one that would be led by Morález himself. This task force, known as Task Force Merge-Verse, was composed of specialized soldiers from various backgrounds, each with unique skills and experiences.)

(As the briefing room's lights dimmed, a large screen lit up, displaying the title "Task Force Merge-Verse." The U.H.A. leaders began showcasing the members through video recordings and detailed files, each one highlighting the soldiers' expertise and backstories.)

Isa "Byline" Juarez

(A video showed Isa in action, deftly moving through urban warfare scenarios, using her journalistic skills to gather critical intel. "Byline" Juarez, a former investigative journalist turned operative, excels in information gathering and infiltration.)

Ziryan "Scorch" Serhati-Hadid

(Footage depicted Ziryan in a desolate landscape, expertly handling incendiary devices. Born in the Middle East, "Scorch" Serhati-Hadid has a reputation for using fire-based weaponry to devastating effect in combat zones.)

Eyitayo "Ripper" Davies

(A video showed Eyitayo in close-quarters combat, efficiently taking down enemies with brutal precision. Hailing from Nigeria, "Ripper" Davies is known for his expertise in hand-to-hand combat and melee weaponry.)

Benjamin "Warrior" F

(Benjamin, known as "Warrior," was shown leading a team through a heavily fortified enemy base. A seasoned soldier from South Africa, he is recognized for his leadership skills and tactical acumen in high-stakes missions.)

Thibault "Riptide" Lefebre

(Thibault was depicted navigating treacherous waters, expertly handling amphibious assaults. "Riptide" Lefebre, from France, specializes in naval operations and underwater demolitions.)

David "BBQ" Fischer

(A video showed David manning a barbecue grill in a base camp, interspersed with scenes of him wielding a flamethrower in battle. An American nicknamed "BBQ," Fischer is known for his expertise with flame-based weapons and maintaining morale with his cooking.)

Mike "Jabber" Yuan

(Mike, or "Jabber," was shown handling complex communications equipment. An expert in cyber warfare from China, Yuan excels in hacking and electronic countermeasures.)

Abe "Jet" Kaede

(Abe, "Jet," was shown piloting various aircraft, executing daring maneuvers. From Japan, Kaede is a top-tier pilot, adept at aerial combat and reconnaissance.)

Élodie "Lockpick" Micheaux

(Footage showed Élodie deftly bypassing security systems and cracking safes. A French national, "Lockpick" Micheaux is an expert in infiltration and espionage.)

Gytha "Alpine" Stromme

(Gytha was depicted navigating through snowy terrains and high-altitude missions. From Norway, "Alpine" Stromme is an expert in cold-weather survival and mountain warfare.)

Pham "Enigma" Lan Minh

(Pham, "Enigma," was shown solving complex puzzles and strategizing. A Vietnamese operative, Minh excels in strategy and unconventional warfare.)

Clyde "Bantam" Hogan

(Clyde, or "Bantam," was shown handling explosives with precision. An Australian demolitions expert, Hogan is known for his skills in sabotage and controlled demolitions.)

Ateret "Doc" Dahan

(Ateret was depicted providing medical assistance under fire. From Israel, "Doc" Dahan is a seasoned combat medic, ensuring the team's health and readiness.)

Natalya "Raptor" Orlov

(Natalya, "Raptor," was shown in aerial combat, deftly handling her aircraft. A Russian pilot, Orlov specializes in advanced aerial maneuvers and air-to-ground support.)

Ricardo "Corso" Vargas

(Ricardo, "Corso," was depicted leading covert operations. From Mexico, Vargas is an expert in guerrilla tactics and close-quarters combat.)

Roland "Swagger" Kaminski

(Roland, known as "Swagger," was shown expertly handling heavy weaponry and maintaining team morale. A Polish heavy weapons specialist, Kaminski is also known for his charismatic leadership.)

(As the presentation concluded, Rafael Morález looked around the room, taking in the faces of his new team. The U.H.A. leaders stood by, confident in their selection.)

Dapp: Rafael, these soldiers are the best of the best. Task Force Merge-Verse will be a formidable unit under your command. Use their diverse skills to tackle the challenges ahead.

Rafael: Thank you. I won't let you down. Together, we'll ensure the safety and stability of this merged universe.

(With that, Task Force Merge-Verse was officially formed, ready to face the threats lurking in the shadows of the new, combined worlds. Their mission: to uncover and neutralize any dangers posed by the U.V.A. and their allies, ensuring a safer future for all.)

(Chapter Ends)

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