Chapter 35: The Escape

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The darkness of the vampire world enveloped Y/n, Hobi, and Taehyung, pressing in on them from all sides. The weight of their captivity and the oppressive environment had triggered their latent powers, but now, they needed more than raw strength to escape—they needed cunning and resolve. The plan they devised was risky and fraught with uncertainty, but it was their only hope.

Their cell, deep within the labyrinthine catacombs, was guarded by powerful vampires who patrolled the narrow corridors day and night. However, Y/n had overheard snippets of conversation between the guards, revealing a weakness in their routine. There was a brief window, just before dawn, when the guards changed shifts, leaving a small gap in their defenses.

"We have to time it perfectly," Y/n whispered, her voice barely audible over the distant echoes. "If we miss our chance, we'll be caught, and there won't be a second opportunity."

Hobi nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and anxiety. "We've been through worse," he said, his voice steady. "We can do this."

Taehyung, who had been studying the ancient symbols etched into the walls, turned to face them. "I've deciphered enough of these runes to piece together a spell," he explained. "It's black magic, and it's dangerous, but it's our best shot at sealing the gate between our world and theirs."

The trio huddled together, their faces illuminated by the faint glow of a torch. They reviewed their plan one last time, each detail meticulously accounted for. Y/n would use her newfound vampiric strength to break their restraints. Hobi, in his werewolf form, would lead the charge, using his heightened senses and agility to navigate the catacombs. Taehyung would cast the spell, drawing on the power of the eclipse that marked his birth.

As the first hints of dawn approached, they prepared themselves. Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She closed her eyes, centering herself, and then, with a burst of strength, snapped the iron cuffs that bound her wrists. Hobi followed suit, his transformation into a werewolf swift and seamless. Taehyung clutched a piece of chalk, ready to inscribe the runes needed for the spell.

The guards' footsteps grew fainter as they moved to their posts for the shift change. Y/n signaled to her friends, and they crept silently through the shadows, their movements synchronized and precise. They encountered a lone guard, but Hobi dispatched him with a swift, silent takedown, his claws glinting in the dim light.

They reached the main corridor leading to the gate between worlds. The air grew colder, and an ominous energy crackled around them. Taehyung knelt down, quickly drawing the intricate runes on the stone floor. He murmured the incantation under his breath, his voice barely above a whisper. The symbols began to glow with an eerie light, casting strange shadows on the walls.

Just as Taehyung finished the final rune, a group of guards appeared at the far end of the corridor. They shouted in alarm, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Y/n and Hobi moved to intercept them, buying Taehyung the time he needed to complete the spell.

Y/n's vampiric speed and strength made her a formidable opponent, her movements a blur as she engaged the guards. Hobi, in his werewolf form, was a whirlwind of claws and teeth, his instincts honed to perfection. The guards, though powerful, were caught off guard by the trio's ferocity and determination.

Taehyung's voice rose, the incantation reaching its climax. The runes blazed with light, and the air around them seemed to warp and distort. A deep rumble echoed through the catacombs as the gate between the worlds began to close. The energy was overwhelming, a torrent of power that threatened to engulf them all.

With a final, resonant word, Taehyung completed the spell. The gate shuddered and began to seal, the crackling energy growing more intense. The guards, realizing the gravity of the situation, redoubled their efforts to stop the trio, but it was too late. The magic was already in motion, an unstoppable force that surged through the corridor.

Y/n and Hobi fought with renewed vigor, their powers fueled by the desperation of the moment. They held the guards at bay, giving Taehyung the precious seconds he needed. The gate groaned, the gap between the worlds shrinking with each passing moment.

Just as the last of the runes flared with light, the gate sealed shut with a thunderous boom. The energy dissipated, leaving a profound silence in its wake. The guards, stunned by the abrupt closure of the gate, hesitated for a crucial moment.

"Now!" Y/n shouted, her voice cutting through the silence. "We have to go!"

The trio sprinted down the corridor, their path now clear. The guards, recovering from their shock, gave chase, but the trio's determination and newfound powers propelled them forward. They navigated the twists and turns of the catacombs with unerring precision, the layout etched into their minds from their meticulous planning.

They burst into the open air just as the first light of dawn touched the horizon. The chill of the vampire world clung to them, but the warmth of the rising sun filled them with a renewed sense of hope. They didn't stop running until they reached the outskirts of the city, where they finally allowed themselves a moment to catch their breath.

Y/n, Hobi, and Taehyung collapsed onto the grass, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and relief. They had done it—they had escaped. The gate between the worlds was sealed, preventing the vampires from following them. For the first time since their capture, they felt a glimmer of hope.

"We did it," Y/n said, her voice barely a whisper. "We actually did it."

Hobi nodded, his human form returning as the adrenaline ebbed away. "We're not out of danger yet," he cautioned, "but we have a fighting chance now."

Taehyung, still clutching the chalk that had drawn the runes, looked up at the sky. "We've survived this far," he said, his voice filled with quiet determination. "And we'll keep fighting, together."

In the light of the new day, the trio's bond shone brighter than ever. They had faced unimaginable horrors and emerged stronger for it. The road ahead was uncertain, but they knew one thing for sure: as long as they had each other, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

[A/N: Can u guess what will happen next??.;)]

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