Two: bringing Izuku home

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Author Notes: this is a My Hero Academia (Boku no Hiro Akademia) fanfiction story. I claim no rights, or anything associated with the series as they are rightfully owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Some of the characters may seem OOC so please don't hate. Warning this story will feature boy x boy (Yaoi) relationship with Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya. This story will feature hard core sex, male pregnancy, blood drinking, and males giving birth. If you don't like those things then please don't read it. Also, be sure to leave me your comments telling me what you think!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking', *mental telepathy*, (author notes), bold=flash backs, italics=monster speech

Two: bringing Izuku home

Everyone within the room gasped in shock as they all looked at the vampire king in concern. Yagi went up to Todoroki whom was still holding Izuku as he didn't break eye contact with the young teen.

"Sire you must be joking......" Yagi began causing Shoto to release a low and deep snarl. This caused Yagi to jump back in fear. Shoto let go of Izuku as he turned towards the older human. Shoto's eyes were glowing blood red as his fangs lengthened considerably.

"Are you telling me that I wouldn't recognize my own mate the minute that I smelled him?" snarled Shoto angrily. Something within Izuku made him want to calm Todoroki down before he did something to ruin the all ready fragile relationship the humans had with the vampires. Izuku reached out grabbing a hold of Shoto's hand. The second that Todoroki felt Izuku's hand on his and could sense his mate's distress, Shoto calmed himself down. His fangs shrank back down to his normal length and his eyes returned back to normal. Everyone looked at the vampire king as they noticed the way that Izuku had a calming affect on Shoto. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you Yagi-san. It is just you humans don't understand how important finding out mates is."

"I understand perfectly well Todoroki-sama. It is just......."

"I know the law full well. But the law is far older than even myself set up by the previous king before my father. None them would have ever thought that a human could be our mate. I am more willing to change those laws." stated Shoto. By now Izuku had let go of Shoto's hand. He returned back to where he was standing. A light dusting crossed his faces.

'I can't believe I just did that.' Izuku thought to himself. Izuku couldn't understand what even possessed him to do that.

Whispers grew even more from both sides as the aristocrat vampires heard the kings claims.

"A human as a mate. How repulsive. That's why the elder king set up the law. It's repulsive that we have to mingle with them in the first place." some of the vampires snarled. This caused not only the king but a few aristocrats whom shared his view to snarl loudly. Shota Aizawa, Sir Night Eye, Neito Monoma, Tenya Iida, Midnight, and Hitoshi Shinso's eyes where all glowing red along with Shoto Todoroki's. The king's overwhelming power began to spread out as flames erupted from his left side and ice from his right.

"If any of you feel that I'm unfit to be king that come and challenge me. I will not have you bad mouth but accept us." growled Shoto. None of the other vampires dared to stand up against a pure blood whom just happened to be their king.

After the nobles that questioned Shoto's judgement had left the ceremony. Shoto allowed his powers to disperse.

"I am sorry about the disruption Yagi-san. I know that some of the nobles question my right to rule since am still too young when it comes to vampire years."

"It is understandable. It's just the first time I have ever seen you use your powers against your own kind. It's kind of scary to see you get upset like that." replied Yagi.

'And to think that you have never seen me unleash my true form or the full extent of my powers.' Shoto thought to himself. "It's perfectly understandable Yagi-san." Yagi left Shoto as the vampire king turned to his mate whom still stood there looking down at the floor. Shoto took Izuku by the chin forcing the young teen to look up at him.

"I would like to know your name." Shoto stated.

"Izuku Midoriya." answered Izuku. Shoto dropped his hand to reach out for Izuku's hand.

"Come Izuku...... Let's head home." Izuku reached out his hand to Shoto as the two walked out of the town hall.

During the carnage ride to the mansion, Izuku had fallen asleep leaning against Shoto's shoulder. Shoto couldn't help but to admire how attractive his mate had become. The older vampire wanted to get to know his mate and everything about him. Shoto didn't want to poke around into Izuku's memories without his permission. It was already clear to the vampire that the young teen didn't remember him. Izuku's sweet scent drifted up his nose as he admired the peaceful sight of Izuku sleeping. Izuku seemed to fit well against his taller and more broader frame. Shoto could see the mansion as he hated to wake his mate.

"Izuku ...... Wake up, We are home." Shoto stated gently nudging Izuku. Izuku let out a small yawn as he rubbed his eyes. 'How cute!' Shoto thought. Izuku leapt back when he noticed how close he was to the vampire king.

'I fell asleep on the vampire king's shoulder.' Izuku thought as he lightly blushed with embarrassment. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on your shoulder sire." Izuku stated. Shoto could feel his more vampiric instincts growl when Izuku didn't call him by name.

"Please....... either call me by my name Izuku, it's Shoto Todoroki." Shoto stated.

"All right then. Todoroki-kun." Izuku stated with a light smile. Shoto's inner vampire snarled again.

'Calm down. It's a start.' he told his inner self.

The two existed the carriage to have Izuku stare at the mansion wide eyed. It looked big enough to hold six families. The mansion it's self looked like a renaissance castle. A guard stood at by the entrance. Izuku's eyes grew even wider when he saw the guard.

"Kacchan?!" Izuku asked in shock. The guard looked up as a scowl crossed his face.

"Damn it Deku. What on earth are you doing here?!" asked the young ash blonde teen with blood red eyes.

"Katsuki Bakugo...... Watch your tongue when you talk to my mate!" snarled Shoto.

"It's all right Todoroki-kun. Kacchan and I are old friends. He used to stand up to the bullies whom always picked on me. When we were growing up." stated Izuku as he got in between Bakugo and Todoroki. Bakugo's eyes widened when he heard the vampire king claim Izuku as his mate.

"What the hell you damn icy hot vampire? Izuku can't be your mate...... He's only human." yelled Bakugo.

A loud slap echoed out causing Katsuki to touch his cheek. The person who slapped him was the last person he expected, it was Izuku. Todoroki looked at his mate in shock. Hell even Izuku looked shocked at what he did.

"Kacchan....... I am sorry! I don't know what possessed me to do that." Izuku stated in stutter.

'So a part of him recognizes me from his past.' Shoto thought to himself.

"I guess that I deserved that." Katsuki stated. "I have no right to tell you what you can or can't do Deku. You better treat him right you damn icy hot vampire." growled Bakugo as he stormed off. Izuku couldn't help but to blush at Bakugo's childish antics.

"Sorry about that Todoroki-kun......" Surprisingly the vampire king began to laugh.

"It seems that your friends cares a great deal about you. You will have plenty of time to catch up with him as he is a part of my guard. Regardless....... I have never meet a human with such a harsh tongue like Bakugo ever before."

"He tends to use that harsh tongue to hide his feelings. May I ask a question of you Todoroki-kun?"

"What is it Izuku?"

"Were you serious about taking me as a lover and a mate? I am not experienced in those kind of things and I am still too young compared to you."

"I am quite certain Izuku. I am willing to take our relationship slow in order to earn your love. You don't know how long I have waited to find you. Even if I had to wait to find you. Even if I have to wait a while longer."

"Oh........ Who else lives here?"

"Just myself and my staff. Why? What's on your mind?"

"Would it be alright if my mom comes to live here? I am the only person she has and I don't want to leave her alone." Shoto smiled as he took Izuku by his hand.

"Of course. Is she capable of cooking large meals? I am in need to replace my current cook as he is getting old."

"I believe so. She usually just cooks for me and her."

"Good. I will send one of my servants to get her. I would love to meet your mother. Come I will show you around the mansion and introduce you to the staff. Many are close to your age." stated Shoto as he lead Izuku into the mansion.

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