Two. new kids on the block

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II. new kids on the block.

       Hawkins High School was nothing like it was back in Claremont. Not only was it much smaller, it was very. . . average. In California, it was easy to meet someone and not have to see them again, but everyone knew everyone in Hawkins. It wasn't as easy to escape someone. Nolan dreaded the new day as soon as he woke up this morning. Mostly because he had to get a ride from Billy, seeing as that he didn't have a car yet.  The wind was blowing hard outside as Billy sped through the empty streets. He was a reckless driver but when it came to his step siblings, he did it on purpose.

"Nolan, did you remember to take your medicine?"  Max voiced from the backseat, her legs practically to her chest.

"I did, Max. Don't worry." He responded and sent her a smile over his shoulder.

"Why don't you just set an alarm to remind you?"

Nolan rolled his eyes at Billy's ignorance. "I like my alarm back there, thank you." He looked at Max again. "I'm surprised you can remember anything. I figured you'd be too tired from being at the arcade all night."

She smirked. "Gotta stay #1 somehow." She praised herself.

When they pulled into the school, there was already tons of students walking into the building. Nolan felt overwhelmed by the amount of new people he was seeing and even more when Billy's loud engine brought attention to them. "Guess we're the new kids on the block." He tried to joke.

Max and Billy gave him an odd look.

His smile dropped. "Sorry, trying to make the best of a bad situation."

The three were met by multiple pairs of eyes. Nolan awkwardly avoided their gaze and let Max out of the backseat. "Have a good day, okay? Make friends and don't let people be mean to you." He told her and handed her the skateboard she brought as she adjusted her backpack.

She sent him a tight smile. "I will. Be careful today. If you feel sick just ask mom to come get you." She reminded him.

He smiled softly and ruffled her bright red hair.  "Thanks kiddo. Get going. I love you."

She said an I love you back and skated off to the middle school. 

"Nolan, let's go."

At Billy's loud bark, Nolan's smile dropped. Now he really was alone. He gripped the strap of his backpack and followed his step brother to the school, still trying avoiding all the eyes that followed them. "You made quite an entrance." He muttered.

Billy shrugged. "Gotta get attention somehow." He replied and smirked flirtatiously at all of the girls who were eyeing him.

"I'm not sure I want attention."

"What? Popular boy suddenly doesn't want to be noticed?"

Nolan rolled his eyes. "I got used to being the kid who has Menieres. I'd like for people not find out just yet." 

"What are you gonna do when you pass out in class one day?" Billy mocked him.

He glared slightly. "It's not gonna happen."

Billy shrugged. "It used to. Let's hope you can control it. You have your ear plugs? Hearing aids?"

Nolan responded by holding up the case with his ear plugs and hearing aids.

"Atta boy." He clapped his step brother hard on the back, making him flinch. "Now, let's rock this hell hole."

After picking up his schedule from the office, one of the office workers escorted Nolan to his first class,  which was AP calculus. It wasn't that he didn't like math, he just didn't want to have to do it so early in the morning. "So Nolan, your transcript says you're a perfect 4.0 student." The man escorting him started.  "That's very impressive."

"I'm just really good at studying." He dismissed.

"Your mother also mentioned that you have a hearing disorder?"

I was hoping nobody would ask. Nolan sighed. "Um yeah, Ménière's Disease. It's a condition that affects the inner ear and I get vertigo." He explained.

"Well, I'm sure you've gone through the process but if anything feels off you just let your teacher know and got it the nurse. No questions asked."

He half smiled. "Thanks. I'll remember that."

When they got to the classroom, he held the door open for Nolan and let him walk in first. All heads immediately turned in his direction. "Mr. Vincent,  this is Nolan Mayfield. Our new student." The office worker introduced and looked at the full classroom. "I hope you all make an effort to make him feel welcome."

Nolan's cheeks went red and he avoided all the eye contact. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans.

Mr. Vincent smiled. "Ahh, yes, of course! Welcome Mr. Mayfield. Why don't you take a seat next to Mr.  Harrington."

He followed to where the teacher was pointing and saw the only empty seat in the room. Nolan walked down the aisle and his eyes landed on the boy sitting beside the desk. He was slouched in his seat and he twirled a pencil between his fingers. The first thing Nolan noticed was his hair. Good hair, if he had to add.

"We're glad to have you, Nolan." The teacher said with a smile.

Nolan smiled tightly and fell into the desk chair. His legs were shaking with nerves. Finally, Mr. Vincent continued with class and all the eyes on him looked away, which caused his shaky legs to calm down.

The boy to his left leaned over. "Hey man, I'm Steve." He whispered and held out his hand.

Nolan looked at his hand and quickly shook it. "Nolan. Nice to meet you." He whispered back with a soft grin.

He had a cool guy look to him, Nolan thought. Like all the guys he was friends with in California. His hair was brown and his skin was pale with moles dotted everywhere. "Where'd you move from?" Steve asked, still keeping quiet.

"Claremont, California."

He grinned at that. "A Cali boy."

His lips twitched into a smile.

Feeling out of place was something Nolan had never felt before. He was loved at Claremont High. Even after having to quit baseball because of his condition, he remained one of the class favorites. Feeling awkward at school was something he wasn't used to but feeling people he didnt know stare on him all day was a very uncomfortable feeling. Finding his locker, Nolan put it his combination and switched out his books for his next class.

From down the hallway, Steve spotted the new guy at his locker. "Nolan!" He shouted to get his attention.

He lifted his gaze and saw Steve headed his way. A girl was under his arm and a stack of books were stacked nearly in her hands. "Hey, Steve."

"Nolan, this is Nancy Wheeler. My girlfriend. Nancy, this is Nolan Mayfield. He's new."

Nancy smiled kindly. "It's nice to meet you. I hope you're liking Hawkins so far."

Nolan gave a small shrug. "It's definitely different, but, it's not all bad." He responded with a half smile.

Smirking, Steve shoved an orange flyer into his chest, which made him stumble back. "Well, there's only one way to get your name out there. There's a Halloween party night. You're going."

His face fell. "Oh, I don't know about that—"

"Steve, don't pressure him." Nancy warned her boyfriend.

"Oh, come on." Steve begged. "It'll be fun. One night's all you need to be apart of the popular crowd. What do you say?"

"I-I'll probably be taking my little sister trick-or-treating—"

"C'mon, you're new and I'm your only friend. You really don't want my help?"

Nolan blinked multiple times. The couple stared at him, waiting for an answer. "Uh, I-I guess it couldn't hurt." He stuttered.

"Yes!" Steve cheered and clapped him on the shoulder with his free hand. "This is gonna be awesome! We'll see you later."

"Later." He muttered as they walked away. When they were out of sight, Nolan sighed and went to find Billy.

He found him standing at his locker with a group of girls surrounding him. Spotting his step brother, Billy smirked. "Hey there, bro!" He announced and urged him to come over. "Ladies, this is my step brother, Nolan."

"Hi." A couple of them greeted and gave him subtle flirtations smiles.

Nolan simply waved.

"Clear your schedule, Nolan." Billy stated and he had the same orange paper in his hand.

"Yeah, I got the memo." He muttered and held up the flyer.

After school, Billy and Nolan drove Max to the arcade. The driver had no care in the world speeding down the road at an uncomfortable pace. Nolan's fingernails dug into the seat. "Billy, slow down."

"C'mon Nolan, live a little." Billy dismissed with an eye roll and proceeded to drive faster.

"I won't be living at all if you don't slow down!"

"You're gonna make him dizzy. Slow down!" Max barked from the back seat.

Billy ignored her and sped his way into the acade parking lot, jerking the car as he put it in park. "Get out." He snapped at her.

Nolan got out of the passenger seat and let his sister out. "You better be here when I get back or you're walking." Billy argued.

Nolan scoffed. "Like hell."

"Why are you being such an asshole?" Max nearly shouted.

Billy sped off and nearly ran over her, making Nolan glare at him. "You almost ran her over!" He shouted.

"She shouldn't have been standing there!"

"God, you're such a fucking asshole!"

"Watch your fucking mouth with me or I'll make you walk." Billy hissed and pressed harder on the gas.

"I'd rather walk than be here with you." Nolan sneered.

"Is that right? You'd rather have a seizure on the side of the road than in my car?"

"Like you even fucking care."

"I don't." Billy glared harshly. "In fact, I couldn't care fucking less."

Nolan scoffed. "And to think I thought you wanted to get along." He muttered and shook his head in disbelief.

"God, you're so fucking stupid."

He went quiet. It wasn't worth the argument. Instead, he squeezed his fist and tied to calm himself down.

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