Chapter 16: Revelations

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(The streets of Vondel were a battlefield. Allied soldiers, alongside reinforcements like Shadow Company stood in awe and horror as they gazed up at the sky filled with Star Destroyers commanded by General Nathaniel Fordham. Enemy starfighters and anti-personnel drones buzzed ominously above.)

Keith: We need to regroup. Let's help the others and prepare for the counterattack.

(The allied soldiers began to gather, setting up defensive positions and coordinating their efforts to fend off the approaching enemy forces.)

(Vehicles carrying the Elite S.O.G. Team, called in for transportation and additional firepower, roared through the streets. The sky was a maelstrom of laser fire and explosions as they approached the Star Destroyers.)

Dimitris: (shouts) We have to take out those starfighters and drones first!

(The team engaged in a fierce aerial battle, weaving through the enemy onslaught and taking down drones and starfighters with precision and teamwork. The path to the Star Destroyers slowly began to clear. After the drones are taken out, they suddenly get attacked by Captain Hark, who shoots some beams with his Metal Carrier.)


(Lupin shoots the Metal Carrier while dodging its beams. Amuro commands his Gundam to shoot it as well. Spider-Man (Team Scarlet Walter) does a web swing that hits the Metal Carrier. Hark then shoots some missiles as the Glitter Force evades them all as Deadpool (Team Scarlet Walter) pulls out a grenade.)

Deadpool: Now for the final touch.

(He throws the grenade at the Metal Carrier, destroying it as Captain Hark escapes.)

Deadpool: Now we can focus on defeating those bozos.

(Once the way was clear, the heroes split into three teams:)

Team 1:

Keith Dickinson's Group

Victor "Frank" McMantin & Oliver Stone

Task Force Merge-Verse

Jessica "Lanza" Charley/The Nexus Warden

Alden "Levinson" Belson

Deka Break and Deka Bright


Razor and Stak

Team Scarlet Walter and The Diamond Spears

(This team headed for the main Star Destroyer commanded by General Nathaniel Fordham.)

Team 2:

Serial Designation I/SD-I

Hyperdimension Network Forces

DaiKaiju Knights

The Gang Riders

Special Operation Task Forces

(This team targeted the Star Destroyer on the left, commanded by Captain Avery and Tiber Saxon.)

Team 3:

The Elite S.O.G. Team

Team Metal/Delta Force

Commander Dapp and Commander Sterk

The rest of the allied forces

(They went to the Star Destroyer on the right, commanded by the two high-ranking Union Corporation members.)

Deadpool: A shame my time in this episode was short... oh well...

(The teams infiltrated their respective Star Destroyers, supported by Los Vaqueros soldiers and Shadow Company operatives.)

(Commander Dapp and Commander Sterk led their team through the labyrinthine corridors. They finally reached the control room where Commander Fernando "Raul" Marquez and Major Mason Jack waited.)

Dapp: Who are you really? We've never heard of a 'Union Corporation.

(Marquez and Jack exchanged glances before Marquez began to explain.)

Raul: The Union Corporation comes from a different universe, one far more advanced than the usual Union Academy. We're stronger, smarter, and better in every way.

(The heroes were stunned. The Union Corporation seemed to be an evolved version of the familiar Union Academy, presenting a formidable challenge. The fight was intense, with Marquez using powers similar to Tremor and Jack wielding abilities akin to Skarlet. Despite their best efforts, the heroes couldn't defeat the two high-ranking members.)

Raul: Impressive. (wipes blood from his mouth) But not enough.

(Before they could strike again, Marquez and Jack retreated with their troops. The heroes seized the opportunity to plant explosives and destroy the Star Destroyer.)

(Team 2 fought their way through enemy soldiers, but SD-I got separated during the skirmish. He navigated the corridors until he reached a room with Captain Avery and Tiber Saxon.)

Avery: (sneers) A disassembly drone betraying us? Pathetic.

SD-I: I am free from your treachery. I have free will now.

(Avery scowled and summoned JCJenson's Wyvern, a fearsome combat machine.)

Avery: Finish this traitor off!

Wyvern: Traitor detected... I'll take you on myself.

SD-I: Right back at ya! I'll finish this here!

(SD-I sees Wyvern charging at it.)

Wyvern: Here I come, traitor!

(SD-I hops on the Wyvern, and hits its head.)

Wyvern: This is nothing!

(The fight continues as Wyvern charges at SD-I again, only for the the drone to do the same thing he did as they continue fighting.)

Wyvern: Fall!

(Wyvern shoots a missile.)

Wyvern: Ha ha ha! Take this!

(Wyvern shoots some lasers before charging at SD-I again, but the drone hops on it before taking it to be hit by a missile.)

Wyvern: No! The canopy!

SD-I: What's the matter?

Wyvern: You... I'm just getting started!

(The fight goes on as Wyvern locks on SD-I.)

Wyvern: Can you avoid this?

(Wyvern shoots another missile before approaching SD-I.)

Wyvern: Can you make it here?

(SD-I hits Wyvern's lower jaw, making it unable to speak full words.)

Wyvern: Grr... y- lit-

(SD-I hits Wyvern's lower jaw again. The machine then charges at it, but he pulls out a sword, and charges it with electricity as it slices Wyvern in half as it explodes.)

(Avery and Saxon escaped in the chaos. SD-I rejoined Team 2, and they set charges to destroy their Star Destroyer.)

(With two Star Destroyers down, the heroes regrouped. Team 1 stood ready to infiltrate General Nathaniel Fordham's personal Star Destroyer. The final battle loomed, and the fate of Vondel and the entire merged universe hung in the balance.)

Keith: (takes a deep breath) Let's end this.

(To be continued)

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