Chapter 8: Black Tuesday

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(Keith Dickinson, Lavden "Dimitris" Philson, Harper Gregor, Rafael Moràlez, Los Vaqueros, Alan & David are seen heading towards the Ultimate Heroic Alliance's Base until they find two individuals on the way.)

Keith: Frank? Oliver?

Victor "Frank" McMantin

Oliver Stone

(They go to meet the two individuals who survived the massacre that happened days ago.)

(Meanwhile, Strifecon is seen Meeting the Horde of Darkness.)

Strifecon: It's nice to have more allies to join our cause.

Bowser: Hahahaha. It's nice to join you too!

Bowser Jr.: We had received orders from your commander to recruit villains from the universes that appeared recently...

Iggy: But we've got a problem.

Roy: One of them got killed by two groups.

Wendy: They originally came from Daikaiju-Verse and Megaforce-Verse, respectively.

Ludwig: There are also the Special Operatives Task Force, according to the latest member of the Task Force Tyrants.

Strifecon: I see... then we'll find and recruit a new leader later on.

Mistress 9: That's not all. We found those pesky heroes who infiltrated one of the Union Corporation Bases recently before Ivor and his so-called team known as Iron Fists.

Azula: We also found the ones mentioned by the Koopalings.

Dr. Facilier: We also found an alternate version of Jaune Arc, who was known in his home world as Jean Pierre. He formed a group named "Gang Riders", but they couldn't do much to prevent the destruction of THEIR world.

Strifecon: Hmm... this is getting interesting. Where are they?

Eggman (H.O.D.): One of my badniks found them in Texas.

Strifecon: In that case, we'll sent out Cemetery Wind after these troops to take them out.

(Meanwhile, Sergeant Derek "Frost" Westbrook wakes up in the tipped over Humvee. Gunshots and police sirens can be heard in the distance. He sees Master Sergeant "Sandman" cutting his seat-belt to get free.)

Sandman: Get switched on. We gotta move, now!

Frost: No need to rush!

(Frost gets himself free, picks up his M4A1 Hybrid Scope, climbs up the Humvee, and pushes out the door. The player sees the sky filled with helicopters as two missiles fly into the Downtown Phillipe Starck building. Pieces of debris fall onto the street as Frost climbs out of the Humvee. Sandman climbs out, turns to Frost, and tosses him a mag, which Frost loads into his M4 and locks it ready.)

Sandman: The jammer's 500 meters north! We'll leg it from here! Let's go! Grinch, Truck, you up?!

Grinch: We're good!

(Sandman and Frost begin to make their way on foot to the New York Stock Exchange, supported by Delta Force team members, Truck, Grinch, and a Stryker named Samaritan.)

U.S. Soldier: (on radio) Any station, any station — this is Blackjack Actual in the clear. Forty percent casualties, three combat outposts overrun! Russian tanks inside the perimeter! Our lines of communication have been compromised! We are out of options — conducting a tactical withdrawal to supplementary positions!

(As they move through Exchange Pl., they encounter U.V.A. Troops and engage.)

Truck: More crows inbound! Dead ahead!

Frost: I see it

(An enemy GAZ-2975 arrives.)

Grinch: Russian armor incoming!

Truck: Take cover! Take cover!

(Frost takes out the truck (gunner) and eliminates any other threats. When they come to the Broad St. intersection, two Strykers, Firefly and Frolic, and a small group of Delta/Rangers join in from the left.)

Sandman: Friendlies! Hold your fire!

Truck: That means don't shoot 'em, Grinch.

Grinch: No shit.

Frost: Great.

(As they move up Broad St. they see the damaged Stock Exchange.)

Sandman: Eyes on the Exchange! Left side, dead ahead!

Truck: Roger, I see it!

(They encounter more U.V.A. Troops at the front of the building.)

Grinch: Contact front! Hostiles in the open!

(But before they can go any further, a Vehicon appears from the street ahead and fires down on the team, taking out one of the Strykers.)

Truck: Heads up! Bird incoming!

Sandman: Get off the street! Go right! Go right! C'mon, Frost, let's go!

Frost: Damn it!

(The team quickly moves into Downtown Philip Starck's 15 Broad entrance.)

Truck: So what's the game plan?

Sandman: Same as before. Burn the jammer, kill the bad guys.

Grinch: I like it.

Frost: Me too. (sees a TV broadcast) What the...?

(Frost sees the broadcast of the "Battle for New York", and then he follows his teammates upstairs.)

Sandman: Up the stairs! On me! Grinch, Truck, hold here till my signal. Frost, with me.

Grinch: Rog'.

(They move up the stairs and come to a door at the end of the hall. Sandman kicks open the door.)

Sandman: Let's keep moving!

Frost: Got it.

(As they move up a pile of rubble, they take out a couple of U.V.A. Troops on top. When Frost comes up the corner, he can see a Hind flying outside. Across the hall is a crashed Hind. Russian soldiers fire from the other side of the Hind and from a hole on the floor above.)

Sandman: Threat, 12 o'clock high!

Frost: There it is.

(Frost moves past the Hind and takes out a couple more U.V.A. Troops behind a couch. Frost follows Sandman through the hall and down a set of stairs.)

Sandman: Grinch, Truck, tighten up. Maintain the timeline, we need to hit the Exchange.

(At the bottom of the stairs, Sandman hears muffled U.V.A. Troops coming from the other side of the door.)

Sandman: Multiple voices, alley behind the door. Frost, toss a nine-banger.

Frost: On the way.

(Sandman slowly opens the door and Frost tosses a 9-Bang into the alley which explodes in a series of nine small bursts. The 9-bang blinds and disorients the U.V.A. Troops.)

Sandman: Move! Move!

(The team takes out the U.V.A. Troops.)

Sandman: This route should take us back onto Wall Street. Jammer's not far. Watch the windows and doors - double-check the shadows.

(The team moves up the stairs.)

Grinch: Truck, you getting anything on your comms?

Truck: Nothing but static. That jammer's got us in the dark.

(They come up to the top of the stairs and into a room above the jewelry store.)

Sandman: Hold up. Quiet.

Grinch: Shooters in the store below. Switch 'em off?

Sandman: Roger that.

(They move up on the second floor of the store and begin engaging U.V.A. Troops below.)

Sandman: Grinch, take up overwatch while we clear the store!

Grinch: I'm on it.

Frost: Me too

(Sandman, Frost, and Truck move downstairs. More U.V.A. Troops appear and enter the store through a hole in the wall.)

Sandman: Contact! Take cover! Frost, throw some frags!

Frost: Here they come!

(Frost tosses a frag grenade to take out several enemies. They clear the store of hostiles.)

Sandman: Head west to the street! Go!

(As they go out to Wall Street, a group of Delta come in from the right.)

Sandman: Hold fire! Anvil team approaching!

(Sandman joins up with Grizzly.)

Sandman: Anybody hit?

Grizzly: We're good!

Sandman: What's the sit-rep on mid-town?

Grizzly: The Russians have it locked down. They're kicking our ass! We can't get through!

Sandman: Any word on air support?

Grizzly: Still nothing! Guidance systems are scrambled! We need to get that jammer down!

Sandman: Then let's move!

(They move up Wall Street and encounter several U.V.A. Troops behind cover.)

Sandman: They're dug in! Frost, get on the XM25 and flush 'em out!

Frost: Right away!

(Frost uses his XM25 and kills the enemies.)

Grinch: Contact! Memorial building to the north!

(Frost uses his XM25 Grenade Launcher to eliminate enemies behind the pillars of the Federal Hall National Monument.)

Sandman: Target building up ahead! Push forward!

(They engage and eliminate Russians at the intersection.)

Sandman: Inside the Stock Exchange! Let's move!

(The team rallies at the lobby of the Stock Exchange. Here the player finds an ammo crate to refill his ammo.)

Grizzly: We'll secure the lobby while you hit the trading floor.

Sandman: Roger that. Metal, let's roll.

(Grizzly and his team moves outside to defend the lobby.)

Frost: What now?

(The team moves up the escalators to the trading floor. There they encounter more U.V.A. Troops.)

Truck: Contact!

Sandman: Charge to contact! Let's keep moving!

Grinch: Providing cover fire. Move up!

Sandman: Go!

Grinch: Gotcha covered!

Sandman: Stay together!

(They manage to get across the floor. They head up the stairs at the back of the floor.)

Sandman: Up top. Go, go, go!

(As they move up, U.V.A. Troops appear from across the building.)

Grinch: On the balcony!

Sandman: Hop the rail!

Frost: Get ready to die, villains.

(Frost takes out the U.V.A. Troops on the balcony.)

Grinch: Balcony's clear!

(When they get to the top of the room, they take out more hostiles that are coming into the trading floor.)

Sandman: Frost, up the ladder, we're on your six.

(Frost climbs up the ladder to the roof of the building. At the top of the ladder, he sees a Russian Hind fire missiles.)

Sandman: Keep moving! The jamming system is up on the second tier!

(He moves up the stairs further up.)

Sandman: Frost, put thermite on the jammer's power supply! We'll cover!

Frost: I hope so!

(The team takes out the U.V.A. Troops stationed there.)

Grinch: Clear!

(Frost sees the radio jammer tower and places a thermite charge on it.)

Truck: Thermite's in place, clear the blast radius!

Sandman: Burn it, Frost!

Frost: Darn...

(Frost detonates the charge.)

Truck: It's coming down.

Grinch: Adios.

(The tower tips over and is destroyed.)

Sandman: Overlord, this is Metal Zero-One! Target neutralized! Do you read me?

(Tons of radio chatter can be heard as American forces now have comms back online and begin to request each other various help and support.)

US Soldier: This is (.......) We've got a man down! We've got a man-

Juliet 2-4: We hear you infantry, we hear you.

US Soldier: If you don't mind us, help! We need help! Now!

Juliet 2-4: This is Juliet 2-4, requesting a bombing run on TRP 4, 9, 1, 1. Got you, affirmative. We've got you loud and clear.

Overlord: Roger, 0-1. All systems are operational. We're sending a Black Hawk to your location for exfil, ETA 3 minutes.

Sandman: Roger, we're standing by.

(Across the building on other rooftops, U.V.A. Troops fire down at the team.)

Grinch: Contact!

Overlord: ISR is back online. We are detecting multiple hostiles on the rooftops in your area. You now have OPCON of a fully armed Predator.

Sandman: Frost, establish an uplink with the Predator and buy us some time!

Frost: Damn... nodody gets paid enough for such job...

(Frost now has control of a Predator Drone. He fires an AGM down on the Russians on either the Trump Building rooftop or the Downtown by Phillipe Starck rooftop.)

Sandman: Multiple targets down!

(More U.V.A. Troops are firing down at them.)

Sandman: Hit 'em again!

(A Hind shows up.)

Sandman: Hind incoming! Knock it out of the sky! Use the Predator on that Hind!

(Frost uses the Predator to take out the enemy Hind. Severely crippled, the Hind spins out and crashes in the street below.)

Sandman: Hind is smokin'! Good shot!

(The Black Hawk arrives to evacuate the team.)

Sandman: Here's our exfil! Load up! Load up!

(The helicopter hovers next to the edge of the roof.)

Frost: Here comes the ride.

(The team jumps off the roof and board the helicopter.)

Black Hawk Pilot: Confirm, four Eagles on board, exfil complete.

Sandman: Hold on! We're going vertical! Multiple contacts, lower rooftop! Frost, get on it!

Frost: Ah, shit!

(Frost mans the minigun and sprays down on the U.V.A. Troops on the rooftop.)

Overlord: Metal 0-1, standby for new mission directive, over.

Sandman: Roger, Overlord. Send it.

Overlord: We have multiple Russian war ships near our ports. We sent the SEALs to assault the command vessel. Proceed to New York Harbor to assist.

Sandman: Copy your last.

Overlord: Metal 0-1, be advised. We're seeing multiple enemy rotor-wings in your airspace.

(As the Black Hawk flies through the city, multiple enemy Hinds show up.)

Truck: Enemy bird, incoming!

(A missile warning sound is heard. The Hind fires missiles, but misses. Frost fires his minigun to keep the Hinds away.)

Truck: Stay on him! Stay on him!

Frost: Why won't he just die?

(Frost shoots at the first Hind.)

Sandman: Frost, down that Russian bird!

Frost: You know what they say, war never changes.

(Frost fires at another Hind hovering between buildings, which fires its missiles but misses as the Black Hawk flies away from it.)

Black Hawk Pilot: Tally target! Right side, high!

(Two Hinds attempt to shoot down the Black Hawk. They move close to the helicopter as Frost keeps firing.)

Truck: Two more, two more! We're taking heavy fire!

Black Hawk Pilot: Taking evasive action.

(Frost continues to spool the minigun and shoots down one of the Hinds.)

Grinch: Enemy bird is down!

Frost: Good.

(The duel continues and they circle around a skyscraper under construction. Frost takes out the other Hind.)

Grinch: Good work!

(The Black Hawk hovers next to the building.)

Sandman: Keep scanning your sectors.

Grinch: I think we lost 'em.

(Suddenly, another Hind flies up towards them and begins to shoot at the Black Hawk.)

Sandman: Shit! Enemy Hind!

Black Hawk Pilot: Hold on! Banking left!

(The Black Hawk attempts to lose the Hind around the building.)

Grinch: He's behind the building! Behind the building!

Sandman: Frost, can you get a bead on him? Fire!

Frost: Do you really have to ask?

(Frost sprays the minigun between the frame of the construction building at the Hind. The two helicopters then hover upward, Frost finally damages the Hind enough to cause it to spin. The Hind flies upward, but then starts to spin towards the Black Hawk.)

Truck: Look out!

(The Hind's tail collides with the Black Hawk, now causing the Black Hawk to spin in distress.)

Sandman: We're hit! We're hit!

Grinch: Hang on!

(As the helicopter spins, Frost strains and barely holds onto the side of the helicopter. He can see the Hind spin and crash into the construction building, and there is a giant explosion.)

Truck: Shit! We're going down!

Black Hawk Pilot: I've still got pressure in the pedals! (grunts) Come on, you son of a bitch!

Frost: It's not my fault!

(The Black Hawk continues to spin, Frost manages to pull himself back into the helicopter and man the minigun. An alarm is sounding and a red light is blinking throughout the helicopter. The Black Hawk almost collides into a building as it attempts to hover back up into altitude.)

Grinch: Hold on!

(The Black Hawk flies up and begins to level.)

Black Hawk Pilot: Torque feels okay! Tail rotor effective, hydraulics holding. Collective and pitch sat'. Fuel 70 percent.

Sandman: Overlord, this is 0-1, we're en route to the harbor, over.

Overlord: Roger, 0-1. The skies are clear. Good luck, out.

(The Black Hawk flies out of the city towards New York Harbor.)

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