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The alleyways were always dark whenever I passed that street where I lived. The houses always seemed as if some poor people live there, either by being invited to stay there with their friends or rented with very cheap money. I gazed at my watch on my right wrist. It was six o' clock so right in time for evening. My workplace was big so there was lots to do. And I was already getting tired of it.

Each lamp I passed flickered as if some sort of firefly was in there, lighting up the dark alleyway I was walking in. Seemed as though I wanted to scream for help since I was all by myself, lonely and unharmed. I felt like a doll now. Nobody was here to encourage or help me.

Just when I thought everything seemed hopeless, I looked closer to the alleyway walls. There was a figure standing right against the wall, back facing to it. Oh, my! This figure seemed familiar! Perhaps he or she could congratulate and encourage me on my successful, hard work I've been doing over the past few weeks.

After all, I only just started my job two months ago so I have high inheritance and chances to change my fate and change how poor I actually am. I earn only $25 a day so I wonder if I can change that. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop and if there is ever one single thing that could stop me, it's either myself or an arch nemesis at my workspace. I only had one arch nemesis at my workspace. And that figure looked exactly like him.

Aha! I knew it! He was stalking me all along my way back home to my trashy apartment. Shit. I knew he'd come. I knew he'd do it. I was not mad. I just felt like something was kinda off with him.

He was standing right next to that red brick building that was my forever apartment home. Doing the paperwork was fine but being stuck around with bullies like him - well let's just say that he isn't the best at his attitude towards others. His eyes fixed at mines. Breathing heavily, he took out a gun which was illegal to say the least when in public. My breathing stopped there. Was he going to kill me with this? Even worse, shoot me in the chest and make a bullet hole?!! No way! I can't! I can't understand this bullshit!

If you guys didn't know who I was talking about, that person's name was Jacob. He was extra mean towards others especially me and my friends. We all didn't stand to him. Neither of us liked him and everyone seemed to hate him a lot. They even hated his YouTube channel. Apart from Lisa Gaming ROBLOX, he seemed like her except Lisa is a girl's name and Jacob is a boy's name. Ah, life is so weird and gender confusion is also weird. I was talking about that boy with yellow hair and dark green eyes. He looked like Medusa who wanted to transform me into a rock or some sort of stone. I hoped he didn't sound like a Greek person or something to do with Greek mythology.

He wasn't going to rob me, is he? I was held hostage by him. That was all I knew right now in this disturbing, chilly scene where darkness lay by. That bitch even held out a knife so that he could make the drama go way more disturbing. I wanted to cry because of him. Someone, please give me a tissue!

Jacob came closer to me. Heartbeats filled my entire tummy. There was no reason or rhyme to do so but Jacob was like my other arch enemy at high school when we were back at college. Jacob used to hang out with my other arch enemy a lot when we were at college. They would usually hold Microsoft Teams calls everyday like me and my friends do (but now we use Zoom for our meetings.)

I hoped he didn't hostage me too quickly cause that did escalate pretty fast. And when I mean pretty fast, I don't just mean that this all went quickly. I meant that I was tired of all that paperwork I had to do back in the box office and that drama will effect me and my life as well as my friends and family.

Now, this was the moment I was about to be changed in all my life. This was my story. The story of how my life changed. This story of me begins.

Now, begin...



These voices that repeat over and over again were all in my head. I felt dizzy listening to anymore of these voices. It felt stupid to be in such a situation like this. I wanted Jacob to go away. He didn't respond. He just stared at me like I was some sort of bitch or garbage or whatever he feels about me. Either way, it still effects me in my deep, dark heart.

Begin... your story has to begin, Sammy.

We are watching.

We will never stop bothering you until you have an own story to tell to yourself.

We are warning you.

We will never stop.

Your story needs to be told.



And... begin...

These voices. Argh! They were in my head again. I was trying to defend them by myself. I guess I couldn't do it without my own strength. I didn't have any strength. And that was when Jacob spoke his first ever bunch of stupid sentences to me.

"You better run. You have time to run. Plenty. So I am giving you this minute to run and spare your life forever. If you do fail, however, I will be threatened to either stab you with my knife or shoot you with my pistol. Hands in the air! You got that?!! Now respect me. Run away from here and never return! Or else, I will steal all your money from that briefcase you are holding in your left hand."

Jacob finally ended his sentence as he slowly started reaching out for his watch in his pocket, counting down to a minute with sixty seconds remaining. I wanted to escape. I had to escape. But this trap stopped me from escaping. It was an invisible trap. A sting of tears were about to escape from my eyes. I tried nudging and kicking but no matter whatever I tried or harder I perform to escape, I was always stuck there like a gum had been in my throat for years. I wanna go home! I just wanna go back home to my mama!

Thirty seconds remaining...

You can end this story and start a new one, Sammy.

Believe in yourself...

Begin the cycle...

You can end it...

Your heart will desire anything...

Everyone and everything is depending on you...

Now... hurry up...

The tears did seem to fall out of my eyes. These voices did not manage to get out of my freaking head. I've already got a headache and I don't want to move on scramming about all of this drama going on right now. My heart felt dark. I felt dark. Screaming for help was not a very smart option to choose but I had to. Twenty seconds remaining. I couldn't do this. I really needed help. I really needed my family and friends. I could even get Jacob's friend to help me out. Anybody suits me. I don't care whoever as long as I'm free from this shitty trap!

Free is your destiny...

Ten seconds...





Every second is ticking...






And... it's over Sammy.

Your death awaits...

Hurry up and make a decision...

Everyone's lives depend on it...

Hurry up...


But we will come back...

And we will never ever stop bothering you...

Never, never...

I felt so scared now. This had to be a dream. Wake me up for heaven's sake! Wake me up! ARGH! I screamed out for help, but now, it was way too late for any screaming. Jacob was right around the corner and he suddenly payed attention to me. Oh no! What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!

"You had your chance. Now it's over. It ends now!" Jacob replied in such a cold tone.

"B - but that was cheating! I was stuck so that was not fair!" I shouted at him as loud as I possibly could to prove I was redeemed worthy and I was more confident than him.

"Well, you had your chance," he repeated again. The same thing, over and over but yet in still such a creepy, chilling tone. Quite disturbing for some people to even handle.

After he finished that sentence, Jacob slowly pulled out his pistol while shaking his wrist. This was the signal of his action looking scared or frightened about the result. I closed my eyes. To my surprise, he didn't shoot me at all. Instead, he took out his wrist and punched me a couple of times instead of having to deal with my dead body for violence or something. I told him to stop but he kept on going till I already started to have blood dripping down the edge of my lip. Fucking bitch and a nasty cheater.

"Stop! STOP!" I cried whilst getting punched with blood almost covering every body part of me.

"You wanna put up a fight?!! Huh, huh, huh?!!" Jacob continued to ignore me and instead, he was actually being violent to me and kept on punching me even though I tried telling him to stop.

Don't listen to him...

He's only playing a trick on you...

A dirty trick...

We will end him ourselves...

"BUT HOW WILL YOU END HIM?!!" I thought in anger as blood kept dripping out of my nose and mouth. Even my head started dripping blood.

Oh, we promise we will do anything...

Anything to save you...

"I don't need saving! I can handle this myself, you bunch of voice idiots!" I yelled in my thoughts and dreams.

"This ends now, Sammy. You've been an enemy to me since we've met. And you'll always be my enemy!" Jacob interrupted my dreams and thoughts with his cruel, nasty words. Before he could grab out his gun, I let out a hand, trying to reach out to him to give me one last chance. But I knew I'd fail. Jacob slowly reached out his pistol again and knife just in case he felt like he wanted to stab me or something.

He thought very quickly for about seven seconds until finally, he made up his mind. He had to shoot me with his pistol any minute longer. Any minute longer. He got ready to aim at my chest but then for a moment, he stopped. He put his pistol down and gave me a smirk.

"Any last words, Mr Sammy?" He gave a laugh as I reacted with a confused look on my face.

"I ASKED YOU ANY LAST WORDS?!! LOOK, DO YOU EVER ASK SOMEONE A QUESTION AND THEY ANSWER IT RIGHT AWAY?!!" Jacob suddenly screamed at me. For a brief moment, I froze there, upset of Jacob's anger towards me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Yes. They do. And my final word is that I wished you'd get away from my fucking ass or else, you're going down too like what you did to me!" I gave a wink at him as he continued to smirk at me.

"Very well then. If you say so myself. You asked for it," he winked back at me but I didn't have a chance to say anything else. He slowly clicked the shoot button as he aimed at me. Few moments later, I was lying on the floor. He had done it. He had finally killed me.

Few moments later...

I woke up in a dark and tight area, looking around for any sight or hint of danger. There was nothing close to me so I gave a sigh as a sign of relief. But how was I still fucking alive?!! I thought I died there. But I was still alive?!! And not shot?!! There were white brick walls surrounding me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Tally marks. Marble floor. I was in a prison cell! But how?!! How the fuck, Earth?!! Tell me how the fuck did I end up in here, barely injured or hurt?!! I need answers! Now! Right now! I was about to stomp everywhere on the ground and scream like a little girl when everything suddenly stopped when I heard a male's voice.

"You need help escaping too? You must be new here!"

That voice. I turned around from my prison cell. Nobody was there. Then, I heard footsteps. Someone was here. It was a male. He had brown hair and a nice hot outfit. I was shocked. Who was this guy? The next thing I knew, he was sniffing at me.


This is only the beginning of the story of how I fell in love with this prison mate of mine. Half werewolf, half human seems like a really cool power but something tells me that this could make our relationship unstable.

And unstable is a word I'd never want to hear in my entire fucking life.

Hi. So, yes. This is another new story. I have a million stories already but I wanted to focus solely on this one because of Halloween coming up and I haven't made a lot of horror stories. Leave me your thoughts on the first chapter! And remember, updates are on Saturdays! I am just uploading this chapter early because I can't wait to post it for all of you guys to read! Until next Saturday, enjoy! ^_^


Story and Art: NicoDreamyMouse

Editing: MayLoveHearts

Closing Song: Once In A Dream - In The City


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