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Collab w/: _Hifumi_


This contains:

Slight gore
Anger issues

Introduction/Explaining au:

Nadwe, Oof, Ally, and Blaza are the villains.
Tbh, Muffin, and Meme are neutral.
Socks, Dino, Wolfster, Laff, and Joocie are good/heros.


Nadwe: Vampire, demon
Oof: Like King Dice from The Cuphead Show
Ally: Siren/mermaid
Blaza: Dragon
Tbh: Half crab half human
Muffin: THE MUFFIN MAN (experiment on a muffin) (Shape shifts into a human and muffin)
Meme: Human
Socks: Half angel half human
Dino: Dinosaur
Wolfster: Experiment on a human to mix with wolf DNA
Laff: Human
Joocie: Human


Nadwe: Non-binary, pansexual, xenogender
Oof: Cis male, Gay
Ally: MtF, lesbian, Pastelcatgender
Blaza: Demi-boy, pansexual
Tbh: Para-boy, Gay
Muffin: Trigender, Omnisexual
Meme: FtM, Gay
Socks: FtM, Non-binary, bisexual
Dino: Agender, Delphinian
Wolfster: Non-binary, Enbian
Laff: Pangender, Aromantic, Asexual
Joocie: Demi-boy, Gay

Headcannon pronouns:

Nadwe: They/It/Ze/Xheirs
Oof: He/Him/His
Ally: She/They/Pastel/Kit
Blaza: They/He/It/Xe
Tbh: He/They/Xe/Xheirs
Muffin: He/They/Ze/It
Meme: He/Him/His
Socks: They/Them/Theirs
Dino: It/Its/Itself
Wolfster: Ze/They/It
Laff: He/She/They/It/Ze/Xheirs
Joocie: He/They/Xe


Nadwe: Flaming blood blades
Oof: Kinda like gambling, but if you lose your head gets crushed by a giant hammer
Ally: Siren song
Blaza: Giant dragons, flying, claws, fangs
Tbh: Claws strong enough to break steal
Muffin: daggers covered with deadly poison
Meme: Kinda like Lucky Slots from Hunter x Hunter
Socks: Can throw whole stars or planets at something if so needed
Dino: Claws, fangs, can jump super high
Wolfster: Fangs, claws, can fun fast, physical strength
Laff: poison gasses
Joocie: giant metel claws that can rip a human heart out

Wait for a cover please😭
Be patient, and this will probably won't have a update schedule. 👌

No cover currently btw🧉🍹

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