Chapter Ten🖤

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"You don't have to do this" Grayson says stepping slowly towards me and I roll my eyes

"Awh are you scared you're going to be beaten by a girl?"

"I just don't think that this is what your mum wou-"

"MY MUM" I shout cutting him off "you really wanna bring my mother into this?"

"Well uhh, she wouldn't want you to go around hurting innocent people" he continues holding his hands in the air as if he surrenders

"She also wouldn't want me to be a blood sucking monster would she?" I snarl gripping onto the wooden shaft so tight that my knuckles began turning white

"You don't have to be seen as a monster"

"It's too late" I state "I'm a monster, you're a monster, Ethan's a monster"

"Talk about yourself sweetie" Ethan says staring at me carefully as I turned my attention towards him

"It's true isn't it, when you guys first saw me, you wanted to kill me"

"No actually we wanted to taste your bloo- well no we kind of did want to kill you"

"Yes but now we're saving you" Grayson cuts in making my eyes snap away from Ethan

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"Come home with us, we'll teach you how to deal with the thirst you are feeling now for human blood" Grayson answers

"I'd rather just do it my own way" I snarl charging towards them holding the wood in the air

"We did warn you not to do that" Ethan states pushing me into a room

"Well I would have won if it wasn't 2 on 1, how is that fair?" I huff slumping down onto the bed

"Life isn't fair" Grayson say and I roll my eyes

"I've heard that ever since I was little, it gets boring after about the second time"

"How are you feeling?" he asks but I ignore him "come on we can't help if you won't let us"

"I'm hungry" I eventually answer staring at the ground "I have this urge to kill someone, anyone, well preferably you or Ethan"

"Never gonna happen" Ethan chuckles

"I have a suggestion" I say "you guys should avoid locking me in this room"

"It's for your own saf-"

"Safety, yeah yeah" I finish "but you do realise this isn't going to make me any better. In fact when I eventually get out of here, because trust me I will, I'll end up killing many people but it wouldn't technically be my fault"

"And why's that?" Ethan questions sitting opposite me

"Because I'm just a poor innocent girl, driven to insanity by being locked in a small room with nothing but my imagination to keep me company"

"Such a drama queen" Ethan replies

"Am I though? Or are you just trying to avoid the fact, that eventually that will happen and it will be your goddamn fault"

"She has a point E" Grayson says and a light smirk danced across my lips

"No, no she doesn't" he answers jumping to his feet and walking back towards the door "the only person to blame for being locked here is herself"

The door slammed and I screamed in frustration bringing my hands to my hair as I bounced my legs.


"No I don't think we will" Ethan says through the door making anger run through my veins

"I will find a way out of here" I whisper closing my eyes.

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