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Jay watched as the girl walked away with her long wet hair covering her back completely which hung loose till her hips, along with Sudha.

He didn't like the way she talked to him.

How ungrateful

Jay put the sword back into the scabbard in frustration. How dare she blame him like that? He never did anything in his life to thwart his father, not intentionally but for her he had to opposed his father, go against his will.

"You never said this disgusting looking drink is actually delicious" Ishan said as he wiped his mouth after finishing the glass Sudha had just brought for Jay.

He eyed at the empty glass, then at Jay

"Oh! sorry 'Your Majesty' " Ishan faked panic making Jay roll his eyes in annoyance.

"You are late, again " Jay rebuked.

"Look I'm extremely sorry. It's just, last night was kind of 'rough', you know what I mean" Ishan winked

"Ishan, You can shag all night even day for all I care but I won't tolerate you taking practice for granted, you better remember this" Jay bellowed as Ishan nodded hesitantly.

Ishan knew exactly how serious Jay was about their practice even now when he was known as one of the best warriors, he never missed his daily practice. But still he felt something had exasperated Jay

"What are you waiting for?" Jay snapped

"Woah there what happened? " Ishan asked arching his left brow

"What do you mean? " Jay questioned back

"I mean something has happened, now tell me what or who piqued our Dhirodutta Rajkumaar? "

"Your lack of punctuality and dedication toward warfare" Jay replied with a straight face throwing a mace over Ishan who caught it swiftly

"No way! You know I hate it" Ishan almost whined like a child

"Cause you suck at it and that is why you'll be practicing this from today" Jay smirked as Ishan continued with his sulking

Rajyashri's POV.

The whole day I spent alone, locked up in that room like some convict but it didn't bothered me, couldn't bother me because I knew this day was my last day here because after tonight, I would either be free or dead.

I rolled over the small bed and faced Sudha who was sleeping soundlessly with her mouth partly open. She worked like really hard today, as she had said, for their Princess along with her husband would be coming Aryanka for the first time after marriage. She looked fatigued even in her sleep.

"Thank you Sudha for everything. you shall always be in my memory" I whispered with feeble smile playing on my lips.

Flipping the covers back, I got off of the bed. Slowly, carefully. I took one of the oil lamps that were still on while I blew off others.

Sucking onto my breath deeply I peered at the sleeping beauty who had already made a special place in my heart

"Good bye Sudha, may Kanha's blessings be with you, always" Praying I relinquished the room.

There were no way I could spend the rest of my life with the people who destroyed my family, my kingdom, my dreams and me. The whole point of escaping from Vishala was getting away from them and the last thing I wanted was to let Mani's sacrifice go in vain.

After what felt like almost fifteen minutes I entered in his mansion, a mansion where there were no guards. I didn't know how the Aryanka King be so stupid to take a decision like this when he was that concern about his family's security.

The sound of my heart thumping hard against my chest could be heard as I walked through the silent, velvety dark mansion of Prince Jay.

Stepping out of the mansion I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. My lips curled up into chirpy smile as I looked at the bushy gates through which I knew, I would be able to get out of this palace.

Thank you so much Kanha

With my herat jumping in contentment and terror at the same time I made my way through the garden, fastening my pace from before as my excitement reached its highest peak.

But very obviously the joy was short living as fear consumed my heart completely when I felt something sharp against my neck a painful hiss escaped my mouth.

My whole body frozen while my heart caught up in my throat. I could feel a thin line of blood against my neck as the person pressed the blade more into my skin

"Why. Are. You. Here" Each word came out in a seething whisper from the person yet I didn't turn, couldn't dare to

So that was it.

The end,

End of my misery, pain and suffering

Or was it the beginning?


Hope you enjoyed it :)

Not edited 🫠


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