Eleven: vampire gathering

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Author Notes: this is a My Hero Academia (Boku no Hiro Akademia) fanfiction story. I claim no rights, or anything associated with the series as they are rightfully owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Some of the characters may seem OOC so please don't hate. Warning this story will feature  boy x boy (Yaoi) relationship with Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya. This story will feature hard core sex, male pregnancy, blood drinking, and males giving birth. If you don't like those things then please don't read it. Also, be sure to leave me your comments telling me what you think!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking', *mental telepathy*, (author notes), bold=flash backs, italics=monster speech 

Eleven: vampire gathering

Several months had passed since Izuku and Shoto began their mating. They still needed to complete the bonding ceremony at least two more times for the bond to be complete. Things seemed still seemed trouble Shoto about the name the demon spoke. Shimura. Shoto recognized the name. Shoto went to the library to do some research. He knew that the answer was within the races that had become extinct. Shoto poured over all the books. Turned out that the name Shimura used to be a family of powerful witches.

'There is a slight chance that one of them is still alive. They are about the only ones who could summon and control a demon.' Shoto thought to himself. There was also a page that seemed to be burned. Shoto recognized the burn marks as it was a part of his father's power. 'Dad........ What are you trying to hide from me?' Shoto asked himself as a knock on the door disturbed his thoughts. "Come in." Kirshima came into the library as he held in his hands an envelope.

"This came for you Todoroki-sama." stated the werewolf. Shoto took the letter to see it sealed by a wax seal as it was a vampire mark that Shoto recognize. It belonged to Aizawa. Shoto ripped open the letter to see that Shota was requesting an emergency meeting with all the clan leaders. According to Aizawa's report, there has been a rise in supernaturals that were supposed to be dead are growing in number. There was also reports of other vampires being attacked. This raised many questions and concerns.

"Kirshima get Bakugo and be dressed in your guard uniforms. Also prep Izuku as we are going to be holding a vampire council." stated Shoto. Kirshima bowed his head.

"As you command sire." replied Kirshima as he left the library. Once Kirshima left, Shoto opened up his mental link to all the vampires.

*Emergency meeting. I want everyone here within the next two hours.*

Shoto had commanded his staff to make themselves scares. Shoto knew that some of the other vampires didn't share his view on other supernaturals. They viewed those whom weren't vampires as inferor and below them. It was these same vampires whom questioned Shoto about taking on a human as a mate. He knew that these vampires would have a problem with his guards and mate being at the gathering. But Izuku had every right to be there because he was Shoto's mate. Soon once at a time the vampires began to arrive. Shoto introduced Izuku to the ones that he knew his human would be able to trust. These were the vampires that Shoto had a list of.

"So this is your human mate. I can't say how happy I am to hear that there may be hope to find our mates regardless of what they maybe. Even if they are human." stated Iida.

"Now that if all the other vampires shared our views." added Shinso.

"You know that will never happen as they are to stuck in the past. Beings like them will never move on or grow." added Neito. Shoto looked around to see that Aizawa still hadn't arrived.

"Let's get started." commanded Shoto.

All the vampires sat down as their guards stood behind them. Izuku sat next to Shoto at the head of the table.

"Is it truly necessary for those lower races to be around along with that human?" asked a vampire. Low growls arose from Kirshima and Bakugo.

"That's enough. You have no right to question whom the king keeps around him as guards or his lover and mate." stated a tired voice. All turned to see a male with stringy black hair, blood shot eyes with heavy bags under them.

"Aizawa...... You're late." snarled Shoto.

"Sorry sire but, I had a run in with a demon that tried to kill me." replied Shota as he bowed his head.

"Impossible. No one has the power to control and summon demons." stated another vampire.

"Actually there is one race. Witches. More appropriate those from the Shimura clan."

"What?! Your father killed all of them."

"One could be still alive. I was attacked by a demon as well. Just before I killed it, the demon groaned out the name Shimura." stated Shoto.

All the vampires stared at the king finding what he said is impossible.

"What Todoroki-sama says is true. I was there along with Deku when we were attacked." stated Bakugo.

"No one was asking you half breed." snapped a vampire. "And who in the hell is Deku?"

"Me...... Kacchan and Shoto was protecting spoke the name Shimura before its death." All the vampires in the room looked at Izuku.

"They are telling the truth. I saw parts of what happened through my gift." stated Sir Nighteye.

"Nighteye........ What else have you foreseen with your power?" asked Midnight.

"An army of supernaturals. A dark threat that will destroy all the realms." replied Sir Nighteye.

"So it was as I had seen in my travels. I have noticed in my travels a rise in supernaturals that we thought were dead. But it seems that some of them managed to survive. Now their numbers are beginning to rise." stated Aizawa.

"The important question is who this Shimura is working for and why are they trying to destroy the realms?" asked Shoto. No one seemed to have the answer to that question.

"I want everyone to be on their guard as we have no clue to when or where these beings will strike or who they are even working for." commands Shoto. All the vampires nodded their heads in agreement. Some of the vampires leave only those that Shoto trusted. The ones who shared his views. Aizawa, Nighteye, Iida, Midnight, Neito, and Shinso. Izuku got to meet them all as the vampires seemed to welcome him even though he was still human. The small group talked discussing the plans on what to do about the supernaturals. Let alone the vampires that always questioned Shoto's leadership and decisions.

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