Fifty Two

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We stare at each other. I still can't believe him! I got fooled just like that.

"So, you just used me back there? The story you tell, literally everything?! Your feelings? What a fool of me" I said and look down while giggling. I don't know but I can feel my tears start to build up. I am hurt. It's true, truth will always hurt.

He lift my chin and stare at my teary eyes.

"All the thing I told you it's true. It's true I am the cause of your family accident. And also, I'm not using you. I really did fall for you, for real. But you choose that blonde guy over me. So, isn't it the end?" He said and stare at me.

What the actual fuck all of this?! Why is it so complicated?! I'll be crazy for real. I can't hold back my tears. My tears finally rolled down my cheek. I am totally hurt, more than ever.

He wiped my tears and lean for a quick kiss. I don't react to it at all.

"By the way. I prefer blonde than brunette. It looks weird on you. Now, please stop crying. You'll change my mind" He said. I slapped him as hard as I can.

He look at me while his hand on his cheek.

"I know, I deserve that. I am sorry. But everything is too late. I give you one week to make you think again after you 'killed' me that day which is to stop murdering. But still, you keep going with that blonde guy.

By the way, you know that the blonde guy went to the police headquarter right? He must be already arrest. I already predict it too. I told them to stay alert and notice anything suspicious. And I'm sure he already got arrested like this time" He said.

I just keep quiet. I don't what to say, I am totally speechles. I should be notice all of this in tbe first place. So this is the truth? I don't know how to react or you can say, I am too tired to react. This is the end for us. I'm done for it. In the end, I'm hurt and betrayed.

"Now, come with me. The police search the two of you. If you come with me with good manners, there will be no violent to you. If you against me, I don't have any chances but to put you on a quick slumber" He said.

He pulled out a cuff. With a sigh I give him my hand and he cuff it. I am arrest. I can't do anything. We walk together from the building using the main door.

Just who is he? His prediction are way too right. I sigh, I shouldn't question a high ranking members from the secret agent. We walk to the a car which is probably his.

As we enter the car, he said

"You're not the only one who're hurt. Deep in my heart, me too. I'm hurt to see you like this. You also know that I did not have a lot of choices" He said as he start the engine. He start to drive and headed to the police headquarter. I just keep quiet as I don't know what to say. I keep silence for while. Somehow, I agree what he said. He doesn't have many choices. I know it.

"I know you didn't have any. So I wanna say thank you for everything Granger. For making me fall in love and make me feel betrayed. And also for you kindness before. Thank you" I said. Now, he is the one who keeps quiet as he keep focusing on the road.

It'll take around 10 minutes. So with my remaining time, I take my chances to take a deep breath and look outside-- to see the world for the last time maybe?

I don't know what will happen to me next time? I can't change the future. I just need to follow with the flow. Past is past, I should not thinking about it. Future is the matter right now.

People like me will always have a bad ending in my lives. No one appreciate me. Everyone hate me and it make me hurt even more. I shouldn't have live in the first place. I didn't deserve to live in this world that's why I'll take the punishment without complain anything. I'll do that willingly.

"Shit" Granger said as he lose his balance when driving.

But then, a thing hit our car and it is enough to make the car flipped. And I actually half conscious. I can't see well and my body hurt so bad. I just can feel a soft thing in my front body part, it's probably the air bag. Then, I'm fully unconcious as everything turns dark.


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