Chapter 5: The Enemy Of My Enemy

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(Dimitris is seen taking down some Union Corporation Soldiers, but finds himself unable to defeat Al-Naar, who proved to be too powerful for him and his allies.)

Al-Naar: So long, heroes. See you in our next battle.

(Al-Naar then retreats.)

(Back to Keith, he is seen trying to escape the base as he reunites with the group.)

Dimitris: There you are, Keith. These guys are trying to wipe out us and Ivor at the same time! Head to the rally point Bravo to the west! Trust no one!

(Keith then shoots some U.V.A. soldiers, Union Corporation soldiers, and H.O.D. soldiers as the others simply go ahead.)

Harper: Head for the rally point! Go! Go! Go!

Filla: Be advised, the LZ is hot! Repeat, the LZ is hot!

Rafael: Let's just try to get the situation under control and get outta here!

Filla: Whatever you say.

(Commander Appo shoots some U.V.A. soldiers, Union Corporation soldiers, and H.O.D. soldiers as well.)

Kai: Let's just let Ultimate Villainous Alliance and Ivor's Iron Fists kill each other off as much as we can.

Jay: We can use the comms to listen in on their radio traffic.

Zane: I'll try to contact Ivor. (contacts Ivor) Ivor, this is Zane. Ironwood is a warmonger now. He's got your operation playbook, and he's got a blank check.

Cole: (comms) Give us what you've got on Ironwood, and we'll take care of the rest.

Kelvin: (comms) We know you can hear us on this channel, Ivor!

Presley: (comms) We know you won't last a week.

Ivor: (comms) And neither will you.

Presley: (comms) Ivor... you ever heard the old saying... "The enemy of my enemy is my best friend"?

Ivor: (comms) One day you'll find that cuts both ways. Ironwood and Atlas from Union-Verse are using Site Hotel Bravo. You know where it is. I'll see you in hell.

Robbie: (comms) Looking forward to it. Give our regards to the others who got there before you if you get there first.

(They finish their conversation with Ivor.)

Sammi: Now let's get head West to the runaway area.

Philly: Let's get in there before the sandstorms come.

(Philly shoots some enemy soldiers down.)

Philly: Looks like we do not have the situation under control.

Olivier: Let's just go!

Collin: (shooting) Agreed! Keep moving West!

(They keep shooting down the enemy troops while moving to escape the battlefield.)

Shawl: We're almost there. Let's head to the runway.

Korg: We've got less than one minute!

(They then go to a transport driven by an unnamed Clone Trooper as they try to escape, but see a gunner in an enemy vehicle.)

Ash: Pikachu! Take out the gunner.


(Pikachu takes down a gunner, but another enemy vehicle come in.)

Misty: Behind us!

(Keith shoots the vehicle, but another one comes in.)

Keith: Right side! Right side!

(Dimitris shoots the vehicle at the right side, but then a H.O.D. soldier takes the unnamed CLone Trooper down, forcing Keith to take the drive. They get inside the plane as the screen fades out.)

(To be continued.)

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