Chapter One

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The ship rocked gently on the calm waves, making its way across the open sea. Wind and water pushed it forward, unnatural. On the top deck, two people stood still, eyes focused on different things. The first, a young man, stood near the main mast, pale blue eyes focused on the sail. Wind blew into the sail without a breath, pushing the ship over the waves. Pale blonde hair rushed around his head, blowing in the wind. Only a slight breeze touched the deck.

The second, the captain, stood at the quarterdeck, sea-green eyes on the waves. Or the lack of waves. A giant circle surrounded the ship, moving with them, calming the sea as they sped over it faster than any normal ship could ever imagine. Hair that matched her eyes whipped around her head and face, though never broke her concentration.

Neither of them needed to concentrate so heavily to do this, but they went faster when they did. So they focused, and they stood, propelling the ship faster and faster. The captain's concentration shifted as someone joined her.


"Yes, Amaris?"

Amaris stopped beside her, leaning on the railing.

"We'll be there soon," Zada said.

Amaris sighed.

"I'm sorry. About last night. It's just-" Zada ran a hand through her hair- "You save everyone, but who saves you?"

Amaris looked down, biting her bottom lip.

"I don't know. But if I don't help them, I don't deserve to have someone help me," Amaris replied.

Zada shook her head, scoffing lightly. Amaris glanced over at her.

"When do we say it's enough? When do we stop being hunted for what we are? When do we get to live?"

She hit the railing hard. She punched again. Again. Again.

"Zada. Zada, stop," Amaris said.

She pulled the young captain away from the railing, wrapping her arms around Zada's waist and pinning her arms to her side. But her anger was far from being let out. Outside the ship's circle, the waves grew and thrashed against each other. A sea storm, unreciprocated by the sky.

The members of the crew glanced back at their captain as she let her anger out, trying in vain to rip the sea apart. She thrashed in Amaris' arms and let out a deathly scream. The sea returned to normal, and Zada doubled over in Amaris' arms. She held the young captain in her arms as she tried to catch her breath, to do anything besides cry and rage and hate the people who have made her life a living hell.

Tears lined her eyes but she forced them back. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't cry. Slowly, she drew herself back together. She stood up and Amaris released her. Turning around, she nodded to the girl and walked down to her cabin.

Amaris sighed as she watched Zada walk away. She was right though. When did this stop? Amaris walked below deck, heading for her room. She saw Lucas standing outside it, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. He ran a hand through his hair and knocked on her door.

"Something I can help you with?"

He whirled around to face her, surprise written all over him.

"Uh, hi, Amaris. I-I was just, um..." He trailed off, swallowing hard.

She waited patiently for his answer, though that didn't seem to help. He only got more nervous.

"I, uh, I was just, um, wondering. H-how long until we're there?" Lucas asked.

She gave him a small smile.

"Few hours, probably. Well, a few hours until we get to Losylo. The mountains will take another day and then climbing up them is about a week,"

He visibly paled.

"We have to climb the mountains?" He asked.

"Caden will go up with another etheri. He'll be there way before us. Sometimes orthori are allowed in the mountains. But the only way they're accepted is if they 'prove' themselves and climb the mountain," Amaris explained.

"You're going to climb it with me?"

"I wasn't supposed to bring you. I'll be punished when I get there, but it'll be a lighter sentence if I go up with you. Besides, you'll freeze to death without me," She answered.

"You're a daughter of Ahara?" Lucas asked.

"Iltrix, actually,"

"Really? I always thought that was sunlight,"

"Well, it is sunlight, but it's also heat, illusions. A lot of things," Amaris said.

"Right. Well, thank you," Lucas said.

Amaris nodded and gave him a small smile. He left, returning to his own room. Inside her room, she collapsed on the bed. She wasn't tired, but bored. It would be awhile before they got to Losylo and she had nothing to do until then.

A knock sounded at her door. Sighing, Amaris stood and opened the door. Her eyes widened and she broke into a large grin. She threw her arms around the man standing in front of her, who wrapped his arms around her waist, chuckling gently. She pulled back to look into his face.

"Delton Rouge, you bastard," She said.

He laughed then, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Can I come in, Ris?"

"Obviously, idiot,"

He chuckled again and entered her room. Amaris closed the door and sat on the bed, where Delton sat beside her.

"How's life on the open seas?" Amaris asked.

"Not as fun as I thought it'd be. We never stay anywhere long enough to really enjoy it, always running from something. I think I'm gonna head up into the mountains with you," Delton replied.

"Well then you can take Caden up. I have to go with Lucas,"

He raised an eyebrow in question.

"Caden is the etheri I went after. Lucas is his older brother. He's... he's orthori," She breathed out.

"You brought an orthori? Ris, the rules-"

"I know," She snapped, "about the damn rules. I don't need everyone to keep reminding me."

Delton bit his lip and looked away. Amaris sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry, Delton. Just, I don't know. On edge. Tired. Terrified. I'm tired of talking about what's going to happen to me," She admitted.

Delton looked back up at her. He slowly tucked a stray red strand behind her ear, then cupped her face. She leaned into it, staring into his eyes. Deep, dark crimson eyes ringed in black stared back at her. Slowly, tauntingly, painfully slowly, he leaned forward. His lips brushed over hers, so close, yet so far.

"Ask me, Amaris. Ask me," He breathed onto her lips.

Amaris smiled wickedly and pulled away. Delton tilted forward, shocked at the movement. When he saw the small smirk on her face, he leaned back and smiled, running a hand through raven hair.

"I didn't expect that from you, Ris,"

"You should've,"

He grinned, and shook his head, running his hand through his hair again. He glanced at her. Brought his hand up to cup her face. She leaned into it once more, though her eyes still glimmered with amusement. He leaned forward again, but he was farther this time. Far enough so they could look in each other's eyes.

"I said yes the last time. Why do you want another one?"

"I'm giving you a choice, Ris. I'll always give you a choice," He whispered to her.

Amaris sighed, closing her eyes and leaning forward. Her head rested on his shoulder, her breath hitting the spot when his neck and shoulder met. He wrapped his arms around her, letting them rest loosely on her waist. They sat there, calm and silent, until the door banged open and someone joined them.

The two jumped up, shocked but prepared to fight, until they saw the face of another old friend.

"Reesa," Amaris said.

The girl grinned and walked forward, throwing her arms around Amaris. She planted a large kiss on the girl's cheek and hugged Delton. Ocean blue eyes sparkled in the dim light of the room, light brown hair braided over one shoulder. Her skin was as pale as it'd been before, cheekbones high and pronounced.

"Blythe, come on! It's Ris,"

Someone shuffled into the doorway, smiling at the trio. Blythe, with his pale blue eyes and pale blonde hair, the master of the winds, dressed like the pirate he was. Like Reesa, he had high cheekbones and pale skin, though a little more color than her. The girl from Chanaro and the boy from Loains. An inseparable pair.

"Hey, Blythe," Delton nodded at him.

Blythe nodded back, not saying a word.

"Cap wanted us to let you know we're here. Who will be taking the kid up?" Reesa asked.

"Delton will. I'm going through the mountains with his brother," Amaris answered.

Reesa scrunched up her nose and shoved her hands in her pocket.

"Good luck, Ris," She said.

"Thanks. You too,"

Without another word, both etheri left and headed back up to the deck. Amaris glanced at Delton with a sigh and left as well.

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