Chapter Two🖤

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Everything hurt.
If felt like my shoulders were carrying one million invisible weights.
The ringing in my ears was carving into every brain cell, slowly driving me insane.
No matter how many breaths I took, I still couldn't breath.
The emptiness in here felt like it was suffocating me.
I need to find a way out.
I heard a door unlock outside and I pushed myself up from the concrete ground, that was so cold it was burning into every inch of my flesh, waiting for Ethan to waltz in. I waited and waited but nothing happened, only a few shuffles outside this stupid room then silence again.

"ETHAN!" I shout slamming my hands on the door "LISTEN HERE YOU SILLY VAMPIRE"

"Tut Tut" I hear him reply and suddenly his face came into view as he stared at me through the hole in the door. "That's no way to treat someone"

"GET IN HERE BECAUSE I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS SO HARD!" I snarl hitting the door again but he just smirks. "WHAT?"

"You're kind of cute when you're mad" he whispers coming closer to the door

"Why don't you come in and tell me that?" I ask biting my lip

"Good try but no" he chuckles stepping aside

"Well at least let me out, I'm starving"

"I'll let you out on one condition"

"I'm listening"

"No more feeding on human blood"

"Oh so you want me to starve?"

"You have to drink Animal blood instead"

"But animals don't scream" I pout

"No, but at least you're still drinking" he explains and I sigh

"Fine, whatever"

"I'm serious alexa, if you do anything to harm a hu-"

"Yeah yeah I know. You'll lock me straight back up" I cut him off "Can you let me out now?"

He nods his head and then the door unlocks causing me to grin. As soon as he pulls it open I step out taking in a breath of fresh air. "Thanks" I say stepping past him.

"Where are you going?"

I stop and turn back around "To go feed"

He stares at me for a second and then shakes his head

"Don't worry, I'm going into the woods" I reassure him but he continues staring at me.

"I'm coming with you"

"I'm going into the woods to feed on Animals?" I add even though it came out like a question

"And I'm still coming with you"

"Fine, just don't get in my way" I huff leaving the basement.

Ethan's POV:
"Fine, just don't get in my way"

"Wouldn't dream of it" I answer following her.


"NO, ETHAN I AM NOT DOING THAT" she states looking at the ground ahead "I am not killing a bunny"

"If you're quick, it won't be that bad"

She shakes her head and glances back at me "never gonna happen"

"Come on, you haven't eaten in a few days a-"

"A few days?" She asks

"I just said that" I laugh

"But I thought I was only gon- how much vervain did you give me?"

"Enough to keep you knocked out for a while, allowing you to starve"

"So you had this planned the whole time?"

"It's the only way to stop you from hurting anyone"

She doesn't say anything.
Instead she watches the fluffy animal hopping around the trees.

"I don't think I can hurt it" she eventually whispers

"Why not?"

"It's too innocent"

"Yet you've killed how many humans?" I say

"There's a huge difference between them and this fuzzy little thing" she pauses turning her attention to me "I didn't like those people"

"But this is just a bunny"

"Just a bunny?" She repeats "I had a pet bunny when I was little. It died."

"And if you don't drink you'll die too"

"Oh come on E" she scoffs "You and I both know it only makes you weak"

"You're such a stubborn person" I groan and she smiles


"No, it is not a good thing okay?" I cut her off "you have to drink something by the end of the day or you'll be too weak to do anything"

"Bunnies are not an option"

"Right, we'll find something else. Squirrels"

"Awwh no, I do-"

"This is not up for discussion, it's either bunnies or squirrels and I think we both know which one you'd rather choose"

"Bossy" I hear her mumble as I lead her deeper into the trees and I grin.

Grayson POV:
"You think you could handle these last few?" Jaspar asks

"Yeah, Yeah. Thanks for the help" I reply turning around stacking the remaining corpses on one another.

The leaves crunch behind me and I hear him walking away.

"Actually" he adds and I turn to him "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it"

"Hypothetically asking, but if I were taking someone out for food and I really like them would you let me borrow some clothes?"

"What's wrong with what you own?"

"They're not yours and I want to really impress her. Hypothetically speaking again"

"You're going on a da-"

"No, don't say it" he pleads cutting me off "I read somewhere online that it brings bad luck"

"I knew it"


"Sure" I eventually say and he fist pumps the air

"Awesome, thanks man. Don't worry you'll get them back"

"Have fun on your date" I call after him


I playfully roll my eyes and continue drowning the bodies in petrol, before lighting a match and setting them on fire. My phone starts ringing and I dig through my jean pocket to find it.

"Ethan" I say holding it against my ear

"I'm just calling to ask how it's going" he says through the phone and I glance behind me at the burnt floor.

"Jobs done" I answer as I start walking through the woods again "Let Alexa know that I'm not going to save her ass again"

"Let Grayson know I want to kick his ass when I see him" I heard a voice say and I smile when I realise it's hers

"Don't worry she said the same thing to me but didn't bother" Ethan chuckles

"How did the Hunting go?"

There was a couple of seconds silence "Never ask her to feed on a bunny"

"Noted" I answer "Listen I'll see you both at home"

"Might want to pray I'm still alive then"

"Awwh are you scared a girl is going to beat your as-"

"Why is everyone talking about my ass today?"

"Don't worry E 'm sure that even after she makes you cry, you'll still want to b-"

"In my defence she is really fast" he states and I grin

"But you're smarter" I mock "Anyway I'll see you in a bit"

"BYE GRAYSON!" she shouts and I pull the phone away from my ear

"Yeah bye-bye" I answer ending the call.

I continued going through the woods until I got to the place where all of this started.
The place that was crowded with broken hearts and tear stained cheeks.
The place where Ethan and I realised how much she meant to us.
The place where people believed she was laid to rest.
I approach the gravestone and sighed.
How the Hell did all of this happen?

FlashBack (Grayson POV):
I watched as everyone walked away. The rain falling from the sky dampening the mood even more. The once full cemetery was now empty, only a few scattered faces here and there.

"Ready to leave?" I hear Ethan ask and I nod my head pushing past a few people.

As we begin going home, I heard a couple of bangs that sounded like they were coming from under the ground.


I stop in my tracks and spin around to look at Ethan.

"You hear that?" I ask

"It sounds like her"

"No it can't be, she died" I whisper "we were with her when she died"

"But what if she didn't actually die?" Ethan explains and I shake my head again.

"She did. We tried to save her but it didn't work. It would have worked straight away otherwise"

"Gray we need to get her out" Ethan states and I stand there for a couple of seconds longer

"So you're trying to tell me that she eventually woke back up as one of us?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"I think she did it must have just taken longer than it usually does"

I nod my head and glance over at the stone "Okay" I agree "Let's get her"

(End of Flashback)

My gaze dropped to the earth covered in flowers and I sigh.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save you" I whisper "I'm sorry that you've became what you are now instead of what you should have always been. I'm sorry that you couldn't live a normal human life" I pause "But I promise that I will spend every day for all of eternity trying to make it up to you"

I felt a few drops of rain hit my cheeks and I looked up to the sky. It reminded me of one of the worst days of my life. The day, which we all said our goodbye's to her. Well at least the old her.

"You will be remembered" I added faintly smiling.

As if on que the heavens opened up and rain flooded down as thunder banged above. I took one last look at the gravestone and sped home to start exactly as I promised.

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