Part 2

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Annabeth winced as Percy pulled hard on her pony tail. He remembered her not enough to name her, but enough not to kill her. She was not sure how to take it. It was a mix of sad happy. On one hand he was ok. He was alive and well.

But he was not really ok. He was alive, yes. But he was anything but sane. At the moment he was nothing more than a puppet for Gaia. He said he had killed half bloods and seemed to enjoy it. It was heartbreaking. It was terrible. What if it got worse? What if he woke up and never forgive himself for what he did? Or even worse, what if he never got his memories back?

Calm down. If she panicked, nothing good would come from it. She was a daughter of Anthea. She needed to think logically, as that was her strength. She took a deep breath. Calm down and think this through. She had to handle this delicately.

"Please let go." She stated.

"No." He huffed. "You come with me."

"Dammit Percy!" She said. "I will come with you. Just f### let go!" So much for being delicate. But she was in pain and frustrated.

Anger flashed in his eyes and he pulled harder. She winced. Alright, the direct approach was not gonna work. He seemed to be stern. She needed to think of something else. Perhaps a softer approach would work.

"How about you hold my hand instead." She suggested. As stupid as the suggestion was, it was hard to think like this.

His eyes lit up lite a child on Christmas. Any previous anger seemed to disappear completely. "Really?" He asked gleefully. "We can hold hands?"

Gods, even brainwashed he was a dork. Perhaps she really could save him. "Yes." She said "But you have to let go first."

He let go and instead took her hand. He had a dopey grin on his face. He gripped it a bit tightly, almost as if he was afraid she would let go. Not that she would. She worried what would happen if she did. He could grab her hair again or something even worse.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"To the Hotel." He said as he turned to look at her. "Five stars. Mother only gives us the best. Soon you will see."

She swallowed. She did not like how tenderly he talked about Gaia. She needed to get him to see sense before he hurt someone else.

"Percy, I don't think that she is who you think she is. She is evil-" She let out a small gasp as pain shot through her skull again. He grabbed her hair forcefully with his other hand.

"Look, Blondie." He growled. "I like you for reasons I don't understand. But you are not to say one bad thing about mother." His mood seemed to do a complete switch. Again.

"But Per-" He pulled harder.

"Not one thing!" He snapped. "I won't kill you, but i can cause you pain. So much f##### pain."

She was scared. The look in his eyes was murderous. She never had that look directed at her before. It was scarier than anything she had to face before. He was currently a ticking time bomb at the moment and seemed to be easily set off.

"O-ok." She stuttered.

He smiled and let go of her hair. He gently kissed her on the forehead. "Good Girl." He praised.

He lead her to a car. She was unfamiliar with the name, but it was clear that it was a very nice car. Apparently he was not kidding when he said Gaia gave him whatever he wanted.

Speaking it Gaia, what was her angle? She had possibly the most powerful demigod of the generation, so what was she gonna do with him? What was he? Some sort of hit man? What about the prophecy?

Her thoughts were interrupted when he opened the passenger side door for her. "Thanks." She said as she moved to climb in. She paused when she heard another voice ring out. Her heart stopped.

"Percy?" Grover called.

Shit. She was so caught up in everything that was going on that she completely forgot that Grover had come with her in the search for Percy. They had gotten separated when they accoundered the Cyclops.

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